.file "namei.c" # GNU C version 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52) (x86_64-redhat-linux) # compiled by GNU C version 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52). # GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072 # options passed: -nostdinc -Iinclude -Iinclude/asm-i386/mach-default # -D__KERNEL__ -DCONFIG_AS_CFI=1 -DCONFIG_AS_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAME=1 # -DKBUILD_STR(s)=#s -DKBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR(namei) # -DKBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR(namei) -isystem -include -MD -m32 # -msoft-float -mregparm=3 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 # -mtune=pentium4 -maccumulate-outgoing-args -auxbase-strip -g -Os -Wall # -Wno-trigraphs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef # -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wdeclaration-after-statement # -Wno-pointer-sign -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -ffreestanding # -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-protector -fverbose-asm # options enabled: -falign-loops -fargument-alias -fbranch-count-reg # -fcaller-saves -fcprop-registers -fcrossjumping -fcse-follow-jumps # -fcse-skip-blocks -fdefer-pop -fdelete-null-pointer-checks # -fearly-inlining -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fexpensive-optimizations # -ffunction-cse -fgcse -fgcse-lm -fguess-branch-probability -fident # -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2 -finline-functions # -finline-functions-called-once -fipa-pure-const -fipa-reference # -fipa-type-escape -fivopts -fkeep-static-consts -fleading-underscore # -floop-optimize -floop-optimize2 -fmath-errno -fmerge-constants # -fomit-frame-pointer -foptimize-register-move -foptimize-sibling-calls # -fpcc-struct-return -fpeephole -fpeephole2 -fregmove -freorder-functions # -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec # -fsched-stalled-insns-dep -fshow-column -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller # -fstrength-reduce -fthread-jumps -ftrapping-math -ftree-ccp # -ftree-copy-prop -ftree-copyrename -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts # -ftree-dse -ftree-fre -ftree-loop-im -ftree-loop-ivcanon # -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-lrs -ftree-salias -ftree-sink -ftree-sra # -ftree-store-ccp -ftree-store-copy-prop -ftree-ter # -ftree-vect-loop-version -ftree-vrp -funit-at-a-time -fvar-tracking # -fverbose-asm -fzero-initialized-in-bss -m32 -m96bit-long-double # -maccumulate-outgoing-args -malign-stringops -mieee-fp # -mno-fancy-math-387 -mno-red-zone -mpush-args -mtls-direct-seg-refs .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits .Ldebug_abbrev0: .section .debug_info,"",@progbits .Ldebug_info0: .section .debug_line,"",@progbits .Ldebug_line0: .text .Ltext0: # Compiler executable checksum: 5aaae4f9aad379821b98aac61f21dfdf .globl __page_symlink .type __page_symlink, @function __page_symlink: .LFB1034: .file 1 "fs/namei.c" .loc 1 2937 0 .LVL0: pushl %ebp # .LCFI0: pushl %edi # .LCFI1: pushl %esi # .LCFI2: pushl %ebx # .LCFI3: subl $28, %esp #, .LCFI4: movl %eax, 12(%esp) # inode, inode movl %edx, 8(%esp) # symname, symname movl %ecx, 4(%esp) # len, len .loc 1 2938 0 movl 276(%eax), %eax # .i_mapping, .LVL1: movl %eax, 16(%esp) #, mapping .LVL2: movl $-12, %ebx #, err .LVL3: jmp .L2 # .LVL4: .L21: .loc 1 2959 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page.291 .LVL5: call put_page # .loc 1 2938 0 movl $524289, %ebx #, err .LVL6: .L2: .loc 1 2944 0 movl 48(%esp), %ecx # gfp_mask, gfp_mask xorl %edx, %edx # movl 16(%esp), %eax # mapping, mapping call find_or_create_page # movl %eax, 24(%esp) #, page.291 .loc 1 2945 0 testl %eax, %eax # je .L4 #, .loc 1 2947 0 movl 16(%esp), %edx # mapping, movl 104(%edx), %eax # .a_ops, D.20843 movl 24(%eax), %ebx # .prepare_write, D.20844 .LVL7: movl 4(%esp), %ebp # len, D.20846 decl %ebp # D.20846 movl %ebp, (%esp) # D.20846, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl 24(%esp), %edx # page.291, page.291 xorl %eax, %eax # call *%ebx # D.20844 movl %eax, %ebx #, err .LVL8: .loc 1 2948 0 cmpl $524289, %eax #, err je .L21 #, .LVL9: .loc 1 2952 0 testl %eax, %eax # err jne .L8 #, .loc 1 2954 0 movl $7, %edx #, movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page.291 .LVL10: call kmap_atomic # .LBB868: .LBB869: .file 2 "include/asm/string.h" .loc 2 206 0 movl %ebp, %ecx # D.20846, D.22048 shrl $2, %ecx #, D.22048 movl %eax, %edi # D.20848, movl 8(%esp), %esi # symname, d2 #APP rep ; movsl movl %ebp,%ecx # D.20846 andl $3,%ecx jz 1f rep ; movsb 1: .LVL11: #NO_APP .LBE869: .LBE868: .loc 1 2956 0 movl $7, %edx #, call kunmap_atomic # .LVL12: .loc 1 2957 0 movl 16(%esp), %edx # mapping, movl 104(%edx), %eax # .a_ops, temp.289 movl 28(%eax), %ebx # .commit_write, D.20854 .LVL13: movl %ebp, (%esp) # D.20846, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl 24(%esp), %edx # page.291, page.291 xorl %eax, %eax # call *%ebx # D.20854 movl %eax, %ebx #, err .LVL14: .loc 1 2958 0 cmpl $524289, %eax #, err je .L21 #, .LVL15: .loc 1 2960 0 movl %eax, %esi # err, err.288 .LVL16: .loc 1 2962 0 testl %eax, %eax # err jne .L8 #, .LBB870: .LBB871: .file 3 "include/asm/bitops.h" .loc 3 246 0 movl 24(%esp), %edi # page.291, movl (%edi), %eax #, D.22059 .LVL17: .LBE871: .LBE870: .loc 1 2971 0 testb $8, %al #, D.22059 jne .L13 #, .loc 1 2972 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # mapping, movl 104(%eax), %ecx # .a_ops, temp.290 movl %edi, %edx #, page .LVL18: xorl %eax, %eax # call *4(%ecx) # .readpage .LVL19: movl %eax, %ebx #, err .loc 1 2973 0 cmpl $524289, %eax #, err je .L15 #, .LVL20: .LBB872: .LBB873: .LBB874: .LBB875: .loc 3 246 0 movl (%edi), %eax #, D.22074 .LVL21: .LBE875: .LBE874: .file 4 "include/linux/pagemap.h" .loc 4 176 0 testb $1, %al #, D.22074 je .L17 #, .loc 4 177 0 xorl %edx, %edx # movl %edi, %eax #, page .LVL22: call wait_on_page_bit # .LVL23: jmp .L17 # .L13: .LBE873: .LBE872: .loc 1 2976 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page .LVL24: call unlock_page # .LVL25: jmp .L15 # .L17: .loc 1 2978 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page .LVL26: call put_page # .LVL27: .loc 1 2979 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # err js .L4 #, .L19: .LBB876: .LBB877: .file 5 "include/linux/fs.h" .loc 5 1226 0 movl $7, %edx #, movl 12(%esp), %eax # inode, inode call __mark_inode_dirty # movl %esi, %ebx # err.288, err jmp .L4 # .LVL28: .L8: .LBE877: .LBE876: .loc 1 2984 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page.291 .LVL29: call unlock_page # .loc 1 2985 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page.291 call put_page # jmp .L4 # .LVL30: .L15: .loc 1 2978 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # page.291, page .LVL31: call put_page # .LVL32: jmp .L19 # .LVL33: .L4: .loc 1 2988 0 movl %ebx, %eax # err, addl $28, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL34: popl %esi # .LVL35: popl %edi # popl %ebp # ret .LFE1034: .size __page_symlink, .-__page_symlink .globl page_symlink .type page_symlink, @function page_symlink: .LFB1035: .loc 1 2991 0 .LVL36: pushl %ebx # .LCFI5: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI6: .loc 1 2992 0 movl 276(%eax), %ebx # .i_mapping, .i_mapping movl 108(%ebx), %ebx # .flags, tmp64 andl $1048575, %ebx #, tmp64 movl %ebx, (%esp) # tmp64, call __page_symlink # .LVL37: .loc 1 2994 0 popl %edx # popl %ebx # ret .LFE1035: .size page_symlink, .-page_symlink .globl page_put_link .type page_put_link, @function page_put_link: .LFB1033: .loc 1 2926 0 .LVL38: pushl %ebx # .LCFI7: movl %ecx, %ebx # cookie, cookie .loc 1 2929 0 testl %ecx, %ecx # cookie je .L27 #, .loc 1 2930 0 movl %ecx, %eax # cookie, page .LVL39: call kunmap # .LVL40: .loc 1 2931 0 movl %ebx, %eax # cookie, page .LVL41: .loc 1 2933 0 popl %ebx # .LVL42: .loc 1 2931 0 jmp put_page # .LVL43: .LVL44: .L27: .loc 1 2933 0 popl %ebx # ret .LFE1033: .size page_put_link, .-page_put_link .type page_getlink, @function page_getlink: .LFB1030: .loc 1 2886 0 .LVL45: pushl %esi # .LCFI8: pushl %ebx # .LCFI9: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI10: movl %edx, %esi # ppage, ppage .loc 1 2888 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, D.20795 .LVL46: movl 276(%eax), %eax # .i_mapping, mapping .LVL47: .LBB880: .LBB881: .loc 4 109 0 movl 104(%eax), %edx # .a_ops, D.22087 .LVL48: movl 4(%edx), %ecx # .readpage, D.22088 .LBE881: .loc 4 110 0 movl $0, (%esp) #, xorl %edx, %edx # call read_cache_page # .LVL49: movl %eax, %ebx #, page .LVL50: .LBE880: .loc 1 2890 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, page ja .L35 #, .LVL51: .LBB882: .LBB883: .LBB884: .LBB885: .loc 3 246 0 movl (%eax), %eax #* page, D.22106 .LVL52: .LBE885: .LBE884: .loc 4 176 0 testb $1, %al #, D.22106 je .L31 #, .loc 4 177 0 xorl %edx, %edx # movl %ebx, %eax # page, page call wait_on_page_bit # .L31: .LBE883: .LBE882: .LBB886: .LBB887: .loc 3 246 0 movl (%ebx), %eax #* page, D.22121 .LBE887: .LBE886: .loc 1 2893 0 testb $8, %al #, D.22121 je .L33 #, .loc 1 2895 0 movl %ebx, (%esi) # page,* ppage .loc 1 2896 0 movl %ebx, %eax # page, page .loc 1 2904 0 popl %ebx # .LVL53: popl %ebx # popl %esi # .LVL54: .loc 1 2896 0 jmp kmap # .LVL55: .LVL56: .L33: .loc 1 2899 0 movl %ebx, %eax # page, page call put_page # movl $-5, %eax #, D.20801 .L29: .LVL57: .L35: .loc 1 2904 0 popl %ecx # popl %ebx # .LVL58: popl %esi # .LVL59: ret .LFE1030: .size page_getlink, .-page_getlink .globl page_follow_link_light .type page_follow_link_light, @function page_follow_link_light: .LFB1032: .loc 1 2919 0 .LVL60: pushl %ebx # .LCFI11: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI12: movl %edx, %ebx # nd, nd .loc 1 2920 0 movl $0, (%esp) #, page .LVL61: .loc 1 2921 0 movl %esp, %edx #, tmp62 .LVL62: call page_getlink # .LVL63: .LBB890: .LBB891: .file 6 "include/linux/namei.h" .loc 6 94 0 movl 28(%ebx), %edx # .depth, .depth movl %eax, 32(%ebx,%edx,4) # path, .saved_names .LVL64: movl (%esp), %eax # page, page .LVL65: .LBE891: .LBE890: .loc 1 2923 0 popl %edx # popl %ebx # .LVL66: ret .LFE1032: .size page_follow_link_light, .-page_follow_link_light .globl unlock_rename .type unlock_rename, @function unlock_rename: .LFB994: .loc 1 1558 0 .LVL67: pushl %esi # .LCFI13: pushl %ebx # .LCFI14: movl %eax, %ebx # p1, p1 movl %edx, %esi # p2, p2 .loc 1 1559 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp60 .LVL68: addl $144, %eax #, tmp60 call mutex_unlock # .LVL69: .loc 1 1560 0 cmpl %esi, %ebx # p2, p1 je .L42 #, .loc 1 1561 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp61 addl $144, %eax #, tmp61 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 1562 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 268(%eax), %eax # .i_sb, tmp63 addl $592, %eax #, tmp63 .loc 1 1564 0 popl %ebx # .LVL70: popl %esi # .LVL71: .loc 1 1562 0 jmp mutex_unlock # .LVL72: .L42: .loc 1 1564 0 popl %ebx # .LVL73: popl %esi # .LVL74: ret .LFE994: .size unlock_rename, .-unlock_rename .globl path_release_on_umount .type path_release_on_umount, @function path_release_on_umount: .LFB955: .loc 1 400 0 .LVL75: pushl %ebx # .LCFI15: movl %eax, %ebx # nd, nd .loc 1 401 0 movl (%eax), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL76: call dput # .loc 1 402 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt .loc 1 403 0 popl %ebx # .LVL77: .loc 1 402 0 jmp mntput_no_expire # .LFE955: .size path_release_on_umount, .-path_release_on_umount .globl path_release .type path_release, @function path_release: .LFB954: .loc 1 390 0 .LVL78: pushl %ebx # .LCFI16: movl %eax, %ebx # nd, nd .loc 1 391 0 movl (%eax), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL79: call dput # .loc 1 392 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, mnt .LVL80: .LBB892: .LBB893: .file 7 "include/linux/mount.h" .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L48 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .LBE893: .LBE892: .loc 1 393 0 popl %ebx # .LVL81: .LBB894: .LBB895: .loc 7 80 0 jmp mntput_no_expire # .LVL82: .LVL83: .L48: .LBE895: .LBE894: .loc 1 393 0 popl %ebx # .LVL84: ret .LFE954: .size path_release, .-path_release .globl vfs_readlink .type vfs_readlink, @function vfs_readlink: .LFB1026: .loc 1 2710 0 .LVL85: pushl %ebp # .LCFI17: pushl %edi # .LCFI18: pushl %esi # .LCFI19: pushl %ebx # .LCFI20: movl %edx, %ebp # buffer, buffer movl %ecx, %esi # buflen, buflen movl 20(%esp), %edx # link, link .LVL86: .loc 1 2714 0 movl %edx, %ebx # link, len .LVL87: cmpl $-4096, %edx #, link ja .L52 #, .LVL88: .LBB896: .LBB897: .loc 2 192 0 xorl %eax, %eax # tmp68 .LVL89: orl $-1, %ecx #, tmp69 .LBE897: .LBE896: .loc 1 2717 0 movl %edx, %edi # link, d0 .LVL90: #APP repne scasb notl %ecx # tmp69 decl %ecx # tmp69 #NO_APP movl %ecx, %ebx # tmp69, len .loc 1 2718 0 cmpl %esi, %ecx # buflen, len cmova %esi, %ebx # len,, buflen, len .loc 1 2720 0 movl %ebx, %ecx # len, len movl %ebp, %eax # buffer, buffer call copy_to_user # .LVL91: testl %eax, %eax # D.20696 movl $-14, %eax #, tmp71 cmovne %eax, %ebx # len,, tmp71, len .LVL92: .L52: .loc 1 2724 0 movl %ebx, %eax # len, .LVL93: popl %ebx # .LVL94: popl %esi # .LVL95: popl %edi # .LVL96: popl %ebp # .LVL97: ret .LFE1026: .size vfs_readlink, .-vfs_readlink .globl page_readlink .type page_readlink, @function page_readlink: .LFB1031: .loc 1 2907 0 .LVL98: pushl %edi # .LCFI21: pushl %esi # .LCFI22: pushl %ebx # .LCFI23: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI24: movl %eax, %ebx # dentry, dentry movl %edx, %edi # buffer, buffer movl %ecx, %esi # buflen, buflen .loc 1 2908 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) #, page .LVL99: .loc 1 2909 0 leal 4(%esp), %edx #, tmp65 .LVL100: call page_getlink # .LVL101: .loc 1 2910 0 movl %eax, (%esp) # s, .LVL102: movl %esi, %ecx # buflen, buflen movl %edi, %edx # buffer, buffer movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL103: call vfs_readlink # movl %eax, %ebx #, res .LVL104: .loc 1 2911 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # page, page.260 testl %eax, %eax # page.260 je .L58 #, .loc 1 2912 0 call kunmap # .loc 1 2913 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # page, page call put_page # .L58: .loc 1 2916 0 movl %ebx, %eax # res, popl %ecx # popl %ebx # .LVL105: popl %ebx # popl %esi # .LVL106: popl %edi # .LVL107: ret .LFE1031: .size page_readlink, .-page_readlink .globl generic_readlink .type generic_readlink, @function generic_readlink: .LFB1027: .loc 1 2732 0 .LVL108: pushl %ebp # .LCFI25: pushl %edi # .LCFI26: pushl %esi # .LCFI27: pushl %ebx # .LCFI28: subl $84, %esp #, .LCFI29: movl %eax, %edi # dentry, dentry movl %edx, %ebp # buffer, buffer movl %ecx, %esi # buflen, buflen .loc 1 2736 0 movl $0, 32(%esp) #, nd.depth .loc 1 2737 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL109: movl 260(%eax), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL110: leal 4(%esp), %edx #, .LVL111: movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call *40(%ecx) # .follow_link movl %eax, %ebx #, cookie .LVL112: .loc 1 2738 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, cookie ja .L62 #, .LVL113: .LBB907: .loc 1 2739 0 movl 32(%esp), %eax # nd.depth, nd.depth .LVL114: movl 36(%esp,%eax,4), %eax # nd.saved_names, tmp70 movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp70, movl %esi, %ecx # buflen, buflen movl %ebp, %edx # buffer, buffer movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call vfs_readlink # movl %eax, %ebp #, res .LVL115: .loc 1 2740 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 260(%eax), %eax # .i_op, .i_op movl 44(%eax), %esi # .put_link, D.20713 .LVL116: testl %esi, %esi # D.20713 je .L64 #, .loc 1 2741 0 movl %ebx, %ecx # cookie, cookie leal 4(%esp), %edx #, movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call *%esi # D.20713 .L64: .LBB908: .LBB909: .file 8 "include/linux/err.h" .loc 8 24 0 movl %ebp, %ebx # res, cookie .LVL117: .L62: .LBE909: .LBE908: .LBE907: .loc 1 2745 0 movl %ebx, %eax # cookie, addl $84, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL118: popl %esi # .LVL119: popl %edi # .LVL120: popl %ebp # .LVL121: ret .LFE1027: .size generic_readlink, .-generic_readlink .globl lock_rename .type lock_rename, @function lock_rename: .LFB993: .loc 1 1526 0 .LVL122: pushl %edi # .LCFI30: pushl %esi # .LCFI31: pushl %ebx # .LCFI32: movl %eax, %ebx # p1, p1 movl %edx, %esi # p2, p2 .loc 1 1529 0 cmpl %edx, %eax # p2, p1 jne .L68 #, .loc 1 1530 0 movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, tmp64 .LVL123: addl $144, %eax #, tmp64 movl $1, %edx #, .LVL124: jmp .L84 # .LVL125: .L68: .loc 1 1534 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL126: movl 268(%eax), %eax # .i_sb, tmp66 addl $592, %eax #, tmp66 call mutex_lock # .LVL127: movl %ebx, %edi # p1, p .LVL128: jmp .L71 # .LVL129: .L72: .loc 1 1537 0 cmpl %esi, %eax # p2, p.594 je .L82 #, .loc 1 1540 0 movl %eax, %edi # p.594, p .L71: .loc 1 1536 0 movl 48(%edi), %eax # .d_parent, p.594 cmpl %edi, %eax # p, p.594 jne .L72 #, jmp .L83 # .L82: .loc 1 1538 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp67 .LVL130: addl $144, %eax #, tmp67 movl $1, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 1539 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .d_inode, tmp68 jmp .L85 # .LVL131: .L76: .loc 1 1545 0 cmpl %ebx, %eax # p1, p.595 je .L77 #, movl %eax, %edi # p.595, p jmp .L79 # .L77: .loc 1 1546 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .d_inode, tmp69 .LVL132: addl $144, %eax #, tmp69 movl $1, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 1547 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp70 .L85: addl $144, %eax #, tmp70 movl $2, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # jmp .L70 # .LVL133: .L83: .loc 1 1548 0 movl %esi, %edi # p2, p .LVL134: .L79: .loc 1 1544 0 movl 48(%edi), %eax # .d_parent, p.595 .LVL135: cmpl %edi, %eax # p, p.595 jne .L76 #, .loc 1 1552 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .d_inode, tmp71 .LVL136: addl $144, %eax #, tmp71 movl $1, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 1553 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp72 addl $144, %eax #, tmp72 movl $2, %edx #, .L84: call mutex_lock_nested # xorl %edi, %edi # p .L70: .loc 1 1555 0 movl %edi, %eax # p, popl %ebx # .LVL137: popl %esi # .LVL138: popl %edi # .LVL139: ret .LFE993: .size lock_rename, .-lock_rename .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "include/linux/dcache.h" .text .globl dentry_unhash .type dentry_unhash, @function dentry_unhash: .LFB1006: .loc 1 2099 0 .LVL140: pushl %esi # .LCFI33: pushl %ebx # .LCFI34: movl %eax, %ebx # dentry, dentry .LBB910: .LBB911: .file 9 "include/linux/dcache.h" .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L87 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L89 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L91: jmp .L91 # .L89: .LBB912: .LBB913: .file 10 "include/asm/atomic.h" .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L87: .LBE913: .LBE912: .LBE911: .LBE910: .loc 1 2101 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry call shrink_dcache_parent # .LVL141: .loc 1 2102 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, call _spin_lock # .loc 1 2103 0 leal 8(%ebx), %esi #, D.20274 movl %esi, %eax # D.20274, D.20274 call _spin_lock # .loc 1 2104 0 cmpl $2, (%ebx) #, .d_count.counter jne .L92 #, .LBB914: .LBB915: .loc 9 199 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .d_flags, D.22554 testb $16, %al #, D.22554 jne .L92 #, .loc 9 200 0 orl $16, %eax #, D.22554 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # D.22554, .d_flags leal 40(%ebx), %ecx #, n .LVL142: .LBB916: .LBB917: .LBB918: .LBB919: .file 11 "include/linux/list.h" .loc 11 636 0 movl 40(%ebx), %eax # .next, next .LVL143: .loc 11 637 0 movl 4(%ecx), %edx # .pprev, pprev .LVL144: .loc 11 638 0 movl %eax, (%edx) # next,* pprev .loc 11 639 0 testl %eax, %eax # next je .L95 #, .loc 11 640 0 movl %edx, 4(%eax) # pprev, .pprev .L95: .LBE919: .LBE918: .loc 11 672 0 movl $2097664, 4(%ecx) #, .pprev .L92: .LBE917: .LBE916: .LBE915: .LBE914: .loc 1 2106 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.20274, D.20274 .LVL145: call _spin_unlock # .LVL146: .loc 1 2107 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, .loc 1 2108 0 popl %ebx # .LVL147: popl %esi # .loc 1 2107 0 jmp _spin_unlock # .LFE1006: .size dentry_unhash, .-dentry_unhash .globl deny_write_access .type deny_write_access, @function deny_write_access: .LFB953: .loc 1 375 0 .LVL148: pushl %esi # .LCFI35: pushl %ebx # .LCFI36: .loc 1 376 0 movl 12(%eax), %eax # .f_path.dentry, .f_path.dentry .LVL149: movl 36(%eax), %ebx # .d_inode, inode .LVL150: .loc 1 378 0 leal 116(%ebx), %esi #, D.19211 movl %esi, %eax # D.19211, D.19211 call _spin_lock # .loc 1 379 0 cmpl $0, 556(%ebx) #, .i_writecount.counter jle .L99 #, .loc 1 380 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19211, D.19211 call _spin_unlock # movl $-26, %eax #, D.19213 jmp .L101 # .L99: .LBB922: .LBB923: .loc 10 109 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; decl 556(%ebx) # #NO_APP .LBE923: .LBE922: .loc 1 384 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19211, D.19211 call _spin_unlock # xorl %eax, %eax # D.19213 .L101: .loc 1 387 0 popl %ebx # .LVL151: popl %esi # ret .LFE953: .size deny_write_access, .-deny_write_access .globl get_write_access .type get_write_access, @function get_write_access: .LFB952: .loc 1 362 0 .LVL152: pushl %esi # .LCFI37: pushl %ebx # .LCFI38: movl %eax, %ebx # inode, inode .loc 1 363 0 leal 116(%eax), %esi #, D.19202 movl %esi, %eax # D.19202, D.19202 .LVL153: call _spin_lock # .loc 1 364 0 cmpl $0, 556(%ebx) #, .i_writecount.counter jns .L104 #, .loc 1 365 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19202, D.19202 call _spin_unlock # movl $-26, %eax #, D.19204 jmp .L106 # .L104: .LBB924: .LBB925: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 556(%ebx) # #NO_APP .LBE925: .LBE924: .loc 1 369 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19202, D.19202 call _spin_unlock # xorl %eax, %eax # D.19204 .L106: .loc 1 372 0 popl %ebx # .LVL154: popl %esi # ret .LFE952: .size get_write_access, .-get_write_access .type follow_mount, @function follow_mount: .LFB969: .loc 1 736 0 .LVL155: pushl %edi # .LCFI39: pushl %esi # .LCFI40: pushl %ebx # .LCFI41: movl %eax, %edi # mnt, mnt movl %edx, %esi # dentry, dentry jmp .L109 # .LVL156: .L110: .LBB926: .loc 1 738 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* mnt, .LVL157: call lookup_mnt # .LVL158: movl %eax, %ebx #, mounted .loc 1 739 0 testl %eax, %eax # mounted je .L120 #, .LVL159: .loc 1 741 0 movl (%esi), %eax #* dentry, .LVL160: call dput # .loc 1 742 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* mnt, mnt .LVL161: .LBB927: .LBB928: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L113 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL162: .L113: .LBE928: .LBE927: .loc 1 743 0 movl %ebx, (%edi) # mounted,* mnt .loc 1 744 0 movl 16(%ebx), %eax # .mnt_root, dentry .LVL163: .LBB929: .LBB930: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L115 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L117 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L119: jmp .L119 # .L117: .LBB931: .LBB932: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L115: .LBE932: .LBE931: .LBE930: .LBE929: .loc 1 744 0 movl %eax, (%esi) # dentry,* dentry .LVL164: .L109: .LBE926: .loc 1 737 0 movl (%esi), %edx #* dentry, dentry .LVL165: cmpl $0, 116(%edx) #, .d_mounted jne .L110 #, .LVL166: .L120: .loc 1 746 0 popl %ebx # .LVL167: popl %esi # .LVL168: popl %edi # .LVL169: ret .LFE969: .size follow_mount, .-follow_mount .type __follow_mount, @function __follow_mount: .LFB968: .loc 1 719 0 .LVL170: pushl %edi # .LCFI42: pushl %esi # .LCFI43: pushl %ebx # .LCFI44: movl %eax, %esi # path, path .loc 1 719 0 xorl %edi, %edi # res .LVL171: jmp .L122 # .LVL172: .L123: .LBB933: .loc 1 722 0 movl (%esi), %eax # .mnt, .mnt .LVL173: call lookup_mnt # .LVL174: movl %eax, %ebx #, mounted .loc 1 723 0 testl %eax, %eax # mounted je .L124 #, .LVL175: .loc 1 725 0 movl 4(%esi), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL176: call dput # .loc 1 726 0 testl %edi, %edi # res je .L126 #, .loc 1 727 0 movl (%esi), %eax # .mnt, mnt .LVL177: .LBB934: .LBB935: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L126 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL178: .L126: .LBE935: .LBE934: .loc 1 728 0 movl %ebx, (%esi) # mounted, .mnt .loc 1 729 0 movl 16(%ebx), %eax # .mnt_root, dentry .LVL179: .LBB936: .LBB937: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L129 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L131 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L133: jmp .L133 # .L131: .LBB938: .LBB939: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L129: .LBE939: .LBE938: .LBE937: .LBE936: .loc 1 729 0 movl %eax, 4(%esi) # dentry, .dentry movl $1, %edi #, res .LVL180: .L122: .LBE933: .loc 1 721 0 movl 4(%esi), %edx # .dentry, dentry .LVL181: cmpl $0, 116(%edx) #, .d_mounted jne .L123 #, .LVL182: .L124: .loc 1 733 0 movl %edi, %eax # res, .LVL183: popl %ebx # .LVL184: popl %esi # .LVL185: popl %edi # .LVL186: ret .LFE968: .size __follow_mount, .-__follow_mount .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC1: .string "<4>vxW: xid=%d did lookup hidden %p[#%d,%lu] \273%s\253.\n" .text .type do_lookup, @function do_lookup: .LFB972: .loc 1 813 0 .LVL187: pushl %ebp # .LCFI45: pushl %edi # .LCFI46: pushl %esi # .LCFI47: pushl %ebx # .LCFI48: subl $40, %esp #, .LCFI49: movl %eax, 32(%esp) # nd, nd movl %edx, 28(%esp) # name, name movl %ecx, 24(%esp) # path, path .loc 1 814 0 movl 4(%eax), %eax # .mnt, .LVL188: movl %eax, 36(%esp) #, mnt .LVL189: .loc 1 815 0 movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, .LVL190: movl (%ecx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call __d_lookup # .LVL191: movl %eax, %esi #, dentry .LVL192: .loc 1 818 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L136 #, .LVL193: .loc 1 820 0 movl 100(%eax), %eax # .d_op, D.19505 .LVL194: testl %eax, %eax # D.19505 je .L138 #, movl (%eax), %ecx # .d_revalidate, D.19506 testl %ecx, %ecx # D.19506 jne .L140 #, .L138: .loc 1 822 0 movl 36(%esi), %ebx # .d_inode, inode .LVL195: .loc 1 823 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # inode je .L141 #, .loc 1 825 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb cmpl $40864, 52(%eax) #, .s_magic jne .L141 #, .LBB992: .LBB993: .LBB994: .LBB995: .file 12 "include/linux/proc_fs.h" .loc 12 270 0 movl -4(%ebx), %eax # .pde, de .LVL196: .LBE995: .LBE994: .LBE993: .loc 1 828 0 testl %eax, %eax # de je .L141 #, movl 24(%eax), %eax # .vx_flags, D.19510 .LVL197: testb $4, %al #, D.19510 je .L141 #, movl %eax, %edx # D.19510, mode .LVL198: orb $64, %dh #, mode .LBB996: .LBB997: .LBB998: .file 13 "include/asm/current.h" .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL199: #NO_APP .LBE998: .LBE997: .LBE996: .loc 1 828 0 movl 1184(%eax), %ecx # .xid, cid .LVL200: .LBB999: .LBB1000: .file 14 "include/linux/vserver/base.h" .loc 14 65 0 testb $-16, %dl #, mode je .L147 #, .loc 14 66 0 testb $16, %dl #, mode je .L147 #, testl %ecx, %ecx # cid je .L141 #, .L147: .loc 14 79 0 testw $-4096, %dx #, mode je .L150 #, .loc 14 80 0 testb $64, %dh #, mode je .L152 #, movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp96 .LVL201: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp96 testl $268435200, 20(%eax) #, .preempt_count jne .L141 #, .LVL202: .L152: .loc 14 82 0 testb $16, %dh #, mode je .L154 #, movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp99 .LVL203: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp99 testl $268369920, 20(%eax) #, .preempt_count jne .L141 #, .LVL204: .L154: .loc 14 84 0 testb $32, %dh #, mode je .L150 #, movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp102 .LVL205: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp102 testw $-256, 20(%eax) #, .preempt_count jne .L141 #, .LVL206: .L150: .loc 14 87 0 testb $1, %dl #, mode je .L158 #, testl %ecx, %ecx # cid je .L141 #, .L158: testb $2, %dl #, mode je .L160 #, decl %ecx # cid .LVL207: je .L141 #, .LVL208: .L160: andb $8, %dl #, mode je .L161 #, .LVL209: .L141: .LBE1000: .LBE999: .LBE992: .loc 1 844 0 movl 36(%esp), %edx # mnt, .LVL210: movl 24(%esp), %eax # path, .LVL211: movl %edx, (%eax) #, .mnt .loc 1 845 0 movl %esi, 4(%eax) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 846 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # path, path call __follow_mount # .LVL212: xorl %eax, %eax # D.19525 jmp .L163 # .LVL213: .L161: .LBB1001: .loc 1 849 0 movl $4096, (%esp) #, movl $_buffer.19500, %ecx #, .LVL214: movl 36(%esp), %edx # mnt, mnt .LVL215: movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL216: call d_path # .LBE1001: .LBB1002: .LBB1003: .LBB1004: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%edx #, ret__ .LVL217: #NO_APP .LBE1004: .LBE1003: .LBE1002: .loc 1 849 0 movl %eax, 20(%esp) # D.19501, movl 32(%ebx), %eax # .i_ino, .i_ino movl %eax, 16(%esp) # .i_ino, movl 52(%ebx), %eax # .i_tag, .i_tag movl %eax, 12(%esp) # .i_tag, movl %ebx, 8(%esp) # inode, movl 1184(%edx), %eax # .xid, .xid movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .xid, movl $.LC1, (%esp) #, call printk # .LVL218: .loc 1 852 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # movl $-2, %eax #, D.19525 jmp .L163 # .LVL219: .L136: .loc 1 856 0 movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, movl (%ecx), %ebx # .dentry, parent .LVL220: .LBB1005: .LBB1006: .loc 1 514 0 movl 36(%ebx), %edi # .d_inode, dir .LVL221: .loc 1 516 0 leal 144(%edi), %ebp #, D.25403 movl %ebp, %eax # D.25403, D.25403 call mutex_lock # .LBE1006: .loc 1 531 0 movl 28(%esp), %edx # name, name movl %ebx, %eax # parent, parent call d_lookup # movl %eax, %esi #, dentry .LBB1007: .loc 1 532 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry jne .L164 #, .LVL222: .LBE1007: .loc 1 533 0 movl 28(%esp), %edx # name, name movl %ebx, %eax # parent, parent .LVL223: call d_alloc # movl %eax, %esi #, dentry .LBB1008: .LBB1009: .loc 1 535 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry jne .L166 #, .LVL224: movl $-12, %esi #, dentry jmp .L168 # .L166: .LBE1009: .LBE1008: .loc 1 536 0 movl 260(%edi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL225: movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl %eax, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %edi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL226: call *4(%ebx) # .lookup .LVL227: movl %eax, %ebx #, dentry.753 .LVL228: .LBB1010: .LBB1011: .loc 1 537 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry.753 je .L168 #, .LVL229: .loc 1 538 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL230: call dput # movl %ebx, %esi # dentry.753, dentry .LVL231: .L168: .loc 1 542 0 movl %ebp, %eax # D.25403, D.25403 call mutex_unlock # jmp .L178 # .LVL232: .L164: .LBE1011: .loc 1 550 0 movl %ebp, %eax # D.25403, D.25403 .LVL233: call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 551 0 movl 100(%esi), %eax # .d_op, D.25418 testl %eax, %eax # D.25418 je .L178 #, movl (%eax), %ecx # .d_revalidate, D.25421 testl %ecx, %ecx # D.25421 je .L178 #, .LBB1012: .loc 1 420 0 movl 32(%esp), %edx # nd, nd movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call *%ecx # D.25421 movl %eax, %ebx #, status .LVL234: .LBB1013: .loc 1 421 0 cmpl $0, %eax #, status jg .L178 #, .LVL235: .loc 1 428 0 jne .L180 #, .LBE1013: .loc 1 429 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL236: call d_invalidate # .LBB1014: testl %eax, %eax # D.25432 jne .L178 #, .loc 1 430 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # movl $-2, %esi #, dentry jmp .L177 # .LVL237: .L140: .LBE1014: .LBE1012: .LBE1010: .LBE1005: .LBB1015: .loc 1 420 0 movl 32(%esp), %edx # nd, nd movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call *%ecx # D.19506 movl %eax, %ebx #, status .LVL238: .LBB1016: .loc 1 421 0 cmpl $0, %eax #, status jg .L178 #, .LVL239: .loc 1 428 0 jne .L180 #, .LBE1016: .loc 1 429 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL240: call d_invalidate # .LBB1017: testl %eax, %eax # D.22769 jne .L178 #, .loc 1 430 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # jmp .L136 # .LVL241: .L180: .loc 1 434 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL242: call dput # .loc 1 435 0 movl %ebx, %esi # status, dentry .LVL243: .L178: .LBE1017: .LBE1015: .loc 1 865 0 cmpl $-4096, %esi #, dentry jbe .L141 #, .L177: .LBB1018: .LBB1019: .loc 8 29 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, D.19525 .LVL244: .L163: .LBE1019: .LBE1018: .loc 1 871 0 addl $40, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL245: popl %esi # .LVL246: popl %edi # .LVL247: popl %ebp # ret .LFE972: .size do_lookup, .-do_lookup .globl generic_permission .type generic_permission, @function generic_permission: .LFB946: .loc 1 189 0 .LVL248: pushl %edi # .LCFI50: pushl %esi # .LCFI51: pushl %ebx # .LCFI52: movl %eax, %ebx # inode, inode movl %edx, %edi # mask, mask .loc 1 190 0 movw 114(%eax), %si # .i_mode, mode .LVL249: .LBB1020: .LBB1021: .LBB1022: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL250: #NO_APP .LBE1022: .LBE1021: .LBE1020: .loc 1 192 0 movl 344(%eax), %eax # .fsuid, .fsuid .LVL251: cmpl 44(%ebx), %eax # .i_uid, .fsuid jne .L185 #, .LVL252: .loc 1 193 0 shrw $6, %si #, mode jmp .L187 # .L185: .loc 1 195 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb testb $1, 50(%eax) #, .s_flags je .L188 #, testl $56, %esi #, mode je .L188 #, testl %ecx, %ecx # check_acl je .L188 #, .LBB1023: .loc 1 196 0 movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call *%ecx # check_acl .LVL253: .loc 1 197 0 cmpl $-13, %eax #, error .LVL254: je .L191 #, .loc 1 199 0 cmpl $-11, %eax #, error jne .L193 #, .LVL255: .L188: .LBE1023: .loc 1 203 0 movl 48(%ebx), %eax # .i_gid, .i_gid .LVL256: call in_group_p # .LVL257: testl %eax, %eax # D.19086 je .L187 #, .loc 1 204 0 shrw $3, %si #, mode .LVL258: .L187: .loc 1 210 0 movl %edi, %eax # mask, tmp76 andl $7, %eax #, tmp76 andl %esi, %eax # mode, tmp76 cmpl %edi, %eax # mask, tmp76 je .L195 #, .LVL259: .L191: .loc 1 218 0 testl $1, %edi #, mask je .L196 #, movzwl 114(%ebx), %eax # .i_mode, temp.783 .LVL260: testb $73, %al #, temp.783 jne .L196 #, andl $61440, %eax #, temp.783 cmpl $16384, %eax #, temp.783 jne .L199 #, .LVL261: .L196: .loc 1 220 0 movl $1, %eax #, .LVL262: call capable # .LVL263: testl %eax, %eax # D.19096 jne .L195 #, .LVL264: .L199: .loc 1 226 0 cmpl $4, %edi #, mask je .L200 #, movzwl 114(%ebx), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L202 #, andl $2, %edi #, mask jne .L202 #, .L200: .loc 1 227 0 movl $2, %eax #, call capable # .LVL265: testl %eax, %eax # D.19100 je .L202 #, .LVL266: .L195: xorl %eax, %eax # error .LVL267: jmp .L193 # .LVL268: .L202: movl $-13, %eax #, error .LVL269: .L193: .LVL270: .loc 1 231 0 popl %ebx # .LVL271: popl %esi # .LVL272: popl %edi # .LVL273: ret .LFE946: .size generic_permission, .-generic_permission .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC2: .string "<4>vxW: xid=%d did hit the barrier.\n" .text .globl permission .type permission, @function permission: .LFB949: .loc 1 267 0 .LVL274: pushl %edi # .LCFI53: pushl %esi # .LCFI54: pushl %ebx # .LCFI55: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI56: movl %eax, %esi # inode, inode movl %edx, %edi # mask, mask .loc 1 268 0 movw 114(%eax), %bx # .i_mode, mode .LVL275: .loc 1 271 0 testb $2, %dl #, mask je .L206 #, .loc 1 276 0 movl 268(%eax), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb .LVL276: testb $1, 48(%eax) #, .s_flags jne .L208 #, testl %ecx, %ecx # nd je .L210 #, movl 4(%ecx), %eax # .mnt, temp.813 testl %eax, %eax # temp.813 je .L210 #, testb $64, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags je .L210 #, .L208: movl %ebx, %eax #, D.19159 .LVL277: andl $61440, %eax #, D.19159 cmpl $32768, %eax #, D.19159 je .L213 #, cmpl $16384, %eax #, D.19159 je .L213 #, cmpl $40960, %eax #, D.19159 je .L213 #, .LVL278: .L210: .loc 1 283 0 testb $8, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags je .L206 #, movl 552(%esi), %eax #, tmp81 andl $2056, %eax #, tmp81 cmpl $2056, %eax #, tmp81 jne .L216 #, .LVL279: .L206: .loc 1 293 0 testl $1, %edi #, mask je .L217 #, .LVL280: movzwl %bx, %edx # mode, temp.814 movl %edx, %eax # temp.814, tmp83 andl $61440, %eax #, tmp83 cmpl $32768, %eax #, tmp83 jne .L217 #, andb $73, %dl #, temp.814 je .L216 #, testl %ecx, %ecx # nd je .L221 #, movl 4(%ecx), %eax # .mnt, D.19155 testl %eax, %eax # D.19155 je .L221 #, testb $4, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags je .L221 #, jmp .L216 # .LVL281: .L217: .loc 1 298 0 andl $-9, %edi #, submask .LVL282: .LBB1024: .LBB1025: .LBB1026: .LBB1027: .loc 1 235 0 movl %ebx, %eax #, tmp87 .LVL283: andl $61440, %eax #, tmp87 cmpl $16384, %eax #, tmp87 jne .L224 #, testb $4, 553(%esi) #, .i_flags je .L224 #, .LBB1028: .LBB1029: .LBB1030: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL284: #NO_APP .LBE1030: .LBE1029: .LBE1028: .loc 1 235 0 movl 1184(%eax), %edx # .xid, D.22990 .LVL285: .LBB1031: .LBB1032: .loc 14 80 0 movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp90 .LVL286: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp90 testl $268435200, 20(%eax) #, .preempt_count jne .L224 #, .loc 14 87 0 testl %edx, %edx # D.22990 je .L224 #, .LBE1032: .LBE1031: .loc 1 236 0 movl %edx, 4(%esp) # D.22990, movl $.LC2, (%esp) #, call printk # .LVL287: jmp .L216 # .LVL288: .L236: .LBE1027: .LBE1026: .LBE1025: .LBE1024: .loc 1 301 0 movl 52(%eax), %ebx # .permission, D.19179 .LVL289: testl %ebx, %ebx # D.19179 je .L233 #, .loc 1 302 0 movl %edi, %edx # submask, submask .LVL290: movl %esi, %eax # inode, inode call *%ebx # D.19179 .LVL291: jmp .L229 # .LVL292: .L233: .loc 1 304 0 xorl %ecx, %ecx # .LVL293: movl %edi, %edx # submask, submask .LVL294: movl %esi, %eax # inode, inode .loc 1 309 0 popl %ebx # .LVL295: popl %esi # .LVL296: popl %ebx # popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL297: .loc 1 304 0 jmp generic_permission # .LVL298: .L213: movl $-30, %eax #, retval .LVL299: jmp .L229 # .LVL300: .L216: movl $-13, %eax #, retval .LVL301: jmp .L229 # .LVL302: .L221: .loc 1 298 0 andl $-9, %edi #, submask .LVL303: .L224: .loc 1 301 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.19178 testl %eax, %eax # D.19178 jne .L236 #, jmp .L233 # .LVL304: .L229: .LVL305: .loc 1 309 0 popl %esi # .LVL306: popl %edi # .LVL307: popl %ebx # .LVL308: popl %esi # popl %edi # ret .LFE949: .size permission, .-permission .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC3: .string "include/linux/quotaops.h" .text .globl vfs_link .type vfs_link, @function vfs_link: .LFB1017: .loc 1 2357 0 .LVL309: pushl %ebp # .LCFI57: pushl %edi # .LCFI58: pushl %esi # .LCFI59: pushl %ebx # .LCFI60: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI61: movl %eax, %ebp # old_dentry, old_dentry movl %edx, %esi # dir, dir movl %ecx, 8(%esp) # new_dentry, new_dentry .loc 1 2358 0 movl 36(%eax), %edi # .d_inode, inode .LVL310: .loc 1 2361 0 movl $-2, %ebx #, error .LVL311: testl %edi, %edi # inode je .L240 #, .LVL312: .LBB1033: .LBB1034: .loc 1 1499 0 movb $-17, %bl #, .LVL313: cmpl $0, 36(%ecx) #, .d_inode jne .L240 #, .LVL314: .LBE1034: .LBE1033: .LBB1035: .LBB1036: .file 15 "include/linux/fsnotify.h" .loc 15 99 0 movb $-2, %bl #, .LBE1036: .LBE1035: .LBB1037: .LBB1038: .loc 1 1501 0 testb $16, 552(%edx) #, .i_flags jne .L240 #, .LVL315: .LBE1038: .loc 1 1503 0 movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd .LVL316: movl $3, %edx #, .LVL317: movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL318: call permission # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL319: .LBE1037: .loc 1 2365 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L240 #, .LVL320: .loc 1 2368 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb .LVL321: movl $-18, %ebx #, error cmpl 268(%edi), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb jne .L240 #, .loc 1 2374 0 movl 552(%edi), %edx # .i_flags, D.20467 testb $4, %dl #, D.20467 jne .L248 #, movl %edx, %eax # D.20467, tmp73 andl $2048, %eax #, tmp73 cmpl $1, %eax #, tmp73 sbbl %eax, %eax # iftmp.250 notl %eax # iftmp.250 andl $8, %eax #, iftmp.250 andl $8, %edx #, D.20467 cmpl %edx, %eax # D.20467, iftmp.250 jne .L248 #, .loc 1 2376 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.20474 testl %eax, %eax # D.20474 je .L248 #, cmpl $0, 8(%eax) #, .link je .L248 #, .loc 1 2378 0 movl 36(%ebp), %edx # .d_inode, D.20476 movzwl 114(%edx), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode je .L248 #, .loc 1 2385 0 leal 144(%edx), %eax #, tmp77 call mutex_lock # .LBB1039: .LBB1040: .file 16 "include/linux/quotaops.h" .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23211 testl %eax, %eax # D.23211 jne .L257 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L259: jmp .L259 # .L257: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L260 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L260 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L260: .LBE1040: .LBE1039: .loc 1 2387 0 movl 260(%esi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL322: movl 8(%esp), %ecx # new_dentry, new_dentry movl %esi, %edx # dir, dir movl %ebp, %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call *8(%ebx) # .link movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL323: .loc 1 2388 0 movl 36(%ebp), %eax # .d_inode, tmp84 addl $144, %eax #, tmp84 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2389 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L240 #, .LBB1041: .LBB1042: .LBB1043: .LBB1044: .file 17 "include/linux/dnotify.h" .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%esi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L264 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call __inode_dir_notify # .L264: .LBE1044: .LBE1043: .loc 15 99 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .d_inode, movl 60(%edx), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl %eax, (%esp) # .d_name.name, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $256, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # jmp .L240 # .L248: orl $-1, %ebx #, error .LVL324: .L240: .LBE1042: .LBE1041: .loc 1 2392 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, addl $12, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL325: popl %esi # .LVL326: popl %edi # .LVL327: popl %ebp # .LVL328: ret .LFE1017: .size vfs_link, .-vfs_link .globl vfs_symlink .type vfs_symlink, @function vfs_symlink: .LFB1014: .loc 1 2293 0 .LVL329: pushl %ebp # .LCFI62: pushl %edi # .LCFI63: pushl %esi # .LCFI64: pushl %ebx # .LCFI65: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI66: movl %eax, %esi # dir, dir movl %edx, %edi # dentry, dentry movl %ecx, %ebp # oldname, oldname .LBB1045: .LBB1046: .loc 1 1499 0 movl $-17, %ebx #, error .LVL330: cmpl $0, 36(%edx) #, .d_inode jne .L270 #, .LVL331: .LBE1046: .LBE1045: .LBB1047: .LBB1048: .loc 15 99 0 movb $-2, %bl #, .LVL332: .LBE1048: .LBE1047: .LBB1049: .LBB1050: .loc 1 1501 0 testb $16, 552(%eax) #, .i_flags jne .L270 #, .LVL333: .LBE1050: .loc 1 1503 0 movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl $3, %edx #, .LVL334: call permission # .LVL335: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL336: .LBE1049: .loc 1 2296 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L270 #, .LVL337: .loc 1 2299 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.20414 .LVL338: testl %eax, %eax # D.20414 je .L274 #, cmpl $0, 16(%eax) #, .symlink je .L274 #, .LBB1051: .LBB1052: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23255 testl %eax, %eax # D.23255 jne .L277 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L279: jmp .L279 # .L277: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L280 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L280 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L280: .LBE1052: .LBE1051: .loc 1 2307 0 movl 260(%esi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL339: movl %ebp, %ecx # oldname, oldname movl %edi, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *16(%ebx) # .symlink movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL340: .loc 1 2308 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L270 #, .LVL341: .LBB1053: .LBB1054: .LBB1055: .LBB1056: .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%esi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L284 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL342: call __inode_dir_notify # .LVL343: .L284: .LBE1056: .LBE1055: .loc 15 99 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .d_inode, movl 60(%edi), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl %eax, (%esp) # .d_name.name, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $256, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # jmp .L270 # .L274: orl $-1, %ebx #, error .LVL344: .L270: .LBE1054: .LBE1053: .loc 1 2311 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, popl %edi # .LVL345: popl %ebp # .LVL346: popl %ebx # .LVL347: popl %esi # .LVL348: popl %edi # popl %ebp # ret .LFE1014: .size vfs_symlink, .-vfs_symlink .globl vfs_mkdir .type vfs_mkdir, @function vfs_mkdir: .LFB1003: .loc 1 2024 0 .LVL349: pushl %ebp # .LCFI67: pushl %edi # .LCFI68: pushl %esi # .LCFI69: pushl %ebx # .LCFI70: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI71: movl %eax, %esi # dir, dir movl %edx, %ebp # dentry, dentry movl %ecx, %edi # mode, mode .LBB1057: .LBB1058: .loc 1 1499 0 movl $-17, %ebx #, error .LVL350: cmpl $0, 36(%edx) #, .d_inode jne .L290 #, .LVL351: .LBE1058: .LBE1057: .LBB1059: .LBB1060: .loc 15 110 0 movb $-2, %bl #, .LVL352: .LBE1060: .LBE1059: .LBB1061: .LBB1062: .loc 1 1501 0 testb $16, 552(%eax) #, .i_flags jne .L290 #, .LVL353: .LBE1062: .loc 1 1503 0 movl 28(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl $3, %edx #, .LVL354: call permission # .LVL355: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL356: .LBE1061: .loc 1 2027 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L290 #, .LVL357: .loc 1 2030 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.20229 .LVL358: testl %eax, %eax # D.20229 je .L294 #, cmpl $0, 20(%eax) #, .mkdir je .L294 #, .LBB1063: .LBB1064: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23299 testl %eax, %eax # D.23299 jne .L297 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L299: jmp .L299 # .L297: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L300 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L300 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L300: .LBE1064: .LBE1063: .loc 1 2039 0 movl 260(%esi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL359: andl $1023, %edi #, mode movl %edi, %ecx # mode, movl %ebp, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *20(%ebx) # .mkdir movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL360: .loc 1 2040 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L290 #, .LVL361: .LBB1065: .LBB1066: .LBB1067: .LBB1068: .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%esi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L304 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL362: call __inode_dir_notify # .LVL363: .L304: .LBE1068: .LBE1067: .loc 15 110 0 movl 36(%ebp), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .d_inode, movl 60(%ebp), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl %eax, (%esp) # .d_name.name, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $1073742080, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # jmp .L290 # .L294: orl $-1, %ebx #, error .LVL364: .L290: .LBE1066: .LBE1065: .loc 1 2043 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, popl %edx # popl %ecx # popl %ebx # .LVL365: popl %esi # .LVL366: popl %edi # .LVL367: popl %ebp # .LVL368: ret .LFE1003: .size vfs_mkdir, .-vfs_mkdir .globl vfs_mknod .type vfs_mknod, @function vfs_mknod: .LFB1000: .loc 1 1943 0 .LVL369: pushl %ebp # .LCFI72: pushl %edi # .LCFI73: pushl %esi # .LCFI74: pushl %ebx # .LCFI75: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI76: movl %eax, %esi # dir, dir movl %edx, %edi # dentry, dentry movl %ecx, %ebp # mode, mode .LBB1069: .LBB1070: .loc 1 1499 0 movl $-17, %ebx #, error .LVL370: cmpl $0, 36(%edx) #, .d_inode jne .L310 #, .LVL371: .LBE1070: .LBE1069: .LBB1071: .LBB1072: .loc 15 99 0 movb $-2, %bl #, .LVL372: .LBE1072: .LBE1071: .LBB1073: .LBB1074: .loc 1 1501 0 testb $16, 552(%eax) #, .i_flags jne .L310 #, .LVL373: .LBE1074: .loc 1 1503 0 movl 32(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl $3, %edx #, .LVL374: call permission # .LVL375: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL376: .LBE1073: .loc 1 1946 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L310 #, .LVL377: .loc 1 1949 0 movl %ebp, %eax # mode, D.20156 .LVL378: andl $61440, %eax #, D.20156 cmpl $8192, %eax #, D.20156 je .L316 #, cmpl $24576, %eax #, D.20156 jne .L314 #, .L316: movl $27, %eax #, call capable # testl %eax, %eax # D.20160 je .L317 #, .L314: .loc 1 1952 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.20163 testl %eax, %eax # D.20163 je .L317 #, cmpl $0, 28(%eax) #, .mknod je .L317 #, .LBB1075: .LBB1076: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23344 testl %eax, %eax # D.23344 jne .L320 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L322: jmp .L322 # .L320: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L323 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L323 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L323: .LBE1076: .LBE1075: .loc 1 1960 0 movl 260(%esi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL379: movl 28(%esp), %eax # dev, dev movl %eax, (%esp) # dev, movl %ebp, %ecx # mode, mode movl %edi, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *28(%ebx) # .mknod movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL380: .loc 1 1961 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L310 #, .LVL381: .LBB1077: .LBB1078: .LBB1079: .LBB1080: .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%esi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L327 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL382: call __inode_dir_notify # .LVL383: .L327: .LBE1080: .LBE1079: .loc 15 99 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .d_inode, movl 60(%edi), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl %eax, (%esp) # .d_name.name, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $256, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # jmp .L310 # .L317: orl $-1, %ebx #, error .LVL384: .L310: .LBE1078: .LBE1077: .loc 1 1964 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, popl %ebx # .LVL385: popl %esi # .LVL386: popl %ebx # popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL387: popl %ebp # .LVL388: ret .LFE1000: .size vfs_mknod, .-vfs_mknod .globl vfs_create .type vfs_create, @function vfs_create: .LFB995: .loc 1 1568 0 .LVL389: pushl %ebp # .LCFI77: pushl %edi # .LCFI78: pushl %esi # .LCFI79: pushl %ebx # .LCFI80: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI81: movl %eax, %esi # dir, dir movl %edx, %ebp # dentry, dentry movl %ecx, %edi # mode, mode .LBB1081: .LBB1082: .loc 1 1499 0 movl $-17, %ebx #, error .LVL390: cmpl $0, 36(%edx) #, .d_inode jne .L333 #, .LVL391: .LBE1082: .LBE1081: .LBB1083: .LBB1084: .loc 15 99 0 movb $-2, %bl #, .LVL392: .LBE1084: .LBE1083: .LBB1085: .LBB1086: .loc 1 1501 0 testb $16, 552(%eax) #, .i_flags jne .L333 #, .LVL393: .LBE1086: .loc 1 1503 0 movl 28(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl $3, %edx #, .LVL394: call permission # .LVL395: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL396: .LBE1085: .loc 1 1571 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L333 #, .LVL397: .loc 1 1574 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.19971 .LVL398: testl %eax, %eax # D.19971 je .L337 #, cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .create je .L337 #, .LBB1087: .LBB1088: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23388 testl %eax, %eax # D.23388 jne .L340 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L342: jmp .L342 # .L340: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L343 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L343 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L343: .LBE1088: .LBE1087: .loc 1 1576 0 andl $4095, %edi #, mode .loc 1 1582 0 movl 260(%esi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL399: orl $32768, %edi #, mode movl 28(%esp), %eax # nd, movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl %edi, %ecx # mode, movl %ebp, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ebx) # .create movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL400: .loc 1 1583 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L333 #, .LVL401: .LBB1089: .LBB1090: .LBB1091: .LBB1092: .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%esi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L347 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir .LVL402: call __inode_dir_notify # .LVL403: .L347: .LBE1092: .LBE1091: .loc 15 99 0 movl 36(%ebp), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %eax, 4(%esp) # .d_inode, movl 60(%ebp), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl %eax, (%esp) # .d_name.name, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $256, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # jmp .L333 # .L337: movl $-13, %ebx #, error .LVL404: .L333: .LBE1090: .LBE1089: .loc 1 1586 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, popl %edi # .LVL405: popl %ebp # .LVL406: popl %ebx # .LVL407: popl %esi # .LVL408: popl %edi # popl %ebp # ret .LFE995: .size vfs_create, .-vfs_create .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC4: .string "fs/namei.c" .text .type may_delete, @function may_delete: .LFB990: .loc 1 1457 0 .LVL409: pushl %ebp # .LCFI82: pushl %edi # .LCFI83: pushl %esi # .LCFI84: pushl %ebx # .LCFI85: movl %eax, %edi # dir, dir movl %edx, %esi # victim, victim movl %ecx, %ebp # isdir, isdir .loc 1 1460 0 cmpl $0, 36(%edx) #, .d_inode je .L351 #, .LVL410: .loc 1 1463 0 movl 48(%edx), %eax # .d_parent, .d_parent cmpl %edi, 36(%eax) # dir, .d_inode je .L353 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC4 # .word 1463, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L355: jmp .L355 # .L353: .loc 1 1466 0 movl 20(%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl $3, %edx #, .LVL411: movl %edi, %eax # dir, dir call permission # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL412: .loc 1 1467 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L356 #, .LVL413: .loc 1 1469 0 testb $4, 552(%edi) #, .i_flags jne .L358 #, .loc 1 1471 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, inode .LVL414: .LBB1093: .LBB1094: .loc 1 1427 0 testb $2, 115(%edi) #, .i_mode je .L360 #, .LBB1095: .LBB1096: .LBB1097: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%edx #, ret__ .LVL415: #NO_APP .LBE1097: .LBE1096: .LBE1095: .loc 1 1429 0 movl 44(%eax), %eax # .i_uid, .i_uid .LVL416: cmpl 344(%edx), %eax # .fsuid, .i_uid je .L360 #, .loc 1 1431 0 movl 44(%edi), %eax # .i_uid, .i_uid cmpl 344(%edx), %eax # .fsuid, .i_uid je .L360 #, .LBE1094: .loc 1 1433 0 movl $3, %eax #, call capable # .LVL417: .LBE1093: .loc 1 1471 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.23438 je .L358 #, .LVL418: .L360: movl 36(%esi), %ecx # .d_inode, temp.992 movl 552(%ecx), %edx # .i_flags, D.19903 .LVL419: testb $4, %dl #, D.19903 jne .L358 #, movl %edx, %eax # D.19903, tmp80 .LVL420: andl $2048, %eax #, tmp80 cmpl $1, %eax #, tmp80 sbbl %eax, %eax # iftmp.239 notl %eax # iftmp.239 andl $8, %eax #, iftmp.239 andl $8, %edx #, D.19903 cmpl %edx, %eax # D.19903, iftmp.239 jne .L358 #, .loc 1 1474 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # isdir movzwl 114(%ecx), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode je .L369 #, .loc 1 1475 0 andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode je .L371 #, movl $-20, %ebx #, error jmp .L356 # .L371: .loc 1 1477 0 cmpl 48(%esi), %esi # .d_parent, victim jne .L374 #, jmp .L373 # .L369: .loc 1 1479 0 andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L374 #, movl $-21, %ebx #, error jmp .L356 # .L374: .loc 1 1481 0 testb $16, 552(%edi) #, .i_flags jne .L351 #, .loc 1 1483 0 testb $2, 4(%esi) #, .d_flags je .L356 #, jmp .L373 # .LVL421: .L351: movl $-2, %ebx #, error jmp .L356 # .LVL422: .L358: orl $-1, %ebx #, error jmp .L356 # .LVL423: .L373: movl $-16, %ebx #, error .LVL424: .L356: .loc 1 1486 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, .LVL425: popl %ebx # .LVL426: popl %esi # .LVL427: popl %edi # .LVL428: popl %ebp # .LVL429: ret .LFE990: .size may_delete, .-may_delete .globl vfs_rename .type vfs_rename, @function vfs_rename: .LFB1022: .loc 1 2563 0 .LVL430: pushl %ebp # .LCFI86: pushl %edi # .LCFI87: pushl %esi # .LCFI88: pushl %ebx # .LCFI89: subl $32, %esp #, .LCFI90: movl %eax, %edi # old_dir, old_dir movl %edx, 8(%esp) # old_dentry, old_dentry movl %ecx, %ebp # new_dir, new_dir .loc 1 2565 0 movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, D.20587 .LVL431: movw 114(%eax), %dx # .i_mode, D.20588 .LVL432: .loc 1 2568 0 xorl %ebx, %ebx # error .LVL433: movl 52(%esp), %ecx # new_dentry, .LVL434: cmpl 36(%ecx), %eax # .d_inode, D.20587 je .L381 #, .loc 1 2565 0 movl %edx, %eax #, tmp80 andl $61440, %eax #, tmp80 cmpl $16384, %eax #, tmp80 sete %al #, tmp81 movzbl %al, %eax # tmp81, movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, is_dir .LVL435: .loc 1 2571 0 movl $0, (%esp) #, movl %eax, %ecx #, is_dir movl 8(%esp), %edx # old_dentry, old_dentry movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call may_delete # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2572 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L381 #, .LVL436: .loc 1 2575 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, .LVL437: cmpl $0, 36(%eax) #, .d_inode jne .L383 #, .LBB1139: .LBB1140: .loc 1 1501 0 movl $-2, %ebx #, error testb $16, 552(%ebp) #, .i_flags jne .L381 #, .LBE1140: .loc 1 1503 0 xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $3, %edx #, movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call permission # jmp .L450 # .L383: .LBE1139: .loc 1 2578 0 movl $0, (%esp) #, movl 12(%esp), %ecx # is_dir, is_dir movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call may_delete # .L450: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2579 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L381 #, .LVL438: .loc 1 2582 0 movl 260(%edi), %eax # .i_op, D.20598 .LVL439: testl %eax, %eax # D.20598 je .L389 #, cmpl $0, 32(%eax) #, .rename je .L389 #, .LBB1141: .LBB1142: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%edi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23509 testl %eax, %eax # D.23509 jne .L392 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L394: jmp .L394 # .L392: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L395 #, testb $32, 552(%edi) #, .i_flags jne .L395 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L395: .LBE1142: .LBE1141: .LBB1143: .LBB1144: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%ebp), %eax # .i_sb, D.23525 testl %eax, %eax # D.23525 jne .L398 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L400: jmp .L400 # .L398: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L401 #, testb $32, 552(%ebp) #, .i_flags jne .L401 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L401: .LBE1144: .LBE1143: .LBB1145: .loc 15 252 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # old_dentry, movl 60(%edx), %eax # .d_name.name, .d_name.name movl $208, %edx #, call kstrdup # movl %eax, 16(%esp) #, old_name .LVL440: .LBE1145: .loc 1 2590 0 cmpl $0, 12(%esp) #, is_dir je .L404 #, .LBB1146: .LBB1147: .loc 1 2500 0 cmpl %edi, %ebp # old_dir, new_dir je .L406 #, .LBE1147: .loc 1 2501 0 movl 8(%esp), %ecx # old_dentry, movl 36(%ecx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $2, %edx #, call permission # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LBB1148: .loc 1 2502 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L408 #, .L406: .loc 1 2510 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, target .LVL441: .loc 1 2511 0 testl %esi, %esi # target je .L409 #, .loc 1 2512 0 leal 144(%esi), %eax #, tmp93 call mutex_lock # .loc 1 2513 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dentry_unhash # .L409: .loc 1 2515 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # old_dentry, cmpl $0, 116(%edx) #, .d_mounted jne .L411 #, movl 52(%esp), %ecx # new_dentry, cmpl $0, 116(%ecx) #, .d_mounted jne .L411 #, .LBE1148: .loc 1 2518 0 movl 260(%edi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL442: movl %ecx, (%esp) #, movl %ebp, %ecx # new_dir, new_dir movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call *32(%ebx) # .rename movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL443: jmp .L414 # .L411: movl $-16, %ebx #, error .L414: .LBB1149: .loc 1 2519 0 testl %esi, %esi # target je .L415 #, .loc 1 2520 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L417 #, .loc 1 2521 0 orl $16, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags .L417: .loc 1 2522 0 leal 144(%esi), %eax #, tmp96 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2523 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, testb $16, 4(%eax) #, .d_flags je .L419 #, .loc 1 2524 0 call d_rehash # .L419: .loc 1 2525 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dput # .L415: .loc 1 2527 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L408 #, .loc 1 2528 0 movl 268(%edi), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb movl 28(%eax), %eax # .s_type, .s_type cmpw $0, 4(%eax) #, .fs_flags js .L422 #, .loc 1 2529 0 movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry movl 8(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call d_move # jmp .L422 # .LVL444: .L404: .LBE1149: .LBE1146: .LBB1150: .LBB1151: .LBB1152: .LBB1153: .loc 9 316 0 movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, cmpl $0, (%edx) #, .d_count.counter jne .L424 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L426: jmp .L426 # .L424: .LBB1154: .LBB1155: .loc 10 96 0 movl 52(%esp), %ecx # new_dentry, #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ecx) # #NO_APP .LBE1155: .LBE1154: .LBE1153: .LBE1152: .loc 1 2544 0 movl 36(%ecx), %esi # .d_inode, target .LVL445: .loc 1 2545 0 testl %esi, %esi # target je .L427 #, .loc 1 2546 0 leal 144(%esi), %eax #, tmp103 call mutex_lock # .L427: .loc 1 2547 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, cmpl $0, 116(%eax) #, .d_mounted jne .L429 #, movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, cmpl $0, 116(%edx) #, .d_mounted jne .L429 #, .LBE1151: .loc 1 2550 0 movl 260(%edi), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL446: movl %edx, (%esp) #, movl %ebp, %ecx # new_dir, new_dir movl %eax, %edx #, old_dentry movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call *32(%ebx) # .rename movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL447: .LBB1156: .loc 1 2551 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L432 #, .LVL448: .loc 1 2552 0 movl 268(%edi), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb .LVL449: movl 28(%eax), %eax # .s_type, .s_type cmpw $0, 4(%eax) #, .fs_flags js .L432 #, .loc 1 2553 0 movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry movl 8(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call d_move # jmp .L432 # .L429: movl $-16, %ebx #, error .LVL450: .L432: .loc 1 2555 0 testl %esi, %esi # target je .L435 #, .loc 1 2556 0 leal 144(%esi), %eax #, tmp111 call mutex_unlock # .LVL451: .L435: .loc 1 2557 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dput # .LBE1156: .LBE1150: .loc 1 2594 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L408 #, .LVL452: .L422: .LBB1157: .loc 1 2595 0 movl 8(%esp), %ecx # old_dentry, movl 60(%ecx), %ecx # .d_name.name, movl %ecx, 28(%esp) #, temp.1021 .loc 1 2596 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, source .LVL453: movl 52(%esp), %edx # new_dentry, movl 36(%edx), %edx # .d_inode, movl %edx, 24(%esp) #, target .LVL454: .LBB1158: .loc 15 46 0 call inotify_get_cookie # movl %eax, 20(%esp) #, cookie .LVL455: .LBB1159: .loc 15 48 0 cmpl %ebp, %edi # new_dir, old_dir jne .L437 #, .LBB1160: .LBB1161: .loc 17 32 0 movl $16, %edx #, .loc 17 31 0 testb $16, 464(%ebp) #, .i_dnotify_mask jne .L451 #, jmp .L439 # .L437: .LBE1161: .LBE1160: .LBB1162: .LBB1163: testb $8, 464(%edi) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L441 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $8, %edx #, movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call __inode_dir_notify # .L441: .LBE1163: .LBE1162: .LBB1164: .LBB1165: .loc 17 31 0 testb $4, 464(%ebp) #, .i_dnotify_mask je .L439 #, .loc 17 32 0 movl $4, %edx #, .L451: movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call __inode_dir_notify # .L439: .LBE1165: .LBE1164: .loc 15 55 0 cmpl $0, 12(%esp) #, is_dir movl $1073741824, %eax #, tmp125 cmove 12(%esp), %eax # is_dir,, tmp125 movl %eax, 12(%esp) # tmp125, is_dir .loc 15 57 0 movl %eax, %edx # tmp125, tmp115 orl $64, %edx #, tmp115 movl %esi, 4(%esp) # source, movl 16(%esp), %ecx # old_name, movl %ecx, (%esp) #, movl 20(%esp), %ecx # cookie, cookie movl %edi, %eax # old_dir, old_dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # .loc 15 59 0 orl $128, 12(%esp) #, is_dir movl %esi, 4(%esp) # source, movl 28(%esp), %eax # temp.1021, movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl 20(%esp), %ecx # cookie, cookie movl 12(%esp), %edx # is_dir, movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call inotify_inode_queue_event # .loc 15 62 0 cmpl $0, 24(%esp) #, target je .L446 #, .loc 15 63 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) #, movl $0, (%esp) #, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $1024, %edx #, movl 24(%esp), %eax # target, target call inotify_inode_queue_event # .loc 15 64 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # target, target call inotify_inode_is_dead # .L446: .loc 15 67 0 testl %esi, %esi # source je .L408 #, .loc 15 68 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) #, movl $0, (%esp) #, xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl $2048, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # source, source call inotify_inode_queue_event # .LVL456: .L408: .LBE1159: .LBE1158: .LBE1157: .LBB1166: .LBB1167: .loc 15 260 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # old_name, old_name call kfree # jmp .L381 # .LVL457: .L389: .loc 1 2601 0 orl $-1, %ebx #, error .LVL458: .L381: .LBE1167: .LBE1166: .loc 1 2602 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, addl $32, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL459: popl %esi # .LVL460: popl %edi # .LVL461: popl %ebp # .LVL462: ret .LFE1022: .size vfs_rename, .-vfs_rename .globl vfs_unlink .type vfs_unlink, @function vfs_unlink: .LFB1010: .loc 1 2193 0 .LVL463: pushl %edi # .LCFI91: pushl %esi # .LCFI92: pushl %ebx # .LCFI93: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI94: movl %eax, %esi # dir, dir movl %edx, %edi # dentry, dentry .loc 1 2194 0 movl %ecx, (%esp) # nd, xorl %ecx, %ecx # .LVL464: call may_delete # .LVL465: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL466: .loc 1 2196 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L453 #, .LVL467: .loc 1 2199 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.20339 .LVL468: testl %eax, %eax # D.20339 je .L455 #, cmpl $0, 12(%eax) #, .unlink je .L455 #, .LBB1168: .LBB1169: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, D.23441 testl %eax, %eax # D.23441 jne .L458 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L460: jmp .L460 # .L458: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L461 #, testb $32, 552(%esi) #, .i_flags jne .L461 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L461: .LBE1169: .LBE1168: .loc 1 2204 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp69 addl $144, %eax #, tmp69 call mutex_lock # .loc 1 2205 0 cmpl $0, 116(%edi) #, .d_mounted jne .L464 #, .loc 1 2210 0 movl 260(%esi), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op movl %edi, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %esi, %eax # dir, dir call *12(%ecx) # .unlink movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2212 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp72 addl $144, %eax #, tmp72 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2215 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L453 #, testb $2, 4(%edi) #, .d_flags jne .L453 #, .loc 1 2216 0 movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call d_delete # jmp .L453 # .L455: orl $-1, %ebx #, error jmp .L453 # .L464: .loc 1 2212 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp75 addl $144, %eax #, tmp75 call mutex_unlock # movl $-16, %ebx #, error .LVL469: .L453: .loc 1 2220 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, popl %edx # popl %ebx # .LVL470: popl %esi # .LVL471: popl %edi # .LVL472: ret .LFE1010: .size vfs_unlink, .-vfs_unlink .globl vfs_rmdir .type vfs_rmdir, @function vfs_rmdir: .LFB1007: .loc 1 2112 0 .LVL473: pushl %edi # .LCFI95: pushl %esi # .LCFI96: pushl %ebx # .LCFI97: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI98: movl %eax, %ebx # dir, dir movl %edx, %esi # dentry, dentry .loc 1 2113 0 movl %ecx, (%esp) # nd, movl $1, %ecx #, .LVL474: call may_delete # .LVL475: movl %eax, %edi #, error .LVL476: .loc 1 2115 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L470 #, .LVL477: .loc 1 2118 0 movl 260(%ebx), %eax # .i_op, D.20286 .LVL478: testl %eax, %eax # D.20286 je .L472 #, cmpl $0, 24(%eax) #, .rmdir je .L472 #, .LBB1170: .LBB1171: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, D.23462 testl %eax, %eax # D.23462 jne .L475 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L477: jmp .L477 # .L475: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L478 #, testb $32, 552(%ebx) #, .i_flags jne .L478 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # dir, dir call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L478: .LBE1171: .LBE1170: .loc 1 2123 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp70 addl $144, %eax #, tmp70 call mutex_lock # .loc 1 2124 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dentry_unhash # .loc 1 2137 0 movl $-16, %edi #, error .loc 1 2125 0 cmpl $0, 116(%esi) #, .d_mounted jne .L483 #, .loc 1 2130 0 movl 260(%ebx), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op movl %esi, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %ebx, %eax # dir, dir call *24(%ecx) # .rmdir movl %eax, %edi #, error .loc 1 2131 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L483 #, .LVL479: .loc 1 2132 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, temp.1083 .LVL480: orl $16, 552(%eax) #, .i_flags .loc 1 2135 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp73 addl $144, %eax #, tmp73 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2137 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call d_delete # jmp .L485 # .LVL481: .L483: .loc 1 2135 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp74 addl $144, %eax #, tmp74 call mutex_unlock # .L485: .loc 1 2139 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # jmp .L470 # .L472: .loc 1 2141 0 orl $-1, %edi #, error .LVL482: .L470: .loc 1 2142 0 movl %edi, %eax # error, popl %ecx # popl %ebx # .LVL483: popl %esi # .LVL484: popl %edi # .LVL485: ret .LFE1007: .size vfs_rmdir, .-vfs_rmdir .type __lookup_hash, @function __lookup_hash: .LFB984: .loc 1 1323 0 .LVL486: pushl %ebp # .LCFI99: pushl %edi # .LCFI100: pushl %esi # .LCFI101: pushl %ebx # .LCFI102: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI103: movl %eax, %ebp # name, name movl %edx, %edi # base, base movl %ecx, (%esp) # nd, nd .loc 1 1328 0 movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .LVL487: movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, inode .LVL488: .loc 1 1329 0 movl $1, %edx #, .LVL489: call permission # .LVL490: .loc 1 1330 0 movl %eax, %ebx # err, dentry .LVL491: .loc 1 1331 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry jne .L490 #, .LVL492: .loc 1 1338 0 movl 100(%edi), %eax # .d_op, D.19806 .LVL493: testl %eax, %eax # D.19806 je .L491 #, movl 4(%eax), %ecx # .d_hash, D.19807 testl %ecx, %ecx # D.19807 je .L491 #, .loc 1 1339 0 movl %ebp, %edx # name, name movl %edi, %eax # base, base call *%ecx # D.19807 .loc 1 1340 0 movl %eax, %ebx # err.1114, dentry .LVL494: .loc 1 1341 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry js .L490 #, .L491: .LBB1185: .loc 1 447 0 movl %ebp, %edx # name, name movl %edi, %eax # base, base .LVL495: call __d_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, dentry .LBB1186: .loc 1 452 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry jne .L495 #, .LBE1186: .loc 1 453 0 movl %ebp, %edx # name, name movl %edi, %eax # base, base .LVL496: call d_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, dentry .LBB1187: .loc 1 455 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L497 #, .LVL497: .L495: movl 100(%ebx), %eax # .d_op, D.26234 .LVL498: testl %eax, %eax # D.26234 je .L490 #, movl (%eax), %ecx # .d_revalidate, D.26236 testl %ecx, %ecx # D.26236 je .L490 #, .LBB1188: .loc 1 420 0 movl (%esp), %edx # nd, nd movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry call *%ecx # D.26236 movl %eax, %esi #, status .LVL499: .LBB1189: .loc 1 421 0 cmpl $0, %eax #, status jg .L490 #, .LVL500: .loc 1 428 0 jne .L501 #, .LBE1189: .loc 1 429 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL501: call d_invalidate # .LBB1190: testl %eax, %eax # D.26247 jne .L490 #, .loc 1 430 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # jmp .L497 # .LVL502: .L501: .loc 1 434 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry .LVL503: call dput # jmp .L509 # .LVL504: .L504: .LBE1190: .LBE1188: .LBE1187: .LBE1185: .LBB1191: .loc 1 1351 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # inode, .LVL505: movl 260(%eax), %ebx # .i_op, .i_op .LVL506: movl (%esp), %ecx # nd, nd movl %esi, %edx # new, new call *4(%ebx) # .lookup movl %eax, %ebx #, dentry .LVL507: .loc 1 1352 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry jne .L505 #, .LVL508: .L509: movl %esi, %ebx # new, dentry jmp .L490 # .LVL509: .L505: .loc 1 1355 0 movl %esi, %eax # new, new .LVL510: call dput # jmp .L490 # .LVL511: .L497: .loc 1 1347 0 movl %ebp, %edx # name, name movl %edi, %eax # base, base call d_alloc # movl %eax, %esi #, new .LVL512: .loc 1 1349 0 testl %eax, %eax # new jne .L504 #, .LVL513: movl $-12, %ebx #, dentry .LVL514: .L490: .LBE1191: .loc 1 1359 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, .LVL515: popl %ebx # .LVL516: popl %esi # .LVL517: popl %ebx # popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL518: popl %ebp # .LVL519: ret .LFE984: .size __lookup_hash, .-__lookup_hash .type lookup_hash, @function lookup_hash: .LFB985: .loc 1 1362 0 .LVL520: movl %eax, %edx # nd, nd .loc 1 1363 0 leal 8(%eax), %eax #, tmp61 .LVL521: movl %edx, %ecx # nd, nd movl (%edx), %edx # .dentry, .dentry .LVL522: jmp __lookup_hash # .LVL523: .LFE985: .size lookup_hash, .-lookup_hash .globl lookup_create .type lookup_create, @function lookup_create: .LFB999: .loc 1 1903 0 .LVL524: pushl %esi # .LCFI104: pushl %ebx # .LCFI105: movl %eax, %ebx # nd, nd movl %edx, %esi # is_dir, is_dir .loc 1 1906 0 movl (%eax), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL525: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp64 addl $144, %eax #, tmp64 movl $1, %edx #, .LVL526: call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 1911 0 movl $-17, %ecx #, dentry .LVL527: cmpl $0, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type jne .L515 #, .loc 1 1914 0 movl 20(%ebx), %eax # .flags, tmp65 andl $-17, %eax #, tmp65 orb $2, %ah #, tmp65 movl %eax, 20(%ebx) # tmp65, .flags .loc 1 1915 0 movl $128, 68(%ebx) #, .intent.open.flags .loc 1 1920 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call lookup_hash # .LVL528: movl %eax, %ecx #, dentry .LVL529: .loc 1 1921 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, dentry ja .L515 #, .LVL530: .loc 1 1930 0 testl %esi, %esi # is_dir jne .L515 #, movl 16(%ebx), %edx # .last.name, .last.name movl 12(%ebx), %eax # .last.len, .last.len .LVL531: cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* .last.len je .L515 #, cmpl $0, 36(%ecx) #, .d_inode jne .L515 #, .L519: .loc 1 1934 0 movl %ecx, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .LVL532: movl $-2, %ecx #, dentry .LVL533: .L515: .loc 1 1938 0 movl %ecx, %eax # dentry, popl %ebx # .LVL534: popl %esi # .LVL535: ret .LFE999: .size lookup_create, .-lookup_create .globl file_permission .type file_permission, @function file_permission: .LFB951: .loc 1 339 0 .LVL536: .loc 1 340 0 movl 12(%eax), %eax # .f_path.dentry, .f_path.dentry .LVL537: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode xorl %ecx, %ecx # jmp permission # .LVL538: .LFE951: .size file_permission, .-file_permission .globl vfs_permission .type vfs_permission, @function vfs_permission: .LFB950: .loc 1 322 0 .LVL539: movl %eax, %ecx # nd, nd .loc 1 323 0 movl (%eax), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL540: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode jmp permission # .LVL541: .LFE950: .size vfs_permission, .-vfs_permission .globl may_open .type may_open, @function may_open: .LFB996: .loc 1 1589 0 .LVL542: pushl %ebp # .LCFI106: pushl %edi # .LCFI107: pushl %esi # .LCFI108: pushl %ebx # .LCFI109: subl $16, %esp #, .LCFI110: movl %eax, %ebp # nd, nd movl %edx, 8(%esp) # acc_mode, acc_mode movl %ecx, %esi # flag, flag .loc 1 1590 0 movl (%eax), %eax # .dentry, .LVL543: movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, dentry .LVL544: .loc 1 1591 0 movl 36(%eax), %ebx # .d_inode, inode .LVL545: .loc 1 1594 0 movl $-2, %edi #, error .LVL546: testl %ebx, %ebx # inode je .L528 #, .LVL547: .loc 1 1597 0 movzwl 114(%ebx), %edx # .i_mode, D.19986 andl $61440, %edx #, D.19986 movw $-40, %di #, .LVL548: cmpl $40960, %edx #, D.19986 je .L528 #, .loc 1 1600 0 cmpl $16384, %edx #, D.19986 jne .L531 #, movw $-21, %di #, testb $2, %cl #, flag jne .L528 #, .L531: .loc 1 1604 0 movl 552(%ebx), %eax #, tmp76 andl $2056, %eax #, tmp76 cmpl $2056, %eax #, tmp76 jne .L534 #, testl $2, %esi #, flag je .L534 #, .loc 1 1605 0 cmpl $32768, %edx #, D.19986 jne .L537 #, movl $-31, %edi #, error .LVL549: cmpl $1, 40(%ebx) #, .i_nlink ja .L528 #, .L537: .loc 1 1607 0 andl $-2057, 552(%ebx) #, .i_flags .LBB1192: .LBB1193: .loc 5 1226 0 movl $7, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call __mark_inode_dirty # .LVL550: .L534: .LBE1193: .LBE1192: .loc 1 1611 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # acc_mode, acc_mode movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call vfs_permission # movl %eax, %edi #, error .loc 1 1612 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L528 #, .LVL551: .loc 1 1620 0 movzwl 114(%ebx), %eax # .i_mode, D.19994 .LVL552: andl $61440, %eax #, D.19994 cmpl $4096, %eax #, D.19994 je .L548 #, cmpl $49152, %eax #, D.19994 je .L548 #, .loc 1 1622 0 cmpl $24576, %eax #, D.19994 je .L547 #, cmpl $8192, %eax #, D.19994 jne .L545 #, .L547: .loc 1 1623 0 movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, .mnt testb $2, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags je .L548 #, movl $-13, %edi #, error jmp .L528 # .L548: .loc 1 1626 0 andl $-513, %esi #, flag jmp .L544 # .L545: .loc 1 1627 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb testb $1, 48(%eax) #, .s_flags jne .L550 #, movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, D.20002 testl %eax, %eax # D.20002 je .L544 #, testb $64, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags je .L544 #, .L550: testl $2, %esi #, flag je .L544 #, movl $-30, %edi #, error jmp .L528 # .L544: .loc 1 1633 0 testb $4, 552(%ebx) #, .i_flags je .L554 #, .loc 1 1634 0 movl %esi, %eax # flag, tmp86 andl $1026, %eax #, tmp86 cmpl $2, %eax #, tmp86 je .L556 #, .loc 1 1636 0 testl $512, %esi #, flag jne .L556 #, .L554: .loc 1 1641 0 testl $262144, %esi #, flag je .L558 #, .LBB1194: .LBB1195: .LBB1196: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL553: #NO_APP .LBE1196: .LBE1195: .LBE1194: .loc 1 1642 0 movl 344(%eax), %eax # .fsuid, .fsuid .LVL554: cmpl 44(%ebx), %eax # .i_uid, .fsuid je .L558 #, movl $3, %eax #, call capable # testl %eax, %eax # D.20020 je .L556 #, .L558: .LBB1197: .LBB1198: .loc 5 1487 0 cmpl $0, 272(%ebx) #, .i_flock je .L561 #, .LBE1198: .loc 5 1488 0 movl %esi, %edx # flag, flag movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call __break_lease # .LBE1197: .loc 1 1649 0 testl %eax, %eax # error.1254 .LVL555: je .L561 #, movl %eax, %edi # error.1254, error jmp .L528 # .L561: .loc 1 1652 0 testl $512, %esi #, flag je .L564 #, .loc 1 1653 0 movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode .LVL556: call get_write_access # movl %eax, %edi #, error .loc 1 1654 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L528 #, .LVL557: .LBB1199: .LBB1200: .loc 5 1464 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb .LVL558: testb $64, 48(%eax) #, .s_flags je .L567 #, movzwl 114(%ebx), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $1032, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $1024, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L567 #, .LBE1200: .loc 5 1465 0 movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call locks_mandatory_locked # movl %eax, %edi #, error .LBE1199: .loc 1 1661 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L570 #, .L567: .LBB1201: .LBB1202: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, D.23610 testl %eax, %eax # D.23610 jne .L571 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L573: jmp .L573 # .L571: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L574 #, testb $32, 552(%ebx) #, .i_flags jne .L574 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call *(%ecx) # .initialize .L574: .LBE1202: .LBE1201: .loc 1 1664 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) #, movl $96, (%esp) #, xorl %edx, %edx # xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl 12(%esp), %eax # dentry, dentry call do_truncate # movl %eax, %edi #, error .LVL559: .L570: .LBB1203: .LBB1204: .LBB1205: .LBB1206: .loc 10 109 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; decl 556(%ebx) # #NO_APP jmp .L528 # .LVL560: .L564: .LBE1206: .LBE1205: .LBE1204: .LBE1203: .loc 1 1670 0 andl $2, %esi #, flag je .L528 #, .LBB1207: .LBB1208: .loc 16 67 0 movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, D.23630 .LVL561: testl %eax, %eax # D.23630 jne .L578 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC3 # .word 67, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L580: jmp .L580 # .L578: .loc 16 68 0 testb $3, 244(%eax) #, .s_dquot.flags je .L528 #, testb $32, 552(%ebx) #, .i_flags jne .L528 #, .loc 16 69 0 movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .dq_op, .dq_op orl $-1, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # inode, inode call *(%ecx) # .initialize jmp .L528 # .L556: orl $-1, %edi #, error .LVL562: .L528: .LBE1208: .LBE1207: .loc 1 1674 0 movl %edi, %eax # error, .LVL563: addl $16, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL564: popl %esi # .LVL565: popl %edi # .LVL566: popl %ebp # .LVL567: ret .LFE996: .size may_open, .-may_open .globl release_open_intent .type release_open_intent, @function release_open_intent: .LFB956: .loc 1 410 0 .LVL568: .loc 1 411 0 movl 76(%eax), %eax # .intent.open.file, D.19228 .LVL569: cmpl $0, 12(%eax) #, .f_path.dentry jne .L585 #, .loc 1 412 0 jmp put_filp # .L585: .loc 1 414 0 jmp fput # .LFE956: .size release_open_intent, .-release_open_intent .globl getname .type getname, @function getname: .LFB945: .loc 1 146 0 .LVL570: pushl %ebp # .LCFI111: pushl %edi # .LCFI112: pushl %esi # .LCFI113: pushl %ebx # .LCFI114: movl %eax, %edi # filename, filename .loc 1 150 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep .LVL571: call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, %ebp #, D.19058 .loc 1 151 0 movl $-12, %eax #, result .LVL572: testl %ebp, %ebp # D.19058 je .L592 #, .LBB1218: .LBB1219: .LBB1220: .loc 1 128 0 movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp67 .LVL573: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp67 cmpl $-1, 24(%eax) #, .addr_limit.seg je .L593 #, .loc 1 129 0 movl $-14, %esi #, retval .LVL574: cmpl $-1073741825, %edi #, filename ja .L597 #, .loc 1 131 0 movl $-1073741824, %ebx #, len .LVL575: subl %edi, %ebx # filename, len cmpl $4095, %ebx #, len jbe .L598 #, .L593: movl $4096, %ebx #, len .L598: .LBE1220: .loc 1 135 0 movl %ebx, %ecx # len, len movl %edi, %edx # filename, filename movl %ebp, %eax # D.19058, tmp .LVL576: call strncpy_from_user # .LVL577: .LBB1221: .loc 1 136 0 cmpl $0, %eax #, D.26552 jle .L599 #, .loc 1 137 0 movl $-36, %esi #, retval cmpl %ebx, %eax # len, D.26552 jae .L597 #, jmp .L601 # .L599: .loc 1 140 0 je .L603 #, .LBE1221: .LBE1219: .loc 1 155 0 jge .L601 #, movl %eax, %esi # D.26552, retval .L597: .loc 1 156 0 movl %ebp, %edx # D.19058, tmp .LVL578: movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL579: .loc 1 157 0 movl %esi, %eax # retval, result .LVL580: jmp .L592 # .LVL581: .L601: movl %ebp, %eax # D.19058, result .LVL582: jmp .L592 # .LVL583: .L603: movl $-2, %esi #, retval jmp .L597 # .LVL584: .L592: .LVL585: .LBE1218: .loc 1 162 0 popl %ebx # .LVL586: popl %esi # .LVL587: popl %edi # .LVL588: popl %ebp # ret .LFE945: .size getname, .-getname .globl lookup_one_len .type lookup_one_len, @function lookup_one_len: .LFB986: .loc 1 1368 0 .LVL589: pushl %edi # .LCFI115: pushl %esi # .LCFI116: pushl %ebx # .LCFI117: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI118: movl %eax, %ebx # name, name movl %edx, %edi # base, base .loc 1 1373 0 movl %eax, 8(%esp) # name, this.name .loc 1 1374 0 movl %ecx, 4(%esp) # len, this.len .loc 1 1376 0 xorl %esi, %esi # hash .LVL590: .loc 1 1375 0 testl %ecx, %ecx # len jne .L610 #, .LVL591: jmp .L608 # .LVL592: .L611: .loc 1 1380 0 movzbl (%ebx), %edx #* name, c .loc 1 1381 0 cmpl $47, %edx #, c je .L608 #, testl %edx, %edx # c je .L608 #, .loc 1 1380 0 incl %ebx # name .LBB1228: .LBB1229: .loc 9 56 0 movl %edx, %eax # c, tmp67 shrl $4, %eax #, tmp67 sall $4, %edx #, c addl %edx, %eax # c, tmp69 addl %esi, %eax # hash, tmp70 imull $11, %eax, %esi #, tmp70, hash .LVL593: .L610: .LBE1229: .LBE1228: .loc 1 1379 0 decl %ecx # len cmpl $-1, %ecx #, len jne .L611 #, .loc 1 1385 0 movl %esi, (%esp) # hash, this.hash .loc 1 1387 0 movl %esp, %eax #, tmp72 xorl %ecx, %ecx # .LVL594: movl %edi, %edx # base, base .LVL595: call __lookup_hash # jmp .L614 # .LVL596: .L608: movl $-13, %eax #, D.19844 .L614: .loc 1 1390 0 addl $12, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL597: popl %esi # .LVL598: popl %edi # .LVL599: ret .LFE986: .size lookup_one_len, .-lookup_one_len .globl follow_up .type follow_up, @function follow_up: .LFB967: .loc 1 696 0 .LVL600: pushl %ebp # .LCFI119: pushl %edi # .LCFI120: pushl %esi # .LCFI121: pushl %ebx # .LCFI122: movl %eax, %edi # mnt, mnt movl %edx, %ebp # dentry, dentry .loc 1 699 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, .LVL601: call _spin_lock # .LVL602: .loc 1 700 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* mnt, D.19421 movl 8(%eax), %esi # .mnt_parent, parent .LVL603: .loc 1 701 0 cmpl %eax, %esi # D.19421, parent jne .L617 #, .loc 1 702 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # xorl %eax, %eax # D.19422 jmp .L619 # .L617: .LBB1240: .LBB1241: .loc 7 67 0 testl %esi, %esi # parent je .L620 #, .LBB1242: .LBB1243: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%esi) # #NO_APP .L620: .LBE1243: .LBE1242: .LBE1241: .LBE1240: .loc 1 706 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* mnt, tmp68 movl 12(%eax), %ebx # .mnt_mountpoint, mountpoint .LVL604: .LBB1244: .LBB1245: .loc 9 315 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # mountpoint je .L622 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%ebx) #, .d_count.counter jne .L624 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L626: jmp .L626 # .L624: .LBB1246: .LBB1247: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ebx) #* mountpoint #NO_APP .L622: .LBE1247: .LBE1246: .LBE1245: .LBE1244: .loc 1 707 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 708 0 movl (%ebp), %eax #* dentry, call dput # .loc 1 709 0 movl %ebx, (%ebp) # mountpoint,* dentry .loc 1 710 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* mnt, mnt .LVL605: .LBB1248: .LBB1249: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L627 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL606: .L627: .LBE1249: .LBE1248: .loc 1 711 0 movl %esi, (%edi) # parent,* mnt movl $1, %eax #, D.19422 .LVL607: .L619: .loc 1 713 0 popl %ebx # .LVL608: popl %esi # .LVL609: popl %edi # .LVL610: popl %ebp # .LVL611: ret .LFE967: .size follow_up, .-follow_up .globl follow_down .type follow_down, @function follow_down: .LFB970: .loc 1 752 0 .LVL612: pushl %edi # .LCFI123: pushl %esi # .LCFI124: pushl %ebx # .LCFI125: movl %eax, %esi # mnt, mnt movl %edx, %edi # dentry, dentry .loc 1 755 0 movl (%edx), %edx #* dentry, .LVL613: movl (%eax), %eax #* mnt, .LVL614: call lookup_mnt # movl %eax, %ebx #, mounted .LVL615: .loc 1 756 0 xorl %eax, %eax # D.19465 testl %ebx, %ebx # mounted je .L633 #, .loc 1 757 0 movl (%edi), %eax #* dentry, call dput # .loc 1 758 0 movl (%esi), %eax #* mnt, mnt .LVL616: .LBB1256: .LBB1257: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L634 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL617: .L634: .LBE1257: .LBE1256: .loc 1 759 0 movl %ebx, (%esi) # mounted,* mnt .loc 1 760 0 movl 16(%ebx), %eax # .mnt_root, dentry .LVL618: .LBB1258: .LBB1259: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L636 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L638 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L640: jmp .L640 # .L638: .LBB1260: .LBB1261: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L636: .LBE1261: .LBE1260: .LBE1259: .LBE1258: .loc 1 760 0 movl %eax, (%edi) # dentry,* dentry movl $1, %eax #, D.19465 .LVL619: .L633: .loc 1 764 0 popl %ebx # .LVL620: popl %esi # .LVL621: popl %edi # .LVL622: ret .LFE970: .size follow_down, .-follow_down .type __link_path_walk, @function __link_path_walk: .LFB973: .loc 1 882 0 .LVL623: pushl %ebp # .LCFI126: pushl %edi # .LCFI127: pushl %esi # .LCFI128: pushl %ebx # .LCFI129: subl $68, %esp #, .LCFI130: movl %eax, 8(%esp) # name, name movl %edx, %ebx # nd, nd .loc 1 886 0 movl 20(%edx), %eax # .flags, .LVL624: movl %eax, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags .LVL625: jmp .L643 # .LVL626: .L644: .loc 1 889 0 incl 8(%esp) # name .LVL627: .L643: .loc 1 888 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # name, movb (%edx), %al #, temp.1510 cmpb $47, %al #, temp.1510 je .L644 #, .loc 1 890 0 testb %al, %al # temp.1510 je .L646 #, .loc 1 893 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode .LVL628: .loc 1 894 0 cmpl $0, 28(%ebx) #, .depth je .L926 #, .loc 1 895 0 andl $4, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags orl $1, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags .LVL629: .L926: .LBB1496: .loc 1 903 0 orl $4, 20(%ebx) #, .flags .LBB1497: .LBB1498: .loc 1 474 0 movw 114(%esi), %di # .i_mode, mode .LVL630: .LBB1499: .LBB1500: .loc 1 235 0 movl %edi, %eax #, tmp202 .LVL631: andl $61440, %eax #, tmp202 cmpl $16384, %eax #, tmp202 jne .L650 #, testb $4, 553(%esi) #, .i_flags je .L650 #, .LBB1501: .LBB1502: .LBB1503: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL632: #NO_APP .LBE1503: .LBE1502: .LBE1501: .loc 1 235 0 movl 1184(%eax), %edx # .xid, D.26806 .LBB1504: .LBB1505: .loc 14 80 0 movl %esp, %eax # current_stack_pointer, tmp205 .LVL633: andl $-4096, %eax #, tmp205 testl $268435200, 20(%eax) #, .preempt_count jne .L650 #, .loc 14 87 0 testl %edx, %edx # D.26806 je .L650 #, .LBE1505: .LBE1504: .loc 1 236 0 movl %edx, 4(%esp) # D.26806, movl $.LC2, (%esp) #, call printk # jmp .L669 # .L650: .LBE1500: .LBE1499: .loc 1 478 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.26905 testl %eax, %eax # D.26905 je .L656 #, cmpl $0, 52(%eax) #, .permission jne .L658 #, .L656: .LBB1506: .LBB1507: .LBB1508: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL634: #NO_APP .LBE1508: .LBE1507: .LBE1506: .loc 1 481 0 movl 344(%eax), %eax # .fsuid, .fsuid .LVL635: cmpl 44(%esi), %eax # .i_uid, .fsuid jne .L659 #, .loc 1 482 0 shrw $6, %di #, mode .LVL636: jmp .L661 # .LVL637: .L659: .LBE1498: .loc 1 483 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .i_gid, .i_gid call in_group_p # .LBB1509: testl %eax, %eax # D.26918 je .L661 #, .loc 1 484 0 shrw $3, %di #, mode .LVL638: .L661: .LBE1509: .loc 1 486 0 testw $1, %di #, mode jne .L663 #, .LBB1510: .loc 1 489 0 movzwl 114(%esi), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode testb $73, %al #, .i_mode je .L665 #, .LBE1510: movl $1, %eax #, call capable # .LBB1511: testl %eax, %eax # D.26930 jne .L663 #, .L665: .loc 1 492 0 movzwl 114(%esi), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L669 #, .LBE1511: movw $1, %ax #, call capable # .LBB1512: testl %eax, %eax # D.26934 jne .L663 #, .loc 1 495 0 movzwl 114(%esi), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L669 #, .LBE1512: movw $2, %ax #, call capable # .LBB1513: testl %eax, %eax # D.26937 jne .L663 #, jmp .L669 # .LVL639: .L906: .LBE1513: .LBE1497: .LBB1514: .LBB1515: .LBB1516: .loc 1 777 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.23727, D.23727 call _read_unlock # jmp .L690 # .LVL640: .L907: .loc 1 793 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # jmp .L698 # .LVL641: .L658: .LBE1516: .LBE1515: .LBE1514: .loc 1 906 0 movl $1, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call vfs_permission # movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .loc 1 907 0 testl %eax, %eax # jne .L671 #, .LVL642: .L910: .loc 1 910 0 movl 8(%esp), %ebp # name, D.19587 .LVL643: movl %ebp, 56(%esp) # D.19587, this.name .loc 1 911 0 movzbl (%ebp), %edx #, c .LVL644: xorl %edi, %edi # hash .LVL645: .L674: .loc 1 915 0 incl 8(%esp) # name .LBB1517: .LBB1518: .loc 9 56 0 movl %edx, %eax # c, tmp220 sall $4, %eax #, tmp220 shrl $4, %edx #, c addl %edx, %eax # c, tmp222 addl %edi, %eax # hash, tmp223 imull $11, %eax, %edi #, tmp223, hash .LBE1518: .LBE1517: .loc 1 917 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # name, movb (%eax), %cl #, D.19581 movzbl %cl, %edx # D.19581, c .loc 1 918 0 testl %edx, %edx # c je .L676 #, cmpl $47, %edx #, c jne .L674 #, .L676: .loc 1 919 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # name, tmp224 subl %ebp, %eax # D.19587, tmp224 movl %eax, 52(%esp) # tmp224, this.len .loc 1 920 0 movl %edi, 48(%esp) # hash, this.hash .loc 1 923 0 testb %cl, %cl # D.19581 je .L677 #, .L915: .loc 1 925 0 incl 8(%esp) # name movl 8(%esp), %edx # name, .LVL646: movb (%edx), %al #, D.19572 cmpb $47, %al #, D.19572 je .L915 #, .loc 1 926 0 testb %al, %al # D.19572 je .L680 #, .loc 1 934 0 movl 56(%esp), %edx # this.name, temp.1496 cmpb $46, (%edx) #,* temp.1496 jne .L682 #, movl 52(%esp), %eax # this.len, this.len cmpl $1, %eax #, this.len je .L926 #, cmpl $2, %eax #, this.len jne .L682 #, .loc 1 938 0 cmpb $46, 1(%edx) #, jne .L682 #, .LBB1519: .LBB1520: .LBB1521: .LBB1522: .LBB1523: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL647: #NO_APP .LBE1523: .LBE1522: .LBE1521: .loc 1 768 0 movl 1088(%eax), %edi # .fs, fs .LVL648: .LVL649: .L686: .LBB1524: .loc 1 772 0 movl (%ebx), %ebp # .dentry, old .loc 1 774 0 leal 4(%edi), %esi #, D.23727 .LVL650: movl %esi, %eax # D.23727, D.23727 .LVL651: call _read_lock # .loc 1 775 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry cmpl 36(%edi), %eax # .root, .dentry jne .L687 #, movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt cmpl 48(%edi), %eax # .rootmnt, .mnt je .L906 #, .L687: .loc 1 781 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.23727, D.23727 call _read_unlock # .loc 1 782 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, call _spin_lock # .loc 1 783 0 movl (%ebx), %edx # .dentry, D.23728 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt cmpl 16(%eax), %edx # .mnt_root, D.23728 je .L691 #, .loc 1 784 0 movl 48(%edx), %eax # .d_parent, dentry .LVL652: .LBB1525: .LBB1526: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L693 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L695 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L697: jmp .L697 # .L695: .LBB1527: .LBB1528: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L693: .LBE1528: .LBE1527: .LBE1526: .LBE1525: .loc 1 784 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 785 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, .LVL653: call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 786 0 movl %ebp, %eax # old, old call dput # jmp .L698 # .L691: .loc 1 789 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 790 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_lock # .loc 1 791 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, temp.1457 movl 8(%eax), %esi # .mnt_parent, mnt .LVL654: .loc 1 792 0 cmpl %eax, %esi # temp.1457, mnt je .L907 #, .LBB1529: .LBB1530: .loc 7 67 0 testl %esi, %esi # mnt je .L701 #, .LBB1531: .LBB1532: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%esi) # #NO_APP .L701: .LBE1532: .LBE1531: .LBE1530: .LBE1529: .loc 1 797 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt movl 12(%eax), %eax # .mnt_mountpoint, dentry .LVL655: .LBB1533: .LBB1534: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L703 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L705 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L707: jmp .L707 # .L705: .LBB1535: .LBB1536: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L703: .LBE1536: .LBE1535: .LBE1534: .LBE1533: .loc 1 797 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 798 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, .LVL656: call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 799 0 movl %ebp, %eax # old, old call dput # .loc 1 800 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, mnt .LVL657: .LBB1537: .LBB1538: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L708 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL658: .L708: .LBE1538: .LBE1537: .loc 1 801 0 movl %esi, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt jmp .L686 # .LVL659: .L698: .LBE1524: .loc 1 803 0 leal 4(%ebx), %eax #, tmp231 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd call follow_mount # .L690: .LBE1520: .LBE1519: .loc 1 941 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode .LVL660: jmp .L926 # .LVL661: .L682: .loc 1 950 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, temp.1463 movl 100(%eax), %edx # .d_op, temp.1491 testl %edx, %edx # temp.1491 je .L710 #, movl 4(%edx), %ecx # .d_hash, temp.1473 testl %ecx, %ecx # temp.1473 je .L710 #, .loc 1 951 0 leal 48(%esp), %edx #, tmp233 call *%ecx # temp.1473 movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .loc 1 952 0 testl %eax, %eax # js .L671 #, .L710: .loc 1 956 0 leal 60(%esp), %ecx #, tmp234 leal 48(%esp), %edx #, tmp235 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call do_lookup # .loc 1 957 0 testl %eax, %eax # err.1489 .LVL662: je .L713 #, movl %eax, 12(%esp) # err.1489, err jmp .L671 # .L713: .loc 1 961 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, D.23855 .LVL663: movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode .loc 1 962 0 testl %esi, %esi # inode je .L715 #, .loc 1 965 0 movl 260(%esi), %edx # .i_op, temp.1482 testl %edx, %edx # temp.1482 jne .L717 #, movl $-20, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L719 # .L717: .loc 1 968 0 cmpl $0, 40(%edx) #, .follow_link je .L720 #, .LBB1539: .LBB1540: .LBB1541: .LBB1542: .LBB1543: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%edx #, ret__ .LVL664: #NO_APP .LBE1543: .LBE1542: .LBE1541: .loc 1 673 0 cmpl $7, 412(%edx) #, .link_count jg .L825 #, .loc 1 675 0 cmpl $39, 416(%edx) #, .total_link_count jg .L825 #, .loc 1 677 0 cmpl $7, 28(%ebx) #, .depth jbe .L725 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC4 # .word 677, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L727: jmp .L727 # .L725: .loc 1 678 0 call cond_resched # .LVL665: .LBB1544: .LBB1545: .LBB1546: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL666: #NO_APP .LBE1546: .LBE1545: .LBE1544: .loc 1 682 0 incl 412(%eax) # .link_count .LBB1547: .LBB1548: .LBB1549: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL667: #NO_APP .LBE1549: .LBE1548: .LBE1547: .loc 1 683 0 incl 416(%eax) # .total_link_count .loc 1 684 0 incl 28(%ebx) # .depth .LBB1550: .LBB1551: .loc 1 637 0 movl 64(%esp), %ebp # next.dentry, dentry .LVL668: .loc 1 639 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt .LVL669: movl %ebp, %edx # dentry, dentry call touch_atime # .LBB1552: .LBB1553: .loc 6 94 0 movl 28(%ebx), %eax # .depth, .depth movl $0, 32(%ebx,%eax,4) #, .saved_names .LBE1553: .LBE1552: .loc 1 642 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt cmpl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, next.mnt je .L728 #, .LBB1554: .LBB1555: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.26948 cmpl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.26948 je .L730 #, .LBB1556: .LBB1557: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.26948 je .L730 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L730: .LBE1557: .LBE1556: .loc 1 629 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # next.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, next.dentry movl %eax, (%ebx) # next.dentry, .dentry .LBE1555: .LBE1554: .LBB1558: .LBB1559: .loc 9 315 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # dentry je .L728 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%ebp) #, .d_count.counter jne .L734 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L736: jmp .L736 # .L734: .LBB1560: .LBB1561: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ebp) #* dentry #NO_APP .L728: .LBE1561: .LBE1560: .LBE1559: .LBE1558: .loc 1 646 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, mnt .LVL670: .LBB1562: .LBB1563: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L737 #, .LBB1564: .LBB1565: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L737: .LBE1565: .LBE1564: .LBE1563: .LBE1562: .LBE1551: .loc 1 647 0 movl 36(%ebp), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL671: movl 260(%eax), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl %ebp, %eax # dentry, dentry call *40(%ecx) # .follow_link movl %eax, 20(%esp) #, cookie .LBB1566: .loc 1 649 0 movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L741 #, .LBB1567: .LBB1568: .LBB1569: .loc 6 99 0 movl 28(%ebx), %eax # .depth, .depth movl 32(%ebx,%eax,4), %eax # .saved_names, movl %eax, 24(%esp) #, s .LBE1569: .LBE1568: .loc 1 652 0 movl $0, 12(%esp) #, err testl %eax, %eax # je .L744 #, movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .LBB1570: .LBB1571: .loc 1 586 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L745 #, .loc 1 589 0 cmpb $47, (%eax) #, jne .L747 #, .loc 1 590 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # .LBB1572: .LBB1573: .LBB1574: .LBB1575: .LBB1576: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL672: #NO_APP .LBE1576: .LBE1575: .LBE1574: .loc 1 565 0 movl 1088(%eax), %esi # .fs, fs .LVL673: .loc 1 567 0 leal 4(%esi), %edi #, D.27024 .LVL674: movl %edi, %eax # D.27024, D.27024 .LVL675: call _read_lock # .loc 1 568 0 cmpl $0, 44(%esi) #, .altroot je .L749 #, testb $32, 20(%ebx) #, .flags jne .L749 #, .loc 1 569 0 movl 56(%esi), %eax # .altrootmnt, mnt .LVL676: .LBB1577: .LBB1578: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L752 #, .LBB1579: .LBB1580: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L752: .LBE1580: .LBE1579: .LBE1578: .LBE1577: .loc 1 569 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 570 0 movl 44(%esi), %eax # .altroot, dentry .LVL677: .LBB1581: .LBB1582: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L754 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L756 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L758: jmp .L758 # .L756: .LBB1583: .LBB1584: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L754: .LBE1584: .LBE1583: .LBE1582: .LBE1581: .loc 1 570 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 571 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27024, D.27024 .LVL678: call _read_unlock # .LBE1573: .loc 1 572 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 24(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL679: call __emul_lookup_dentry # .LVL680: .LBB1585: movl $0, 12(%esp) #, err testl %eax, %eax # D.27050 jne .L761 #, .loc 1 574 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27024, D.27024 call _read_lock # .L749: .loc 1 576 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL681: .LBB1586: .LBB1587: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L762 #, .LBB1588: .LBB1589: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L762: .LBE1589: .LBE1588: .LBE1587: .LBE1586: .loc 1 576 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 577 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL682: .LBB1590: .LBB1591: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L764 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L766 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L768: jmp .L768 # .L766: .LBB1592: .LBB1593: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L764: .LBE1593: .LBE1592: .LBE1591: .LBE1590: .loc 1 577 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 578 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27024, D.27024 .LVL683: call _read_unlock # .LVL684: .L747: .LBE1585: .LBE1572: .LBE1571: .loc 1 595 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 24(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL685: call link_path_walk # .LVL686: movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .L761: .LBB1594: .loc 1 597 0 cmpl $0, 28(%ebx) #, .depth jne .L744 #, cmpl $0, 12(%esp) #, err jne .L744 #, cmpl $0, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type jne .L744 #, .LBE1594: .loc 1 604 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, %edx #, dest .LVL687: .LBB1595: .loc 1 605 0 testl %eax, %eax # dest jne .L771 #, .LVL688: .loc 1 606 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL689: call path_release # .LVL690: movl $-12, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L744 # .LVL691: .L771: .LBB1596: .LBB1597: .loc 2 32 0 movl 16(%ebx), %esi # .last.name, .last.name .LVL692: movl %eax, %edi # dest, .LVL693: #APP 1: lodsb stosb testb %al,%al jne 1b .LVL694: #NO_APP .LBE1597: .LBE1596: .loc 1 610 0 movl %edx, 16(%ebx) # dest, .last.name jmp .L744 # .LVL695: .L745: .loc 1 613 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # .LVL696: .L744: .LBE1595: .LBE1570: .loc 1 654 0 movl 36(%ebp), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL697: movl 260(%eax), %eax # .i_op, .i_op movl 44(%eax), %esi # .put_link, D.23844 .LVL698: testl %esi, %esi # D.23844 je .L741 #, .loc 1 655 0 movl 20(%esp), %ecx # cookie, cookie movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd .LVL699: movl %ebp, %eax # dentry, dentry call *%esi # D.23844 .LVL700: .L741: .LBE1567: .loc 1 657 0 movl %ebp, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .LVL701: .loc 1 658 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, mnt .LVL702: .LBB1598: .LBB1599: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L774 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL703: .L774: .LBE1599: .LBE1598: .LBE1566: .LBE1550: .LBB1600: .LBB1601: .LBB1602: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL704: #NO_APP .LBE1602: .LBE1601: .LBE1600: .loc 1 686 0 decl 412(%eax) # .link_count .loc 1 687 0 decl 28(%ebx) # .depth .LBE1540: .LBE1539: .loc 1 970 0 cmpl $0, 12(%esp) #, err jne .L776 #, .L722: .loc 1 973 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL705: movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode .loc 1 974 0 testl %esi, %esi # inode je .L781 #, .loc 1 977 0 cmpl $0, 260(%esi) #, .i_op jne .L784 #, jmp .L783 # .LVL706: .L720: .LBB1603: .LBB1604: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.23867 cmpl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.23867 je .L785 #, .LBB1605: .LBB1606: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.23867 je .L785 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L785: .LBE1606: .LBE1605: .loc 1 629 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # next.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, next.dentry movl %eax, (%ebx) # next.dentry, .dentry .LVL707: .L784: .LBE1604: .LBE1603: .loc 1 982 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, .i_op cmpl $0, 4(%eax) #, .lookup je .L783 #, jmp .L926 # .LVL708: .L909: .LBB1607: .LBB1608: .LBB1609: .loc 1 793 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # jmp .L805 # .LVL709: .L680: .LBE1609: .LBE1608: .LBE1607: .loc 1 988 0 orl $3, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags .LVL710: .L677: .loc 1 991 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # lookup_flags, tmp259 orl $-5, %eax #, tmp259 andl %eax, 20(%ebx) # tmp259, .flags .loc 1 992 0 testb $16, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags jne .L788 #, .LVL711: .loc 1 994 0 movl 56(%esp), %edx # this.name, temp.1495 .LVL712: cmpb $46, (%edx) #,* temp.1495 jne .L790 #, movl 52(%esp), %eax # this.len, this.len cmpl $1, %eax #, this.len je .L646 #, cmpl $2, %eax #, this.len jne .L790 #, .loc 1 998 0 cmpb $46, 1(%edx) #, jne .L790 #, .LBB1610: .LBB1611: .LBB1612: .LBB1613: .LBB1614: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL713: #NO_APP .LBE1614: .LBE1613: .LBE1612: .loc 1 768 0 movl 1088(%eax), %edi # .fs, fs .LVL714: .LVL715: .L794: .LBB1615: .loc 1 772 0 movl (%ebx), %ebp # .dentry, old .loc 1 774 0 leal 4(%edi), %esi #, D.23891 .LVL716: movl %esi, %eax # D.23891, D.23891 .LVL717: call _read_lock # .loc 1 775 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry cmpl 36(%edi), %eax # .root, .dentry jne .L795 #, movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt cmpl 48(%edi), %eax # .rootmnt, .mnt je .L908 #, .L795: .loc 1 781 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.23891, D.23891 call _read_unlock # .loc 1 782 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, call _spin_lock # .loc 1 783 0 movl (%ebx), %edx # .dentry, D.23892 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt cmpl 16(%eax), %edx # .mnt_root, D.23892 je .L798 #, .loc 1 784 0 movl 48(%edx), %eax # .d_parent, dentry .LVL718: .LBB1616: .LBB1617: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L800 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L802 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L804: jmp .L804 # .L802: .LBB1618: .LBB1619: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L800: .LBE1619: .LBE1618: .LBE1617: .LBE1616: .loc 1 784 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 785 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, .LVL719: call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 786 0 movl %ebp, %eax # old, old call dput # jmp .L805 # .L798: .loc 1 789 0 movl $dcache_lock, %eax #, call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 790 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, call _spin_lock # .loc 1 791 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, temp.1497 movl 8(%eax), %esi # .mnt_parent, mnt .LVL720: .loc 1 792 0 cmpl %eax, %esi # temp.1497, mnt je .L909 #, .LBB1620: .LBB1621: .loc 7 67 0 testl %esi, %esi # mnt je .L808 #, .LBB1622: .LBB1623: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%esi) # #NO_APP .L808: .LBE1623: .LBE1622: .LBE1621: .LBE1620: .loc 1 797 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, .mnt movl 12(%eax), %eax # .mnt_mountpoint, dentry .LVL721: .LBB1624: .LBB1625: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L810 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L812 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L814: jmp .L814 # .L812: .LBB1626: .LBB1627: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L810: .LBE1627: .LBE1626: .LBE1625: .LBE1624: .loc 1 797 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 798 0 movl $vfsmount_lock, %eax #, .LVL722: call _spin_unlock # .loc 1 799 0 movl %ebp, %eax # old, old call dput # .loc 1 800 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, mnt .LVL723: .LBB1628: .LBB1629: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L815 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL724: .L815: .LBE1629: .LBE1628: .loc 1 801 0 movl %esi, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt jmp .L794 # .LVL725: .L805: .LBE1615: .loc 1 803 0 leal 4(%ebx), %eax #, tmp267 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd call follow_mount # jmp .L646 # .LVL726: .L790: .LBE1611: .LBE1610: .loc 1 1006 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, temp.1461 movl 100(%eax), %edx # .d_op, temp.1490 testl %edx, %edx # temp.1490 je .L817 #, movl 4(%edx), %ecx # .d_hash, D.19597 testl %ecx, %ecx # D.19597 je .L817 #, .loc 1 1007 0 leal 48(%esp), %edx #, tmp268 call *%ecx # D.19597 movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .loc 1 1008 0 testl %eax, %eax # js .L671 #, .L817: .loc 1 1011 0 leal 60(%esp), %ecx #, tmp269 leal 48(%esp), %edx #, tmp270 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call do_lookup # movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, err .loc 1 1012 0 testl %eax, %eax # jne .L671 #, .loc 1 1014 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, D.24019 movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode.1511 .LVL727: .loc 1 1015 0 testb $1, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags je .L821 #, testl %esi, %esi # inode.1511 je .L821 #, movl 260(%esi), %edx # .i_op, temp.1481 testl %edx, %edx # temp.1481 je .L821 #, cmpl $0, 40(%edx) #, .follow_link je .L821 #, .LBB1630: .LBB1631: .LBB1632: .LBB1633: .LBB1634: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%edx #, ret__ .LVL728: #NO_APP .LBE1634: .LBE1633: .LBE1632: .loc 1 673 0 cmpl $7, 412(%edx) #, .link_count jg .L825 #, .loc 1 675 0 cmpl $39, 416(%edx) #, .total_link_count jg .L825 #, .loc 1 677 0 cmpl $7, 28(%ebx) #, .depth jbe .L828 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC4 # .word 677, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L830: jmp .L830 # .L828: .loc 1 678 0 call cond_resched # .LVL729: .LBB1635: .LBB1636: .LBB1637: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL730: #NO_APP .LBE1637: .LBE1636: .LBE1635: .loc 1 682 0 incl 412(%eax) # .link_count .LBB1638: .LBB1639: .LBB1640: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL731: #NO_APP .LBE1640: .LBE1639: .LBE1638: .loc 1 683 0 incl 416(%eax) # .total_link_count .loc 1 684 0 incl 28(%ebx) # .depth .LBB1641: .LBB1642: .loc 1 637 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, .LVL732: movl %eax, 40(%esp) #, dentry .LVL733: .loc 1 639 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt movl 40(%esp), %edx # dentry, dentry call touch_atime # .LBB1643: .LBB1644: .loc 6 94 0 movl 28(%ebx), %eax # .depth, .depth movl $0, 32(%ebx,%eax,4) #, .saved_names .LBE1644: .LBE1643: .loc 1 642 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt cmpl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, next.mnt je .L831 #, .LBB1645: .LBB1646: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.27109 cmpl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.27109 je .L833 #, .LBB1647: .LBB1648: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.27109 je .L833 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L833: .LBE1648: .LBE1647: .loc 1 629 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # next.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, next.dentry movl %eax, (%ebx) # next.dentry, .dentry .LBE1646: .LBE1645: .LBB1649: .LBB1650: .loc 9 315 0 cmpl $0, 40(%esp) #, dentry je .L831 #, .loc 9 316 0 movl 40(%esp), %edx # dentry, cmpl $0, (%edx) #, .d_count.counter jne .L837 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L839: jmp .L839 # .L837: .LBB1651: .LBB1652: .loc 10 96 0 movl 40(%esp), %edi # dentry, .LVL734: #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%edi) # .LVL735: #NO_APP .L831: .LBE1652: .LBE1651: .LBE1650: .LBE1649: .loc 1 646 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, mnt .LVL736: .LBB1653: .LBB1654: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L840 #, .LBB1655: .LBB1656: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L840: .LBE1656: .LBE1655: .LBE1654: .LBE1653: .LBE1642: .loc 1 647 0 movl 40(%esp), %edx # dentry, movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL737: movl 260(%eax), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 40(%esp), %eax # dentry, dentry call *40(%ecx) # .follow_link movl %eax, 28(%esp) #, cookie .LVL738: .LBB1657: .loc 1 649 0 movl %eax, %ebp #, err.1488 .LVL739: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L844 #, .LBB1658: .LBB1659: .LBB1660: .loc 6 99 0 movl 28(%ebx), %eax # .depth, .depth movl 32(%ebx,%eax,4), %eax # .saved_names, movl %eax, 32(%esp) #, s .LVL740: .LBE1660: .LBE1659: .loc 1 652 0 xorl %ebp, %ebp # err.1488 testl %eax, %eax # je .L847 #, movl %eax, %ebp #, err.1488 .LBB1661: .LBB1662: .loc 1 586 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, err.1488 ja .L848 #, .LVL741: .loc 1 589 0 cmpb $47, (%eax) #,* err.1488 jne .L850 #, .loc 1 590 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL742: call path_release # .LBB1663: .LBB1664: .LBB1665: .LBB1666: .LBB1667: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL743: #NO_APP .LBE1667: .LBE1666: .LBE1665: .loc 1 565 0 movl 1088(%eax), %esi # .fs, fs .LVL744: .loc 1 567 0 leal 4(%esi), %edi #, D.27185 .LVL745: movl %edi, %eax # D.27185, D.27185 .LVL746: call _read_lock # .loc 1 568 0 cmpl $0, 44(%esi) #, .altroot je .L852 #, testb $32, 20(%ebx) #, .flags jne .L852 #, .loc 1 569 0 movl 56(%esi), %eax # .altrootmnt, mnt .LVL747: .LBB1668: .LBB1669: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L855 #, .LBB1670: .LBB1671: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L855: .LBE1671: .LBE1670: .LBE1669: .LBE1668: .loc 1 569 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 570 0 movl 44(%esi), %eax # .altroot, dentry .LVL748: .LBB1672: .LBB1673: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L857 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L859 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L861: jmp .L861 # .L859: .LBB1674: .LBB1675: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L857: .LBE1675: .LBE1674: .LBE1673: .LBE1672: .loc 1 570 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 571 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27185, D.27185 .LVL749: call _read_unlock # .LBE1664: .loc 1 572 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 32(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL750: call __emul_lookup_dentry # .LVL751: .LBB1676: xorl %ebp, %ebp # err.1488 testl %eax, %eax # D.27211 jne .L864 #, .loc 1 574 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27185, D.27185 call _read_lock # .L852: .loc 1 576 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL752: .LBB1677: .LBB1678: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L865 #, .LBB1679: .LBB1680: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L865: .LBE1680: .LBE1679: .LBE1678: .LBE1677: .loc 1 576 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 577 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL753: .LBB1681: .LBB1682: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L867 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L869 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L871: jmp .L871 # .L869: .LBB1683: .LBB1684: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L867: .LBE1684: .LBE1683: .LBE1682: .LBE1681: .loc 1 577 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 578 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.27185, D.27185 .LVL754: call _read_unlock # .LVL755: .L850: .LBE1676: .LBE1663: .LBE1662: .loc 1 595 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 32(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL756: call link_path_walk # .LVL757: movl %eax, %ebp #, err.1488 .L864: .LBB1685: .loc 1 597 0 cmpl $0, 28(%ebx) #, .depth jne .L847 #, testl %ebp, %ebp # err.1488 jne .L847 #, cmpl $0, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type jne .L847 #, .LBE1685: .loc 1 604 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, %edx #, dest .LVL758: .LBB1686: .loc 1 605 0 testl %eax, %eax # dest jne .L874 #, .LVL759: .loc 1 606 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL760: call path_release # .LVL761: movl $-12, %ebp #, err.1488 jmp .L847 # .LVL762: .L874: .LBB1687: .LBB1688: .loc 2 32 0 movl 16(%ebx), %esi # .last.name, .last.name .LVL763: movl %eax, %edi # dest, .LVL764: #APP 1: lodsb stosb testb %al,%al jne 1b .LVL765: #NO_APP .LBE1688: .LBE1687: .loc 1 610 0 movl %edx, 16(%ebx) # dest, .last.name jmp .L847 # .LVL766: .L848: .loc 1 613 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL767: call path_release # .LVL768: .L847: .LBE1686: .LBE1661: .loc 1 654 0 movl 40(%esp), %edx # dentry, .LVL769: movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL770: movl 260(%eax), %eax # .i_op, .i_op movl 44(%eax), %esi # .put_link, D.24008 .LVL771: testl %esi, %esi # D.24008 je .L844 #, .loc 1 655 0 movl 28(%esp), %ecx # cookie, cookie movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl 40(%esp), %eax # dentry, dentry call *%esi # D.24008 .LVL772: .L844: .LBE1658: .loc 1 657 0 movl 40(%esp), %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .loc 1 658 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, mnt .LVL773: .LBB1689: .LBB1690: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L877 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL774: .L877: .LBE1690: .LBE1689: .LBE1657: .LBE1641: .LBB1691: .LBB1692: .LBB1693: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL775: #NO_APP .LBE1693: .LBE1692: .LBE1691: .loc 1 686 0 decl 412(%eax) # .link_count .loc 1 687 0 decl 28(%ebx) # .depth .LBE1631: .LBE1630: .loc 1 1018 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # err.1488 je .L879 #, movl %ebp, 12(%esp) # err.1488, err jmp .L776 # .LVL776: .L825: .LBB1694: .LBB1695: .LBB1696: .LBB1697: .loc 1 619 0 call dput # .LVL777: .loc 1 620 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.24020 cmpl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.24020 je .L881 #, .LBB1698: .LBB1699: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.24020 je .L881 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L881: .LBE1699: .LBE1698: .LBE1697: .LBE1696: .loc 1 691 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # movl $-40, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L776 # .LVL778: .L879: .LBE1695: .LBE1694: .loc 1 1020 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry .LVL779: movl 36(%eax), %esi # .d_inode, inode.1511 jmp .L884 # .LVL780: .L821: .LBB1700: .LBB1701: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.24031 cmpl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.24031 je .L885 #, .LBB1702: .LBB1703: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.24031 je .L885 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L885: .LBE1703: .LBE1702: .loc 1 629 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, next.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # next.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 64(%esp), %eax # next.dentry, next.dentry movl %eax, (%ebx) # next.dentry, .dentry .LVL781: .L884: .LBE1701: .LBE1700: .loc 1 1024 0 testl %esi, %esi # inode.1511 je .L781 #, .loc 1 1026 0 testb $2, 16(%esp) #, lookup_flags je .L776 #, .loc 1 1028 0 movl 260(%esi), %eax # .i_op, D.19601 testl %eax, %eax # D.19601 je .L783 #, cmpl $0, 4(%eax) #, .lookup jne .L776 #, jmp .L783 # .LVL782: .L788: .loc 1 1033 0 leal 8(%ebx), %eax #, tmp295 leal 48(%esp), %edx #, tmp296 .LVL783: movl $12, %ecx #, call memcpy # .loc 1 1034 0 movl $0, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type .loc 1 1035 0 movl 56(%esp), %edx # this.name, temp.1494 cmpb $46, (%edx) #,* temp.1494 jne .L776 #, .loc 1 1037 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # this.len, D.19593 cmpl $1, %eax #, D.19593 jne .L892 #, .loc 1 1038 0 movl $2, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type jmp .L646 # .LVL784: .L908: .LBB1704: .LBB1705: .LBB1706: .loc 1 777 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.23891, D.23891 call _read_unlock # jmp .L646 # .LVL785: .L892: .LBE1706: .LBE1705: .LBE1704: .loc 1 1039 0 cmpl $2, %eax #, D.19593 jne .L776 #, cmpb $46, 1(%edx) #, jne .L776 #, .loc 1 1040 0 movl $3, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type .LVL786: .L646: .loc 1 1048 0 movl (%ebx), %esi # .dentry, D.19573 .LVL787: testl %esi, %esi # D.19573 je .L896 #, movl 104(%esi), %eax # .d_sb, D.19619 testl %eax, %eax # D.19619 je .L896 #, movl 28(%eax), %eax # .s_type, .s_type testb $64, 5(%eax) #, .fs_flags je .L896 #, .loc 1 1052 0 movl 100(%esi), %ecx # .d_op, .d_op movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl %esi, %eax # D.19573, D.19573 call *(%ecx) # .d_revalidate movl $-116, 12(%esp) #, err testl %eax, %eax # D.19624 je .L671 #, jmp .L896 # .LVL788: .L715: movl $-2, 12(%esp) #, err .L719: .LBB1707: .LBB1708: .loc 1 619 0 call dput # .loc 1 620 0 movl 60(%esp), %eax # next.mnt, D.24042 cmpl 4(%ebx), %eax # .mnt, D.24042 je .L671 #, .LBB1709: .LBB1710: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.24042 je .L671 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # jmp .L671 # .LVL789: .L781: movl $-2, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L671 # .L783: movl $-20, 12(%esp) #, err .LVL790: .L671: .LBE1710: .LBE1709: .LBE1708: .LBE1707: .LBE1496: .loc 1 1061 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL791: call path_release # jmp .L776 # .LVL792: .L896: movl $0, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L776 # .LVL793: .L669: .LBB1711: .loc 1 906 0 movl $-13, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L671 # .L663: movl $0, 12(%esp) #, err jmp .L910 # .LVL794: .L776: .LBE1711: .loc 1 1064 0 movl 12(%esp), %eax # err, .LVL795: addl $68, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL796: popl %esi # .LVL797: popl %edi # .LVL798: popl %ebp # .LVL799: ret .LFE973: .size __link_path_walk, .-__link_path_walk .globl link_path_walk .type link_path_walk, @function link_path_walk: .LFB974: .loc 1 1074 0 .LVL800: pushl %ebp # .LCFI131: pushl %edi # .LCFI132: pushl %esi # .LCFI133: pushl %ebx # .LCFI134: subl $84, %esp #, .LCFI135: movl %eax, (%esp) # name, name movl %edx, %esi # nd, nd .loc 1 1075 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp70 .LVL801: movl $80, %ecx #, call memcpy # .LVL802: movl 8(%esp), %ebp # save.mnt, save$mnt movl 4(%esp), %edi # save.dentry, save$dentry .LBB1712: .LBB1713: .loc 9 315 0 testl %edi, %edi # save$dentry je .L929 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%edi) #, .d_count.counter jne .L931 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L933: jmp .L933 # .L931: .LBB1714: .LBB1715: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%edi) #* save$dentry #NO_APP .L929: .LBE1715: .LBE1714: .LBE1713: .LBE1712: .LBB1716: .LBB1717: .loc 7 67 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # save$mnt je .L934 #, .LBB1718: .LBB1719: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%ebp) # #NO_APP .L934: .LBE1719: .LBE1718: .LBE1717: .LBE1716: .loc 1 1082 0 movl %esi, %edx # nd, nd movl (%esp), %eax # name, name call __link_path_walk # movl %eax, %ebx #, result .LVL803: .loc 1 1083 0 cmpl $-116, %eax #, result jne .L936 #, .LVL804: .loc 1 1084 0 movl %ebp, 8(%esp) # save$mnt, save.mnt movl %edi, 4(%esp) # save$dentry, save.dentry leal 4(%esp), %edx #, tmp75 movl $80, %ecx #, movl %esi, %eax # nd, nd .LVL805: call memcpy # .loc 1 1085 0 movl (%esi), %eax # .dentry, dentry .LVL806: .LBB1720: .LBB1721: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L938 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L940 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L942: jmp .L942 # .L940: .LBB1722: .LBB1723: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L938: .LBE1723: .LBE1722: .LBE1721: .LBE1720: .loc 1 1086 0 movl 4(%esi), %eax # .mnt, mnt .LVL807: .LBB1724: .LBB1725: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L943 #, .LBB1726: .LBB1727: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L943: .LBE1727: .LBE1726: .LBE1725: .LBE1724: .loc 1 1087 0 orl $64, 20(%esi) #, .flags .loc 1 1088 0 movl %esi, %edx # nd, nd movl (%esp), %eax # name, name .LVL808: call __link_path_walk # movl %eax, %ebx #, result .LVL809: .L936: .loc 1 1091 0 movl %edi, %eax # save$dentry, save$dentry call dput # .LBB1728: .LBB1729: .loc 7 78 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # save$mnt je .L945 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%ebp) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 movl %ebp, %eax # save$mnt, save$mnt call mntput_no_expire # .L945: .LBE1729: .LBE1728: .loc 1 1095 0 movl %ebx, %eax # result, addl $84, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL810: popl %esi # .LVL811: popl %edi # popl %ebp # ret .LFE974: .size link_path_walk, .-link_path_walk .globl path_walk .type path_walk, @function path_walk: .LFB975: .loc 1 1098 0 .LVL812: .LBB1730: .LBB1731: .LBB1732: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%ecx #, ret__ .LVL813: #NO_APP .LBE1732: .LBE1731: .LBE1730: .loc 1 1099 0 movl $0, 416(%ecx) #, .total_link_count .loc 1 1100 0 jmp link_path_walk # .LVL814: .LFE975: .size path_walk, .-path_walk .type __emul_lookup_dentry, @function __emul_lookup_dentry: .LFB976: .loc 1 1108 0 .LVL815: pushl %ebp # .LCFI136: pushl %edi # .LCFI137: pushl %esi # .LCFI138: pushl %ebx # .LCFI139: subl $24, %esp #, .LCFI140: movl %eax, (%esp) # name, name movl %edx, %ebx # nd, nd .loc 1 1109 0 call path_walk # .LVL816: xorl %edx, %edx # D.19658 testl %eax, %eax # D.19657 jne .L953 #, .loc 1 1112 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, D.19661 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, D.19662 testl %eax, %eax # D.19662 je .L954 #, movzwl 114(%eax), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L956 #, .L954: .LBB1733: .loc 1 1114 0 movl 4(%ebx), %edi # .mnt, old_mnt .LVL817: .loc 1 1115 0 movl 16(%ebx), %eax # .last.name, movl %eax, 20(%esp) #, last$name movl 12(%ebx), %edx # .last.len, movl %edx, 16(%esp) #, last$len movl 8(%ebx), %eax # .last.hash, movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, last$hash .loc 1 1116 0 movl 24(%ebx), %edx # .last_type, movl %edx, 8(%esp) #, last_type .LVL818: .LBB1734: .LBB1735: .LBB1736: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL819: #NO_APP .LBE1736: .LBE1735: .LBE1734: .loc 1 1117 0 movl 1088(%eax), %esi # .fs, fs .LVL820: .loc 1 1123 0 movl $1, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type .loc 1 1124 0 leal 4(%esi), %ebp #, D.19667 movl %ebp, %eax # D.19667, D.19667 .LVL821: call _read_lock # .loc 1 1125 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL822: .LBB1737: .LBB1738: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L957 #, .LBB1739: .LBB1740: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L957: .LBE1740: .LBE1739: .LBE1738: .LBE1737: .loc 1 1125 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 1126 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL823: .LBB1741: .LBB1742: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L959 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L961 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L963: jmp .L963 # .L961: .LBB1743: .LBB1744: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L959: .LBE1744: .LBE1743: .LBE1742: .LBE1741: .loc 1 1126 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 1127 0 movl %ebp, %eax # D.19667, D.19667 .LVL824: call _read_unlock # .loc 1 1128 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl (%esp), %eax # name, name call path_walk # testl %eax, %eax # D.19672 jne .L964 #, .loc 1 1129 0 movl (%ebx), %eax # .dentry, .dentry cmpl $0, 36(%eax) #, .d_inode je .L966 #, .loc 1 1130 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # D.19661, D.19661 call dput # .LBB1745: .LBB1746: .loc 7 78 0 testl %edi, %edi # old_mnt je .L956 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%edi) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 movl %edi, %eax # old_mnt, old_mnt call mntput_no_expire # jmp .L956 # .L966: .LBE1746: .LBE1745: .loc 1 1134 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # .L964: .loc 1 1136 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # D.19661, movl %eax, (%ebx) #, .dentry .loc 1 1137 0 movl %edi, 4(%ebx) # old_mnt, .mnt .loc 1 1138 0 movl 20(%esp), %edx # last$name, movl %edx, 16(%ebx) #, .last.name movl 16(%esp), %eax # last$len, movl %eax, 12(%ebx) #, .last.len movl 12(%esp), %edx # last$hash, movl %edx, 8(%ebx) #, .last.hash .loc 1 1139 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # last_type, movl %eax, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type .L956: movl $1, %edx #, D.19658 .L953: .LBE1733: .loc 1 1142 0 movl %edx, %eax # D.19658, addl $24, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL825: popl %esi # .LVL826: popl %edi # .LVL827: popl %ebp # ret .LFE976: .size __emul_lookup_dentry, .-__emul_lookup_dentry .type do_path_lookup, @function do_path_lookup: .LFB978: .loc 1 1176 0 .LVL828: pushl %ebp # .LCFI141: pushl %edi # .LCFI142: pushl %esi # .LCFI143: pushl %ebx # .LCFI144: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI145: movl %eax, %esi # dfd, dfd movl %edx, (%esp) # name, name movl 28(%esp), %ebp # nd, nd .LBB1747: .LBB1748: .LBB1749: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL829: #NO_APP .LBE1749: .LBE1748: .LBE1747: .loc 1 1180 0 movl 1088(%eax), %ebx # .fs, fs .LVL830: .loc 1 1182 0 movl $1, 24(%ebp) #, .last_type .loc 1 1183 0 movl %ecx, 20(%ebp) # flags, .flags .loc 1 1184 0 movl $0, 28(%ebp) #, .depth .loc 1 1186 0 movl (%esp), %eax # name, .LVL831: cmpb $47, (%eax) #, jne .L971 #, .LVL832: .loc 1 1187 0 leal 4(%ebx), %esi #, temp.1629 .LVL833: movl %esi, %eax # temp.1629, temp.1629 call _read_lock # .LVL834: .loc 1 1188 0 cmpl $0, 44(%ebx) #, .altroot je .L973 #, testb $32, 20(%ebp) #, .flags jne .L973 #, .loc 1 1189 0 movl 56(%ebx), %eax # .altrootmnt, mnt .LVL835: .LBB1750: .LBB1751: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L976 #, .LBB1752: .LBB1753: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L976: .LBE1753: .LBE1752: .LBE1751: .LBE1750: .loc 1 1189 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 1190 0 movl 44(%ebx), %eax # .altroot, dentry .LVL836: .LBB1754: .LBB1755: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L978 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L980 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L982: jmp .L982 # .L980: .LBB1756: .LBB1757: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L978: .LBE1757: .LBE1756: .LBE1755: .LBE1754: .loc 1 1190 0 movl %eax, (%ebp) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 1191 0 movl %esi, %eax # temp.1629, temp.1629 .LVL837: call _read_unlock # .loc 1 1192 0 movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl (%esp), %eax # name, name call __emul_lookup_dentry # xorl %edi, %edi # retval .LVL838: testl %eax, %eax # D.19711 jne .L985 #, .loc 1 1194 0 movl %esi, %eax # temp.1629, temp.1629 call _read_lock # .L973: .loc 1 1196 0 movl 48(%ebx), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL839: .LBB1758: .LBB1759: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L986 #, .LBB1760: .LBB1761: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L986: .LBE1761: .LBE1760: .LBE1759: .LBE1758: .loc 1 1196 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 1197 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL840: .LBB1762: .LBB1763: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L998 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1000 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L992: jmp .L992 # .LVL841: .L971: .LBE1763: .LBE1762: .loc 1 1199 0 cmpl $-100, %esi #, dfd jne .L994 #, .loc 1 1200 0 leal 4(%ebx), %esi #, D.19704 .LVL842: movl %esi, %eax # D.19704, D.19704 call _read_lock # .LVL843: .loc 1 1201 0 movl 52(%ebx), %eax # .pwdmnt, mnt .LVL844: .LBB1764: .LBB1765: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L996 #, .LBB1766: .LBB1767: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L996: .LBE1767: .LBE1766: .LBE1765: .LBE1764: .loc 1 1201 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 1202 0 movl 40(%ebx), %eax # .pwd, dentry .LVL845: .LBB1768: .LBB1769: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L998 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1000 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1002: jmp .L1002 # .LVL846: .L1000: .LBB1770: .LBB1771: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L998: .LBE1771: .LBE1770: .LBE1769: .LBE1768: .loc 1 1202 0 movl %eax, (%ebp) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 1203 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19704, D.19704 .LVL847: call _read_unlock # jmp .L993 # .LVL848: .L994: .LBB1772: .loc 1 1207 0 leal 4(%esp), %edx #, tmp89 movl %esi, %eax # dfd, dfd call fget_light # .LVL849: movl %eax, %esi #, file .LVL850: .loc 1 1209 0 movl $-9, %edi #, retval .LVL851: testl %eax, %eax # file je .L985 #, .LVL852: .loc 1 1212 0 movl 12(%eax), %ebx # .f_path.dentry, dentry .LVL853: .loc 1 1215 0 movl 36(%ebx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL854: movzwl 114(%eax), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode .LBE1772: .loc 1 1235 0 movw $-20, %di #, .LVL855: .LBB1773: .loc 1 1215 0 cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L1007 #, .loc 1 1218 0 movl $1, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # file, file call file_permission # movl %eax, %edi #, retval .LVL856: .loc 1 1219 0 testl %eax, %eax # retval jne .L1007 #, .LVL857: .loc 1 1222 0 movl 8(%esi), %eax # .f_path.mnt, mnt .LVL858: .LBB1774: .LBB1775: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1009 #, .LBB1776: .LBB1777: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1009: .LBE1777: .LBE1776: .LBE1775: .LBE1774: .loc 1 1222 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .LBB1778: .LBB1779: .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%ebx) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1011 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1013: jmp .L1013 # .L1011: .LBB1780: .LBB1781: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ebx) #* dentry #NO_APP .LBE1781: .LBE1780: .LBE1779: .LBE1778: .loc 1 1223 0 movl %ebx, (%ebp) # dentry, .dentry .LBB1782: .LBB1783: .file 18 "include/linux/file.h" .loc 18 67 0 cmpl $0, 4(%esp) #, fput_needed .LVL859: je .L993 #, .loc 18 68 0 movl %esi, %eax # file, file .LVL860: call fput # .LVL861: .L993: .LBE1783: .LBE1782: .LBE1773: .LBB1784: .LBB1785: .LBB1786: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL862: #NO_APP .LBE1786: .LBE1785: .LBE1784: .loc 1 1227 0 movl $0, 416(%eax) #, .total_link_count .loc 1 1228 0 movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl (%esp), %eax # name, name .LVL863: call link_path_walk # movl %eax, %edi #, retval jmp .L985 # .LVL864: .L1007: .LBB1787: .LBB1788: .loc 18 67 0 cmpl $0, 4(%esp) #, fput_needed .LVL865: je .L985 #, .loc 18 68 0 movl %esi, %eax # file, file .LVL866: call fput # .LVL867: .L985: .LBE1788: .LBE1787: .loc 1 1241 0 movl %edi, %eax # retval, popl %edi # .LVL868: popl %ebp # .LVL869: popl %ebx # .LVL870: popl %esi # .LVL871: popl %edi # popl %ebp # ret .LFE978: .size do_path_lookup, .-do_path_lookup .globl sys_renameat .type sys_renameat, @function sys_renameat: .LFB1024: .loc 1 2686 0 .LVL872: pushl %ebp # .LCFI146: pushl %edi # .LCFI147: pushl %esi # .LCFI148: pushl %ebx # .LCFI149: subl $180, %esp #, .LCFI150: .loc 1 2691 0 movl 204(%esp), %eax # oldname, oldname call getname # movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, from .LVL873: .loc 1 2692 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L1020 #, .loc 1 2694 0 movl 212(%esp), %eax # newname, newname call getname # movl %eax, 8(%esp) #, to .LVL874: .loc 1 2696 0 movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL875: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L1023 #, .LBB1807: .loc 1 2613 0 leal 100(%esp), %esi #, tmp78 movl %esi, (%esp) # tmp78, movl $16, %ecx #, movl 4(%esp), %edx # from, from movl 200(%esp), %eax # olddfd, olddfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LBB1808: .loc 1 2614 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1024 #, .LVL876: .LBE1808: .loc 1 2617 0 leal 20(%esp), %eax #, tmp79 .LVL877: movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp79, movl $16, %ecx #, movl 8(%esp), %edx # to, to movl 208(%esp), %eax # newdfd, newdfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LBB1809: .loc 1 2618 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1026 #, .LVL878: .loc 1 2622 0 movl $-18, %ebx #, error movl 104(%esp), %eax # oldnd.mnt, oldnd.mnt .LVL879: cmpl 24(%esp), %eax # newnd.mnt, oldnd.mnt jne .L1030 #, .loc 1 2625 0 movl 100(%esp), %eax # oldnd.dentry, movl %eax, 16(%esp) #, old_dir .LVL880: .loc 1 2627 0 cmpl $0, 124(%esp) #, oldnd.last_type jne .L1031 #, .loc 1 2630 0 movl 20(%esp), %ebp # newnd.dentry, new_dir .LVL881: .loc 1 2631 0 cmpl $0, 44(%esp) #, newnd.last_type jne .L1031 #, .LBE1809: .loc 1 2634 0 movl %eax, %edx #, old_dir movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call lock_rename # movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, trap .LVL882: .loc 1 2636 0 movl %esi, %eax # tmp78, call lookup_hash # movl %eax, %edi #, old_dentry .LVL883: .LBB1810: .loc 1 2638 0 movl %eax, %ebx # old_dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %eax #, old_dentry ja .L1036 #, .LVL884: .loc 1 2642 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, D.27812 .LVL885: movl $-2, %ebx #, error testl %eax, %eax # D.27812 je .L1039 #, .loc 1 2645 0 movzwl 114(%eax), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode je .L1040 #, .loc 1 2647 0 movl 116(%esp), %edx # oldnd.last.name, oldnd.last.name movl 112(%esp), %eax # oldnd.last.len, oldnd.last.len cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* oldnd.last.len jne .L1042 #, .loc 1 2649 0 movl 36(%esp), %edx # newnd.last.name, newnd.last.name movl 32(%esp), %eax # newnd.last.len, newnd.last.len cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* newnd.last.len jne .L1042 #, .L1040: .loc 1 2654 0 movl $-22, %ebx #, error cmpl 12(%esp), %edi # trap, old_dentry je .L1039 #, .loc 1 2657 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # newnd.mnt, temp.1656 testl %eax, %eax # temp.1656 je .L1046 #, movb $-30, %bl #, .LVL886: testb $64, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags jne .L1039 #, .LVL887: .L1046: .LBE1810: .loc 1 2659 0 leal 20(%esp), %eax #, tmp89 call lookup_hash # movl %eax, %esi #, new_dentry .LVL888: .LBB1811: .loc 1 2661 0 movl %eax, %ebx # new_dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %eax #, new_dentry ja .L1039 #, .LVL889: .loc 1 2665 0 movl $-39, %ebx #, error cmpl 12(%esp), %eax # trap, new_dentry je .L1053 #, .LBE1811: .loc 1 2668 0 movl 36(%ebp), %ecx # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 16(%esp), %edx # old_dir, movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL890: movl %esi, (%esp) # new_dentry, movl %edi, %edx # old_dentry, old_dentry call vfs_rename # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL891: .L1053: .LBB1812: .loc 1 2671 0 movl %esi, %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dput # jmp .L1039 # .LVL892: .L1042: .loc 1 2672 0 movl $-20, %ebx #, error .LVL893: .L1039: .loc 1 2673 0 movl %edi, %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call dput # .LVL894: .L1036: .loc 1 2675 0 movl 16(%esp), %edx # old_dir, old_dir movl %ebp, %eax # new_dir, new_dir call unlock_rename # jmp .L1030 # .LVL895: .L1031: .loc 1 2676 0 movl $-16, %ebx #, error .LVL896: .L1030: .loc 1 2677 0 leal 20(%esp), %eax #, tmp92 call path_release # .LVL897: .L1026: .loc 1 2679 0 leal 100(%esp), %eax #, tmp93 call path_release # .LVL898: .L1024: .LBE1812: .LBE1807: .loc 1 2698 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # to, to movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .L1023: .loc 1 2700 0 movl 4(%esp), %edx # from, from movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl %ebx, %eax # error, D.20670 .L1020: .loc 1 2702 0 addl $180, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL899: popl %esi # .LVL900: popl %edi # .LVL901: popl %ebp # .LVL902: ret .LFE1024: .size sys_renameat, .-sys_renameat .globl sys_rename .type sys_rename, @function sys_rename: .LFB1025: .loc 1 2705 0 .LVL903: subl $16, %esp #, .LCFI151: .loc 1 2706 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # newname, newname movl %eax, 12(%esp) # newname, movl $-100, 8(%esp) #, movl 20(%esp), %eax # oldname, oldname movl %eax, 4(%esp) # oldname, movl $-100, (%esp) #, call sys_renameat # .loc 1 2707 0 addl $16, %esp #, ret .LFE1025: .size sys_rename, .-sys_rename .globl sys_symlinkat .type sys_symlinkat, @function sys_symlinkat: .LFB1015: .loc 1 2315 0 .LVL904: pushl %ebp # .LCFI152: pushl %edi # .LCFI153: pushl %esi # .LCFI154: pushl %ebx # .LCFI155: subl $92, %esp #, .LCFI156: .loc 1 2322 0 movl 112(%esp), %eax # oldname, oldname call getname # movl %eax, 8(%esp) #, from .LVL905: .loc 1 2323 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L1060 #, .loc 1 2325 0 movl 120(%esp), %eax # newname, newname call getname # movl %eax, %edi #, to .LVL906: .loc 1 2327 0 movl %eax, %esi # to, error .LVL907: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, to ja .L1063 #, .LVL908: .loc 1 2330 0 leal 12(%esp), %ebp #, tmp70 movl %ebp, (%esp) # tmp70, movl $16, %ecx #, movl %eax, %edx # to, to movl 116(%esp), %eax # newdfd, newdfd .LVL909: call do_path_lookup # .LVL910: movl %eax, %esi #, error .loc 1 2331 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1064 #, .LVL911: .loc 1 2333 0 xorl %edx, %edx # movl %ebp, %eax # tmp70, .LVL912: call lookup_create # movl %eax, %ebx #, dentry .LVL913: .loc 1 2335 0 movl %eax, %esi # dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %eax #, dentry ja .L1068 #, .LVL914: .loc 1 2338 0 movl 12(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry .LVL915: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %ebp, 4(%esp) # tmp70, movl $4095, (%esp) #, movl 8(%esp), %ecx # from, from movl %ebx, %edx # dentry, dentry call vfs_symlink # movl %eax, %esi #, error .loc 1 2339 0 movl %ebx, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .LVL916: .L1068: .loc 1 2341 0 movl 12(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp76 addl $144, %eax #, tmp76 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2342 0 leal 12(%esp), %eax #, tmp77 call path_release # .LVL917: .L1064: .loc 1 2344 0 movl %edi, %edx # to, to movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL918: .L1063: .loc 1 2346 0 movl 8(%esp), %edx # from, from movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl %esi, %eax # error, D.20434 .L1060: .loc 1 2348 0 addl $92, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL919: popl %esi # .LVL920: popl %edi # .LVL921: popl %ebp # ret .LFE1015: .size sys_symlinkat, .-sys_symlinkat .globl sys_symlink .type sys_symlink, @function sys_symlink: .LFB1016: .loc 1 2351 0 .LVL922: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI157: .loc 1 2352 0 movl 20(%esp), %eax # newname, newname movl %eax, 8(%esp) # newname, movl $-100, 4(%esp) #, movl 16(%esp), %eax # oldname, oldname movl %eax, (%esp) # oldname, call sys_symlinkat # .loc 1 2353 0 addl $12, %esp #, ret .LFE1016: .size sys_symlink, .-sys_symlink .type do_unlinkat, @function do_unlinkat: .LFB1011: .loc 1 2229 0 .LVL923: pushl %ebp # .LCFI158: pushl %edi # .LCFI159: pushl %esi # .LCFI160: pushl %ebx # .LCFI161: subl $84, %esp #, .LCFI162: movl %eax, %ebx # dfd, dfd movl %edx, %eax # pathname, pathname .LVL924: .loc 1 2236 0 call getname # .LVL925: movl %eax, %ebp #, ptr.142 .loc 1 2237 0 cmpl $-4096, %ebp #, ptr.142 ja .L1088 #, .loc 1 2240 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl $16, %ecx #, movl %ebp, %edx # ptr.142, name .LVL926: movl %ebx, %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # .LVL927: movl %eax, %esi #, error .LVL928: .loc 1 2241 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1075 #, .LVL929: .loc 1 2244 0 movl $-21, %esi #, error cmpl $0, 28(%esp) #, nd.last_type jne .L1079 #, .LVL930: .loc 1 2246 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp72 addl $144, %eax #, tmp72 movl $1, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 2247 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, call lookup_hash # movl %eax, %edi #, dentry .LVL931: .loc 1 2249 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, dentry ja .L1080 #, .LVL932: .loc 1 2251 0 movl 20(%esp), %edx # nd.last.name, nd.last.name movl 16(%esp), %eax # nd.last.len, nd.last.len .LVL933: cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* nd.last.len movl 36(%edi), %ebx # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL934: jne .L1082 #, .loc 1 2254 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # .d_inode je .L1084 #, .LBB1813: .LBB1814: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 36(%ebx) # #NO_APP .L1084: .LBE1814: .LBE1813: .loc 1 2256 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode leal 4(%esp), %ecx #, movl %edi, %edx # dentry, dentry call vfs_unlink # movl %eax, %esi #, error .L1086: .loc 1 2258 0 movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .loc 1 2260 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp80 addl $144, %eax #, tmp80 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2261 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # .d_inode je .L1079 #, .loc 1 2262 0 movl %ebx, %eax # .d_inode, inode .LVL935: call iput # .LVL936: .LVL937: .L1079: .loc 1 2264 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp81 call path_release # .LVL938: .L1075: .loc 1 2266 0 movl %ebp, %edx # ptr.142, name .LVL939: movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL940: movl %esi, %eax # error, D.20364 jmp .L1088 # .LVL941: .L1082: .loc 1 2270 0 movl $-2, %esi #, error testl %ebx, %ebx # .d_inode je .L1091 #, movzwl 114(%ebx), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode movw $-20, %si #, .LVL942: cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode jne .L1091 #, jmp .L1092 # .LVL943: .L1080: .loc 1 2260 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry .LVL944: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp86 addl $144, %eax #, tmp86 call mutex_unlock # movl %edi, %esi # dentry, error jmp .L1079 # .LVL945: .L1092: movl $-21, %esi #, error .LVL946: .L1091: .loc 1 2258 0 movl %edi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .loc 1 2260 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp88 addl $144, %eax #, tmp88 call mutex_unlock # jmp .L1079 # .LVL947: .L1088: .loc 1 2273 0 addl $84, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL948: popl %esi # .LVL949: popl %edi # .LVL950: popl %ebp # ret .LFE1011: .size do_unlinkat, .-do_unlinkat .globl sys_unlink .type sys_unlink, @function sys_unlink: .LFB1013: .loc 1 2287 0 .LVL951: movl 4(%esp), %edx # pathname, pathname .loc 1 2288 0 movl $-100, %eax #, jmp do_unlinkat # .LFE1013: .size sys_unlink, .-sys_unlink .type do_rmdir, @function do_rmdir: .LFB1008: .loc 1 2145 0 .LVL952: pushl %ebp # .LCFI163: pushl %edi # .LCFI164: pushl %esi # .LCFI165: pushl %ebx # .LCFI166: subl $84, %esp #, .LCFI167: movl %eax, %ebx # dfd, dfd movl %edx, %eax # pathname, pathname .LVL953: .loc 1 2151 0 call getname # .LVL954: movl %eax, %edi #, name .LVL955: .loc 1 2152 0 cmpl $-4096, %edi #, name ja .L1100 #, .loc 1 2155 0 leal 4(%esp), %ebp #, tmp67 movl %ebp, (%esp) # tmp67, movl $16, %ecx #, movl %edi, %edx # name, name movl %ebx, %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL956: .loc 1 2156 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1101 #, .LVL957: .loc 1 2159 0 movl 28(%esp), %eax # nd.last_type, nd.last_type .LVL958: movl $-22, %ebx #, error cmpl $2, %eax #, nd.last_type je .L1107 #, movb $-39, %bl #, .LVL959: cmpl $3, %eax #, nd.last_type je .L1107 #, decl %eax # nd.last_type jne .L1112 #, movb $-16, %bl #, jmp .L1107 # .L1112: .loc 1 2170 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp70 addl $144, %eax #, tmp70 movl $1, %edx #, call mutex_lock_nested # .loc 1 2171 0 movl %ebp, %eax # tmp67, tmp71 call lookup_hash # movl %eax, %esi #, dentry .LVL960: .loc 1 2173 0 movl %eax, %ebx # dentry, error .LVL961: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, dentry ja .L1110 #, .LVL962: .loc 1 2175 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry .LVL963: movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %ebp, %ecx # tmp67, movl %esi, %edx # dentry, dentry call vfs_rmdir # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2176 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .LVL964: .L1110: .loc 1 2178 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp76 addl $144, %eax #, tmp76 call mutex_unlock # .L1107: .loc 1 2180 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp77 call path_release # .LVL965: .L1101: .loc 1 2182 0 movl %edi, %edx # name, name movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl %ebx, %eax # error, D.20312 .LVL966: .L1100: .loc 1 2184 0 addl $84, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL967: popl %esi # .LVL968: popl %edi # .LVL969: popl %ebp # ret .LFE1008: .size do_rmdir, .-do_rmdir .globl sys_unlinkat .type sys_unlinkat, @function sys_unlinkat: .LFB1012: .loc 1 2276 0 .LVL970: movl 4(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd movl 8(%esp), %edx # pathname, pathname movl 12(%esp), %ecx # flag, flag .loc 1 2277 0 testl $-513, %ecx #, flag jne .L1120 #, .LVL971: .loc 1 2280 0 andb $2, %ch #, flag je .L1117 #, .loc 1 2281 0 jmp do_rmdir # .LVL972: .L1117: .loc 1 2283 0 jmp do_unlinkat # .LVL973: .L1120: .loc 1 2284 0 movl $-22, %eax #, .LVL974: ret .LFE1012: .size sys_unlinkat, .-sys_unlinkat .globl sys_rmdir .type sys_rmdir, @function sys_rmdir: .LFB1009: .loc 1 2187 0 .LVL975: movl 4(%esp), %edx # pathname, pathname .loc 1 2188 0 movl $-100, %eax #, jmp do_rmdir # .LFE1009: .size sys_rmdir, .-sys_rmdir .globl sys_mkdirat .type sys_mkdirat, @function sys_mkdirat: .LFB1004: .loc 1 2046 0 .LVL976: pushl %ebp # .LCFI168: pushl %edi # .LCFI169: pushl %esi # .LCFI170: pushl %ebx # .LCFI171: subl $84, %esp #, .LCFI172: movl 112(%esp), %edi # mode, mode .loc 1 2052 0 movl 108(%esp), %eax # pathname, pathname call getname # movl %eax, %ebp #, tmp .LVL977: .loc 1 2054 0 movl %eax, %ebx # tmp, error .LVL978: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, tmp ja .L1126 #, .LVL979: .loc 1 2057 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, .LVL980: movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl $16, %ecx #, movl %ebp, %edx # tmp, tmp movl 104(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2058 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1127 #, .LVL981: .loc 1 2060 0 movl $1, %edx #, leal 4(%esp), %eax #, .LVL982: call lookup_create # movl %eax, %esi #, dentry .LVL983: .loc 1 2062 0 movl %eax, %ebx # dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %eax #, dentry ja .L1131 #, .LVL984: .loc 1 2065 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry .LVL985: movl 36(%eax), %ebx # .d_inode, temp.1912 .LVL986: movl 268(%ebx), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb testb $1, 50(%eax) #, .s_flags jne .L1132 #, .LBB1815: .LBB1816: .LBB1817: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL987: #NO_APP .LBE1817: .LBE1816: .LBE1815: .loc 1 2066 0 movl 1088(%eax), %eax # .fs, .fs .LVL988: movl 32(%eax), %eax # .umask, .umask notl %eax # .umask andl %eax, %edi # .umask, mode .L1132: .loc 1 2067 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl %edi, %ecx # mode, mode movl %esi, %edx # dentry, dentry movl %ebx, %eax # temp.1912, temp.1912 call vfs_mkdir # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL989: .loc 1 2068 0 movl %esi, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .LVL990: .L1131: .loc 1 2070 0 movl 4(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp80 addl $144, %eax #, tmp80 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2071 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp81 call path_release # .LVL991: .L1127: .loc 1 2073 0 movl %ebp, %edx # tmp, tmp movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL992: .L1126: .loc 1 2076 0 movl %ebx, %eax # error, addl $84, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL993: popl %esi # .LVL994: popl %edi # .LVL995: popl %ebp # .LVL996: ret .LFE1004: .size sys_mkdirat, .-sys_mkdirat .globl sys_mkdir .type sys_mkdir, @function sys_mkdir: .LFB1005: .loc 1 2079 0 .LVL997: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI173: .loc 1 2080 0 movl 20(%esp), %eax # mode, mode movl %eax, 8(%esp) # mode, movl 16(%esp), %eax # pathname, pathname movl %eax, 4(%esp) # pathname, movl $-100, (%esp) #, call sys_mkdirat # .loc 1 2081 0 addl $12, %esp #, ret .LFE1005: .size sys_mkdir, .-sys_mkdir .globl sys_mknodat .type sys_mknodat, @function sys_mknodat: .LFB1001: .loc 1 1968 0 .LVL998: pushl %ebp # .LCFI174: pushl %edi # .LCFI175: pushl %esi # .LCFI176: pushl %ebx # .LCFI177: subl $96, %esp #, .LCFI178: movl 124(%esp), %edi # mode, mode movl 128(%esp), %esi # dev, dev .loc 1 1974 0 movl %edi, %eax # mode, tmp71 andl $61440, %eax #, tmp71 orl $-1, %edx #, D.20191 cmpl $16384, %eax #, tmp71 je .L1140 #, .LVL999: .loc 1 1976 0 movl 120(%esp), %eax # filename, filename call getname # movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, tmp .LVL1000: .loc 1 1977 0 movl %eax, %edx #, D.20191 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L1140 #, .loc 1 1980 0 leal 16(%esp), %eax #, movl %eax, (%esp) #, movl $16, %ecx #, movl 116(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL1001: .loc 1 1981 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1143 #, .LVL1002: .loc 1 1983 0 xorl %edx, %edx # leal 16(%esp), %eax #, .LVL1003: call lookup_create # movl %eax, %ebp #, dentry .LVL1004: .loc 1 1986 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, movl %eax, 8(%esp) #, D.20196 movl 268(%eax), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb testb $1, 50(%eax) #, .s_flags jne .L1145 #, .LBB1818: .LBB1819: .LBB1820: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL1005: #NO_APP .LBE1820: .LBE1819: .LBE1818: .loc 1 1987 0 movl 1088(%eax), %eax # .fs, .fs .LVL1006: movl 32(%eax), %eax # .umask, .umask notl %eax # .umask andl %eax, %edi # .umask, mode .L1145: .loc 1 1988 0 movl %ebp, %ebx # dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %ebp #, dentry ja .L1149 #, .loc 1 1989 0 movl %edi, %edx # mode, tmp81 andl $61440, %edx #, tmp81 orl $-1, %ebx #, error cmpl $16384, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1156 #, leal 16(%esp), %eax #, tmp97 jg .L1155 #, cmpl $4096, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1152 #, cmpl $8192, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1153 #, testl %edx, %edx # tmp81 je .L1151 #, jmp .L1150 # .L1155: cmpl $32768, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1151 #, cmpl $49152, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1152 #, cmpl $24576, %edx #, tmp81 je .L1153 #, .L1150: movl $-22, %ebx #, error jmp .L1156 # .L1151: .loc 1 1991 0 movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp97, movl %edi, %ecx # mode, mode movl %ebp, %edx # dentry, dentry movl 8(%esp), %eax # D.20196, D.20196 call vfs_create # jmp .L1158 # .L1153: .loc 1 1994 0 movl %eax, 4(%esp) # tmp97, movl %esi, %eax # dev, tmp84 shrl $12, %eax #, tmp84 andl $1048320, %eax #, tmp84 movl %esi, %edx # dev, tmp86 andl $255, %edx #, tmp86 orl %edx, %eax # tmp86, tmp84 andl $1048320, %esi #, dev sall $12, %esi #, dev orl %esi, %eax # dev, tmp84 movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp84, jmp .L1159 # .L1152: .loc 1 1998 0 movl %eax, 4(%esp) # tmp97, movl $0, (%esp) #, .L1159: movl %edi, %ecx # mode, mode movl %ebp, %edx # dentry, dentry movl 8(%esp), %eax # D.20196, D.20196 call vfs_mknod # .L1158: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .L1156: .loc 1 2007 0 movl %ebp, %eax # dentry, dentry call dput # .L1149: .loc 1 2009 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp94 addl $144, %eax #, tmp94 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2010 0 leal 16(%esp), %eax #, tmp95 call path_release # .LVL1007: .L1143: .loc 1 2012 0 movl 12(%esp), %edx # tmp, tmp movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl %ebx, %edx # error, D.20191 .L1140: .loc 1 2015 0 movl %edx, %eax # D.20191, addl $96, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL1008: popl %esi # .LVL1009: popl %edi # .LVL1010: popl %ebp # .LVL1011: ret .LFE1001: .size sys_mknodat, .-sys_mknodat .globl sys_mknod .type sys_mknod, @function sys_mknod: .LFB1002: .loc 1 2018 0 .LVL1012: subl $16, %esp #, .LCFI179: .loc 1 2019 0 movl 28(%esp), %eax # dev, dev movl %eax, 12(%esp) # dev, movl 24(%esp), %eax # mode, mode movl %eax, 8(%esp) # mode, movl 20(%esp), %eax # filename, filename movl %eax, 4(%esp) # filename, movl $-100, (%esp) #, call sys_mknodat # .loc 1 2020 0 addl $16, %esp #, ret .LFE1002: .size sys_mknod, .-sys_mknod .globl __user_walk_fd .type __user_walk_fd, @function __user_walk_fd: .LFB987: .loc 1 1405 0 .LVL1013: pushl %ebp # .LCFI180: pushl %edi # .LCFI181: pushl %esi # .LCFI182: pushl %ebx # .LCFI183: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI184: movl %eax, %ebp # dfd, dfd movl %edx, %eax # name, name .LVL1014: movl %ecx, %edi # flags, flags .loc 1 1406 0 call getname # .LVL1015: movl %eax, %ebx #, tmp .LVL1016: .loc 1 1409 0 movl %eax, %esi # tmp, err .LVL1017: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, tmp ja .L1165 #, .LVL1018: .loc 1 1410 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # nd, nd .LVL1019: movl %eax, (%esp) # nd, movl %edi, %ecx # flags, flags movl %ebx, %edx # tmp, tmp movl %ebp, %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %esi #, err .loc 1 1411 0 movl %ebx, %edx # tmp, tmp movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL1020: .L1165: .loc 1 1414 0 movl %esi, %eax # err, popl %edx # popl %ebx # .LVL1021: popl %esi # .LVL1022: popl %edi # .LVL1023: popl %ebp # .LVL1024: ret .LFE987: .size __user_walk_fd, .-__user_walk_fd .globl sys_linkat .type sys_linkat, @function sys_linkat: .LFB1018: .loc 1 2406 0 .LVL1025: pushl %ebp # .LCFI185: pushl %edi # .LCFI186: pushl %esi # .LCFI187: pushl %ebx # .LCFI188: subl $164, %esp #, .LCFI189: movl 200(%esp), %ebx # flags, flags .loc 1 2412 0 movl $-22, %eax #, D.20503 testl $-1025, %ebx #, flags jne .L1170 #, .LVL1026: .loc 1 2415 0 movl 196(%esp), %eax # newname, newname call getname # movl %eax, %edi #, to .LVL1027: .loc 1 2416 0 cmpl $-4096, %edi #, to ja .L1170 #, .loc 1 2419 0 shrl $10, %ebx #, flags andl $1, %ebx #, flags leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp74 movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp74, movl %ebx, %ecx # flags, movl 188(%esp), %edx # oldname, oldname movl 184(%esp), %eax # olddfd, olddfd call __user_walk_fd # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL1028: .loc 1 2422 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1173 #, .LVL1029: .loc 1 2424 0 leal 84(%esp), %eax #, tmp75 .LVL1030: movl %eax, (%esp) # tmp75, movl $16, %ecx #, movl %edi, %edx # to, to movl 192(%esp), %eax # newdfd, newdfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2425 0 testl %eax, %eax # error jne .L1175 #, .LVL1031: .loc 1 2433 0 movl 8(%esp), %eax # old_nd.mnt, D.20508 .LVL1032: testl %eax, %eax # D.20508 je .L1177 #, movl $-30, %ebx #, error testb $64, 44(%eax) #, .mnt_flags jne .L1180 #, .L1177: .loc 1 2435 0 leal 84(%esp), %ebp #, tmp77 xorl %edx, %edx # movl %ebp, %eax # tmp77, call lookup_create # movl %eax, %esi #, new_dentry .LVL1033: .loc 1 2437 0 movl %eax, %ebx # new_dentry, error cmpl $-4096, %eax #, new_dentry ja .L1183 #, .LVL1034: .loc 1 2439 0 movl 84(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry .LVL1035: movl 36(%eax), %edx # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 4(%esp), %eax # old_nd.dentry, old_nd.dentry movl %ebp, (%esp) # tmp77, movl %esi, %ecx # new_dentry, new_dentry call vfs_link # movl %eax, %ebx #, error .loc 1 2440 0 movl %esi, %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dput # .LVL1036: .L1183: .loc 1 2442 0 movl 84(%esp), %eax # nd.dentry, nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp83 addl $144, %eax #, tmp83 call mutex_unlock # .L1180: .loc 1 2444 0 leal 84(%esp), %eax #, tmp84 call path_release # .LVL1037: .L1175: .loc 1 2446 0 leal 4(%esp), %eax #, tmp85 call path_release # .LVL1038: .L1173: .loc 1 2448 0 movl %edi, %edx # to, to movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl %ebx, %eax # error, D.20503 .LVL1039: .L1170: .loc 1 2451 0 addl $164, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL1040: popl %esi # .LVL1041: popl %edi # .LVL1042: popl %ebp # ret .LFE1018: .size sys_linkat, .-sys_linkat .globl sys_link .type sys_link, @function sys_link: .LFB1019: .loc 1 2454 0 .LVL1043: subl $20, %esp #, .LCFI190: .loc 1 2455 0 movl $0, 16(%esp) #, movl 28(%esp), %eax # newname, newname movl %eax, 12(%esp) # newname, movl $-100, 8(%esp) #, movl 24(%esp), %eax # oldname, oldname movl %eax, 4(%esp) # oldname, movl $-100, (%esp) #, call sys_linkat # .loc 1 2456 0 addl $20, %esp #, ret .LFE1019: .size sys_link, .-sys_link .globl __user_walk .type __user_walk, @function __user_walk: .LFB988: .loc 1 1417 0 .LVL1044: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI191: .loc 1 1418 0 movl %ecx, (%esp) # nd, movl %edx, %ecx # flags, flags .LVL1045: movl %eax, %edx # name, name .LVL1046: movl $-100, %eax #, .LVL1047: call __user_walk_fd # .LVL1048: .loc 1 1419 0 popl %ecx # ret .LFE988: .size __user_walk, .-__user_walk .type __path_lookup_intent_open, @function __path_lookup_intent_open: .LFB980: .loc 1 1252 0 .LVL1049: pushl %ebp # .LCFI192: pushl %edi # .LCFI193: pushl %esi # .LCFI194: pushl %ebx # .LCFI195: subl $8, %esp #, .LCFI196: movl %eax, 4(%esp) # dfd, dfd movl %edx, %ebp # name, name movl %ecx, %ebx # lookup_flags, lookup_flags movl 28(%esp), %esi # nd, nd .loc 1 1253 0 call get_empty_filp # .LVL1050: .loc 1 1256 0 movl $-23, %edi #, err .LVL1051: testl %eax, %eax # filp .LVL1052: je .L1192 #, .LVL1053: .loc 1 1258 0 movl %eax, 76(%esi) # filp, .intent.open.file .loc 1 1259 0 movl 32(%esp), %eax # open_flags, open_flags .LVL1054: movl %eax, 68(%esi) # open_flags, .intent.open.flags .loc 1 1260 0 movl 36(%esp), %eax # create_mode, create_mode movl %eax, 72(%esi) # create_mode, .intent.open.create_mode .loc 1 1261 0 orb $1, %bh #, lookup_flags movl %esi, (%esp) # nd, movl %ebx, %ecx # lookup_flags, movl %ebp, %edx # name, name movl 4(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd call do_path_lookup # movl %eax, %edi #, err .LBB1821: .LBB1822: .loc 8 34 0 movl 76(%esi), %ebx # .intent.open.file, err.2128 .LVL1055: .LBE1822: .LBE1821: .loc 1 1262 0 cmpl $-4096, %ebx #, err.2128 jbe .L1193 #, .loc 1 1263 0 testl %eax, %eax # err jne .L1192 #, .LVL1056: .loc 1 1265 0 movl %esi, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1057: call path_release # movl %ebx, %edi # err.2128, err jmp .L1192 # .L1193: .loc 1 1267 0 testl %eax, %eax # err je .L1192 #, .LVL1058: .loc 1 1268 0 movl %esi, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1059: call release_open_intent # .LVL1060: .L1192: .loc 1 1270 0 movl %edi, %eax # err, .LVL1061: popl %ebx # .LVL1062: popl %esi # .LVL1063: popl %ebx # popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL1064: popl %ebp # .LVL1065: ret .LFE980: .size __path_lookup_intent_open, .-__path_lookup_intent_open .globl __user_path_lookup_open .type __user_path_lookup_open, @function __user_path_lookup_open: .LFB983: .loc 1 1306 0 .LVL1066: pushl %ebp # .LCFI197: pushl %edi # .LCFI198: pushl %esi # .LCFI199: pushl %ebx # .LCFI200: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI201: movl %edx, %ebp # lookup_flags, lookup_flags movl %ecx, %edi # nd, nd .loc 1 1307 0 call getname # .LVL1067: movl %eax, %ebx #, tmp .LVL1068: .loc 1 1310 0 movl %eax, %esi # tmp, err .LVL1069: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, tmp ja .L1201 #, .LVL1070: .loc 1 1311 0 movl $0, 8(%esp) #, movl 32(%esp), %eax # open_flags, open_flags .LVL1071: movl %eax, 4(%esp) # open_flags, movl %edi, (%esp) # nd, movl %ebp, %ecx # lookup_flags, lookup_flags movl %ebx, %edx # tmp, tmp movl $-100, %eax #, call __path_lookup_intent_open # movl %eax, %esi #, err .loc 1 1312 0 movl %ebx, %edx # tmp, tmp movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # .LVL1072: .L1201: .loc 1 1315 0 movl %esi, %eax # err, addl $12, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL1073: popl %esi # .LVL1074: popl %edi # .LVL1075: popl %ebp # .LVL1076: ret .LFE983: .size __user_path_lookup_open, .-__user_path_lookup_open .globl path_lookup_open .type path_lookup_open, @function path_lookup_open: .LFB981: .loc 1 1282 0 .LVL1077: pushl %ebx # .LCFI202: subl $12, %esp #, .LCFI203: .loc 1 1283 0 movl $0, 8(%esp) #, movl 24(%esp), %ebx # open_flags, open_flags movl %ebx, 4(%esp) # open_flags, movl 20(%esp), %ebx # nd, nd movl %ebx, (%esp) # nd, call __path_lookup_intent_open # .LVL1078: .loc 1 1285 0 addl $12, %esp #, popl %ebx # ret .LFE981: .size path_lookup_open, .-path_lookup_open .globl path_lookup .type path_lookup, @function path_lookup: .LFB979: .loc 1 1245 0 .LVL1079: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI204: .loc 1 1246 0 movl %ecx, (%esp) # nd, movl %edx, %ecx # flags, flags .LVL1080: movl %eax, %edx # name, name .LVL1081: movl $-100, %eax #, .LVL1082: call do_path_lookup # .LVL1083: .loc 1 1247 0 popl %edx # ret .LFE979: .size path_lookup, .-path_lookup .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC5: .string "vxD: cow_break_link(\273%s\253)\n" .LC6: .string "vxD: path_lookup(old): %d\n" .LC7: .string "vxD: old path \273%s\253\n" .LC8: .string "vxD: temp copy \273%s\253\n" .LC9: .string "vxD: path_lookup(new): %d\n" .LC10: .string "vxD: lookup_create(new): %p\n" .LC11: .string "vxD: vfs_create(new): %d\n" .LC12: .string "vxD: dentry_open(old): %p\n" .LC13: .string "vxD: dentry_open(new): %p\n" .LC14: .string "vxD: vfs_sendfile: %d\n" .LC15: .string "vxD: vfs_rename: %d\n" .LC16: .string "vxD: fput(new_file=%p[#%d])\n" .LC17: .string "vxD: fput(old_file=%p[#%d])\n" .text .globl cow_break_link .type cow_break_link, @function cow_break_link: .LFB1029: .loc 1 2758 0 .LVL1084: pushl %ebp # .LCFI205: pushl %edi # .LCFI206: pushl %esi # .LCFI207: pushl %ebx # .LCFI208: subl $204, %esp #, .LCFI209: movl %eax, %ebx # pathname, pathname .loc 1 2769 0 testb $2, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1208 #, .LVL1085: movl %eax, 4(%esp) # pathname, movl $.LC5, (%esp) #, call printk # .LVL1086: .L1208: .LBB1827: .file 19 "include/linux/slab_def.h" .loc 19 42 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl malloc_sizes+88, %eax # .cs_cachep, .cs_cachep call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, 36(%esp) #, path .LVL1087: .LBE1827: .loc 1 2772 0 leal 124(%esp), %ecx #, tmp95 movl $1, %edx #, movl %ebx, %eax # pathname, pathname call path_lookup # .loc 1 2773 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1210 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # ret, .LVL1088: movl $.LC6, (%esp) #, call printk # .LVL1089: .L1210: .loc 1 2774 0 movl 124(%esp), %eax # old_nd.dentry, movl %eax, 20(%esp) #, old_dentry .LVL1090: .loc 1 2775 0 movl 128(%esp), %edx # old_nd.mnt, movl %edx, 24(%esp) #, old_mnt .LVL1091: .loc 1 2776 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movzwl 114(%eax), %eax # .i_mode, movl %eax, 16(%esp) #, mode .LVL1092: .loc 1 2778 0 movl $4094, (%esp) #, movl 36(%esp), %ecx # path, path movl 24(%esp), %edx # old_mnt, old_mnt movl 20(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call d_path # movl %eax, %esi #, to .LVL1093: .LBB1828: .LBB1829: .loc 2 192 0 xorl %eax, %eax # tmp98 orl $-1, %ecx #, tmp99 movl %esi, %edi # to, d0 .LVL1094: #APP repne scasb notl %ecx # tmp99 decl %ecx # tmp99 #NO_APP movl %ecx, %ebx # tmp99, __res .LVL1095: .LBE1829: .LBE1828: .loc 1 2780 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1212 #, movl %esi, 4(%esp) # to, movl $.LC7, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1212: .loc 1 2782 0 movb $0, 1(%esi,%ebx) #, .loc 1 2784 0 leal (%esi,%ebx), %ebx #, .LVL1096: movl %ebx, 12(%esp) #, D.20762 movb $-87, (%ebx) #, movb $-88, 43(%esp) #, pad .LVL1097: jmp .L1214 # .LVL1098: .L1215: movb 43(%esp), %al # pad, movl 12(%esp), %edx # D.20762, movb %al, (%edx) #, decl %eax # movb %al, 43(%esp) #, pad .loc 1 2785 0 cmpb $-96, %al #, je .L1275 #, .L1214: .loc 1 2788 0 testb $2, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1218 #, movl %esi, 4(%esp) # to, movl $.LC8, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1218: .loc 1 2789 0 leal 44(%esp), %ecx #, movl $784, %edx #, movl %esi, %eax # to, to call path_lookup # movl %eax, %ebx #, ret.2270 .loc 1 2791 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1220 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # ret.2270, movl $.LC9, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1220: .loc 1 2793 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # ret.2270 js .L1215 #, .loc 1 2797 0 xorl %edx, %edx # leal 44(%esp), %eax #, call lookup_create # movl %eax, %ebp #, new_dentry .loc 1 2798 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1223 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # new_dentry, movl $.LC10, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1223: .loc 1 2800 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # new_dentry je .L1278 #, .loc 1 2805 0 movl 44(%esp), %eax # dir_nd.dentry, dir_nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode leal 44(%esp), %edx #, movl %edx, (%esp) #, movl 16(%esp), %ecx # mode, mode movl %ebp, %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry call vfs_create # movl %eax, %edi #, ret.2271 .LVL1099: .loc 1 2806 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1227 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # ret.2271, movl $.LC11, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1227: .loc 1 2808 0 cmpl $-17, %edi #, ret.2271 jne .L1229 #, .loc 1 2809 0 movl 44(%esp), %eax # dir_nd.dentry, dir_nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp113 addl $144, %eax #, tmp113 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2810 0 movl %ebp, %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry call dput # .LVL1100: .L1278: .loc 1 2811 0 leal 44(%esp), %eax #, call path_release # jmp .L1215 # .LVL1101: .L1229: .loc 1 2815 0 movl %edi, %ebx # ret.2271, res .LVL1102: .loc 1 2814 0 testl %edi, %edi # res js .L1233 #, .LVL1103: .loc 1 2819 0 movl 48(%esp), %esi # dir_nd.mnt, new_mnt .LVL1104: .LBB1830: .LBB1831: .loc 9 316 0 movl 20(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1234 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1236: jmp .L1236 # .L1234: .LBB1832: .LBB1833: .loc 10 96 0 movl 20(%esp), %edx # old_dentry, #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%edx) # #NO_APP .LBE1833: .LBE1832: .LBE1831: .LBE1830: .LBB1834: .LBB1835: .loc 7 67 0 cmpl $0, 24(%esp) #, old_mnt je .L1237 #, .LBB1836: .LBB1837: .loc 10 96 0 movl 24(%esp), %eax # old_mnt, #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1237: .LBE1837: .LBE1836: .LBE1835: .LBE1834: .loc 1 2824 0 xorl %ecx, %ecx # movl 24(%esp), %edx # old_mnt, old_mnt movl 20(%esp), %eax # old_dentry, old_dentry call dentry_open # movl %eax, 28(%esp) #, old_file .LVL1105: .loc 1 2825 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1239 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, movl $.LC12, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1239: .loc 1 2827 0 movl $-31, %ebx #, res cmpl $0, 28(%esp) #, old_file je .L1233 #, .LVL1106: .LBB1838: .LBB1839: .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%ebp) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1243 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1245: jmp .L1245 # .L1243: .LBB1840: .LBB1841: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ebp) #* new_dentry #NO_APP .LBE1841: .LBE1840: .LBE1839: .LBE1838: .LBB1842: .LBB1843: .loc 7 67 0 testl %esi, %esi # new_mnt je .L1246 #, .LBB1844: .LBB1845: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%esi) # #NO_APP .L1246: .LBE1845: .LBE1844: .LBE1843: .LBE1842: .loc 1 2833 0 movl $1, %ecx #, movl %esi, %edx # new_mnt, new_mnt movl %ebp, %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry.2249 .LVL1107: call dentry_open # .LVL1108: movl %eax, 32(%esp) #, new_file .LVL1109: .loc 1 2834 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1248 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, movl $.LC13, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1248: .loc 1 2836 0 movl $-31, %ebx #, res cmpl $0, 32(%esp) #, new_file je .L1252 #, movl 28(%esp), %edx # old_file, movl 12(%edx), %eax # .f_path.dentry, .f_path.dentry movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .d_inode, inode .LVL1110: .L1253: .LBB1846: .LBB1847: .LBB1848: .LBB1849: .file 20 "include/linux/seqlock.h" .loc 20 125 0 movl 72(%ecx), %eax # .sequence, iv .LVL1111: .loc 20 126 0 #APP 661: lock; addl $0,0(%esp) 662: .section .altinstructions,"a" .align 4 .long 661b .long 663f .byte 26 # .byte 662b-661b .byte 664f-663f .previous .section .altinstr_replacement,"ax" 663: lfence 664: .previous #NO_APP .LBE1849: .LBE1848: .loc 5 664 0 movl 64(%ecx), %ebx # .i_size, size .LVL1112: movl 68(%ecx), %esi # .i_size, size .LVL1113: .LBB1850: .LBB1851: .loc 20 137 0 #APP 661: lock; addl $0,0(%esp) 662: .section .altinstructions,"a" .align 4 .long 661b .long 663f .byte 26 # .byte 662b-661b .byte 664f-663f .previous .section .altinstr_replacement,"ax" 663: lfence 664: .previous #NO_APP .LBE1851: .LBE1850: .loc 5 665 0 movl %eax, %edx # iv, tmp118 xorl 72(%ecx), %edx # .sequence, tmp118 andl $1, %eax #, iv orl %eax, %edx # iv, tmp118 jne .L1253 #, .LBE1847: .LBE1846: .loc 1 2840 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) #, movl $0, 8(%esp) #, movl %ebx, (%esp) # size, xorl %ecx, %ecx # .LVL1114: movl 28(%esp), %edx # old_file, old_file movl 32(%esp), %eax # new_file, new_file .LVL1115: call vfs_sendfile # movl %eax, %edi #, ret.2272 .LVL1116: .loc 1 2841 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1255 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # ret.2272, movl $.LC14, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1255: .loc 1 2843 0 testl %edi, %edi # ret.2272 js .L1257 #, .loc 1 2845 0 movl %edi, %eax # ret.2272, ret.2272 cltd .LVL1117: cmpl %esi, %edx # size, ret.2272 jl .L1257 #, .LVL1118: jg .L1260 #, cmpl %ebx, %edi # size, ret.2272 jb .L1257 #, .L1260: .loc 1 2848 0 movl 124(%esp), %eax # old_nd.dentry, old_nd.dentry .LVL1119: movl 48(%eax), %eax # .d_parent, .d_parent movl 36(%eax), %ecx # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 44(%esp), %eax # dir_nd.dentry, dir_nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl 20(%esp), %edx # old_dentry, .LVL1120: movl %edx, (%esp) #, movl %ebp, %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry.2249 .LVL1121: call vfs_rename # .LVL1122: movl %eax, %ebx #, ret.2273 .LVL1123: .loc 1 2850 0 testb $4, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1261 #, movl %eax, 4(%esp) # ret.2273, movl $.LC15, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1261: .loc 1 2851 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # ret.2273 jne .L1257 #, .LBB1852: .LBB1853: .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%ebp) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1264 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1266: jmp .L1266 # .L1264: .LBB1854: .LBB1855: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%ebp) #* new_dentry #NO_APP movl %ebp, %ebx # new_dentry, res .LVL1124: jmp .L1267 # .LVL1125: .L1275: .LBE1855: .LBE1854: .LBE1853: .LBE1852: .loc 1 2785 0 movl $-31, %ebx #, res .LVL1126: jmp .L1217 # .LVL1127: .L1257: .loc 1 2856 0 movl $-31, %ebx #, res .LVL1128: .L1267: .loc 1 2857 0 testb $8, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1268 #, movl 32(%esp), %edx # new_file, .LVL1129: movl 20(%edx), %eax # .f_count.counter, .f_count.counter movl %eax, 8(%esp) # .f_count.counter, movl %edx, 4(%esp) #, movl $.LC16, (%esp) #, call printk # .LVL1130: .L1268: .loc 1 2860 0 movl 32(%esp), %eax # new_file, new_file call fput # .LVL1131: .LVL1132: .L1252: .loc 1 2863 0 testb $8, vx_debug_misc #, vx_debug_misc je .L1270 #, movl 28(%esp), %edx # old_file, movl 20(%edx), %eax # .f_count.counter, .f_count.counter movl %eax, 8(%esp) # .f_count.counter, movl %edx, 4(%esp) #, movl $.LC17, (%esp) #, call printk # .L1270: .loc 1 2866 0 movl 28(%esp), %eax # old_file, old_file call fput # .LVL1133: .L1233: .loc 1 2869 0 movl 44(%esp), %eax # dir_nd.dentry, dir_nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, tmp134 addl $144, %eax #, tmp134 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 2870 0 cmpl $-4096, %ebx #, res jbe .L1272 #, .loc 1 2872 0 leal 44(%esp), %ecx #, tmp135 movl 44(%esp), %eax # dir_nd.dentry, dir_nd.dentry movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode movl %ebp, %edx # new_dentry, new_dentry.2249 .LVL1134: call vfs_unlink # .LVL1135: .L1272: .loc 1 2873 0 movl %ebp, %eax # new_dentry, new_dentry.2249 .LVL1136: call dput # .LVL1137: .loc 1 2875 0 leal 44(%esp), %eax #, tmp138 call path_release # .LVL1138: .L1217: .loc 1 2877 0 leal 124(%esp), %eax #, tmp139 call path_release # .loc 1 2878 0 movl 36(%esp), %eax # path, path call kfree # .loc 1 2880 0 movl %ebx, %eax # res, addl $204, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL1139: popl %esi # .LVL1140: popl %edi # .LVL1141: popl %ebp # .LVL1142: ret .LFE1029: .size cow_break_link, .-cow_break_link .globl set_fs_altroot .type set_fs_altroot, @function set_fs_altroot: .LFB977: .loc 1 1145 0 pushl %ebp # .LCFI210: pushl %edi # .LCFI211: pushl %esi # .LCFI212: pushl %ebx # .LCFI213: .LBB1861: .LBB1862: .LBB1863: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL1143: #NO_APP .LBE1863: .LBE1862: .LBE1861: .loc 1 1151 0 movl 1088(%eax), %ebx # .fs, fs .LVL1144: .L1280: .loc 1 1161 0 leal 4(%ebx), %esi #, D.19687 movl %esi, %eax # D.19687, D.19687 .LVL1145: call _write_lock # .loc 1 1162 0 movl 56(%ebx), %edi # .altrootmnt, oldmnt .LVL1146: .loc 1 1163 0 movl 44(%ebx), %ebp # .altroot, olddentry .LVL1147: .loc 1 1164 0 movl $0, 56(%ebx) #, .altrootmnt .loc 1 1165 0 movl $0, 44(%ebx) #, .altroot .loc 1 1166 0 movl %esi, %eax # D.19687, D.19687 call _write_unlock # .loc 1 1167 0 testl %ebp, %ebp # olddentry je .L1284 #, .loc 1 1168 0 movl %ebp, %eax # olddentry, olddentry call dput # .LBB1864: .LBB1865: .loc 7 78 0 testl %edi, %edi # oldmnt je .L1284 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%edi) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 movl %edi, %eax # oldmnt, oldmnt .LBE1865: .LBE1864: .loc 1 1171 0 popl %ebx # .LVL1148: popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL1149: popl %ebp # .LVL1150: .LBB1866: .LBB1867: .loc 7 80 0 jmp mntput_no_expire # .LVL1151: .LVL1152: .L1284: .LBE1867: .LBE1866: .loc 1 1171 0 popl %ebx # .LVL1153: popl %esi # popl %edi # .LVL1154: popl %ebp # .LVL1155: ret .LFE977: .size set_fs_altroot, .-set_fs_altroot .section .rodata .LC18: .string "" .string "\004\002\006" .text .globl open_namei .type open_namei, @function open_namei: .LFB998: .loc 1 1710 0 .LVL1156: pushl %ebp # .LCFI214: pushl %edi # .LCFI215: pushl %esi # .LCFI216: pushl %ebx # .LCFI217: subl $56, %esp #, .LCFI218: movl %eax, 24(%esp) # dfd, dfd movl %edx, 20(%esp) # pathname, pathname movl %ecx, 16(%esp) # flag, flag movl 80(%esp), %ebp # nd, nd .loc 1 1710 0 movl $0, 32(%esp) #, count .LVL1157: .LVL1158: .L1286: .loc 1 1721 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # flag, tmp117 andl $3, %eax #, tmp117 movsbl .LC18(%eax),%eax #, movl %eax, 28(%esp) #, acc_mode .loc 1 1725 0 orl $2, %eax #, tmp181 testl $512, 16(%esp) #, flag cmove 28(%esp), %eax # tmp181,, acc_mode, tmp181 movl %eax, 28(%esp) # tmp181, acc_mode .loc 1 1730 0 orl $8, %eax #, tmp182 testl $1024, 16(%esp) #, flag cmove 28(%esp), %eax # tmp182,, acc_mode, tmp182 movl %eax, 28(%esp) # tmp182, acc_mode .loc 1 1735 0 testb $64, 16(%esp) #, flag jne .L1291 #, .LVL1159: .loc 1 1736 0 movl 16(%esp), %ecx # flag, retval .LVL1160: shrl $17, %ecx #, retval notl %ecx # retval andl $1, %ecx #, retval .LBB1956: .LBB1957: .loc 1 1517 0 movl %ecx, %eax # retval, tmp183 orl $2, %eax #, tmp183 testl $65536, 16(%esp) #, flag cmovne %eax, %ecx # tmp183,, retval .LBE1957: .LBE1956: .loc 1 1736 0 movl 16(%esp), %eax # flag, movl %eax, 4(%esp) #, movl %ebp, (%esp) # nd, movl 20(%esp), %edx # pathname, pathname movl 24(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd call path_lookup_open # .LVL1161: movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .loc 1 1738 0 testl %eax, %eax # error.2339 je .L1296 #, .LVL1162: jmp .L1295 # .LVL1163: .L1291: .LBB1958: .loc 1 1300 0 movl 76(%esp), %edx # mode, movl %edx, 8(%esp) #, movl 16(%esp), %edi # flag, movl %edi, 4(%esp) #, movl %ebp, (%esp) # nd, movl $528, %ecx #, movl 20(%esp), %edx # pathname, pathname movl 24(%esp), %eax # dfd, dfd call __path_lookup_intent_open # movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .LBE1958: .loc 1 1747 0 testl %eax, %eax # error.2339 jne .L1295 #, .LVL1164: .loc 1 1756 0 cmpl $0, 24(%ebp) #, .last_type jne .L1298 #, movl 16(%ebp), %edx # .last.name, .last.name movl 12(%ebp), %eax # .last.len, .last.len .LVL1165: cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* .last.len jne .L1298 #, .loc 1 1759 0 movl (%ebp), %esi # .dentry, dir .LVL1166: .loc 1 1760 0 andl $-17, 20(%ebp) #, .flags .loc 1 1761 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp128 addl $144, %eax #, tmp128 call mutex_lock # .loc 1 1762 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call lookup_hash # movl %eax, 52(%esp) # D.20090, path.dentry .loc 1 1763 0 movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, .mnt movl %eax, 48(%esp) # .mnt, path.mnt .L1301: .loc 1 1766 0 movl 52(%esp), %ebx # path.dentry, D.20092 .LVL1167: .loc 1 1767 0 cmpl $-4096, %ebx #, D.20092 jbe .L1302 #, .loc 1 1768 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp130 addl $144, %eax #, tmp130 call mutex_unlock # movl %ebx, %esi # D.20092, error.2339 .LVL1168: jmp .L1304 # .LVL1169: .L1302: .loc 1 1772 0 cmpl $-4096, 76(%ebp) #, .intent.open.file jbe .L1305 #, .loc 1 1773 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp131 addl $144, %eax #, tmp131 call mutex_unlock # .LBB1959: .LBB1960: .loc 8 29 0 movl 76(%ebp), %esi # .intent.open.file, error.2339 .LVL1170: jmp .L1307 # .LVL1171: .L1305: .LBE1960: .LBE1959: .loc 1 1779 0 cmpl $0, 36(%ebx) #, .d_inode jne .L1308 #, .LBB1961: .LBB1962: .loc 1 1680 0 movl (%ebp), %edi # .dentry, dir .LVL1172: .loc 1 1682 0 movl 36(%edi), %esi # .d_inode, D.28726 .LVL1173: movl 268(%esi), %eax # .i_sb, .i_sb testb $1, 50(%eax) #, .s_flags jne .L1310 #, .LBB1963: .LBB1964: .LBB1965: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL1174: #NO_APP .LBE1965: .LBE1964: .LBE1963: .loc 1 1683 0 movl 1088(%eax), %eax # .fs, .fs .LVL1175: movl 32(%eax), %eax # .umask, .umask notl %eax # .umask andl %eax, 76(%esp) # .umask, mode .L1310: .LBE1962: .loc 1 1684 0 movl %ebp, (%esp) # nd, movl 76(%esp), %ecx # mode, mode movl %ebx, %edx # D.20092, D.20092 movl %esi, %eax # D.28726, D.28726 call vfs_create # movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1176: .LBB1966: .loc 1 1685 0 movl 36(%edi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp138 addl $144, %eax #, tmp138 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 1686 0 movl (%ebp), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 1687 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # path.dentry, path.dentry movl %eax, (%ebp) # path.dentry, .dentry .loc 1 1688 0 testl %esi, %esi # error.2339 jne .L1304 #, .LBE1966: .loc 1 1691 0 andl $-513, 16(%esp) #, flag movl 16(%esp), %ecx # flag, xorl %edx, %edx # movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call may_open # movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .LBE1961: .loc 1 1781 0 testl %eax, %eax # error.2339 jne .L1304 #, .LVL1177: jmp .L1295 # .LVL1178: .L1308: .loc 1 1789 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp141 addl $144, %eax #, tmp141 call mutex_unlock # .loc 1 1793 0 cmpb $0, 16(%esp) # flag js .L1313 #, .LVL1179: .loc 1 1796 0 leal 48(%esp), %eax #, tmp144 call __follow_mount # testl %eax, %eax # D.20101 je .L1315 #, .loc 1 1798 0 testl $131072, 16(%esp) #, flag jne .L1317 #, .L1315: .loc 1 1803 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # path.dentry, movl %eax, 12(%esp) #, movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, temp.2370 testl %eax, %eax # temp.2370 jne .L1318 #, movl $-2, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1180: jmp .L1307 # .LVL1181: .L1318: .loc 1 1805 0 movl 260(%eax), %eax # .i_op, D.20103 testl %eax, %eax # D.20103 je .L1320 #, cmpl $0, 40(%eax) #, .follow_link jne .L1322 #, .L1320: .LBB1967: .LBB1968: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebp), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, D.28752 cmpl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, D.28752 je .L1323 #, .LBB1969: .LBB1970: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.28752 je .L1323 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L1323: .LBE1970: .LBE1969: .loc 1 629 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, path.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # path.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # path.dentry, path.dentry movl %eax, (%ebp) # path.dentry, .dentry .LBE1968: .LBE1967: .loc 1 1810 0 movl 36(%eax), %eax # .d_inode, temp.2371 testl %eax, %eax # temp.2371 je .L1296 #, movzwl 114(%eax), %eax # .i_mode, .i_mode andl $61440, %eax #, .i_mode cmpl $16384, %eax #, .i_mode je .L1298 #, .LVL1182: .L1296: .loc 1 1813 0 movl 16(%esp), %ecx # flag, flag movl 28(%esp), %edx # acc_mode, acc_mode movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1183: call may_open # movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1184: .loc 1 1815 0 cmpl $-31, %eax #, error.2339 jne .L1327 #, .LVL1185: .LBB1971: .loc 1 1817 0 movl 20(%esp), %eax # pathname, pathname .LVL1186: call cow_break_link # movl %eax, %esi #, error.2339 .loc 1 1818 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, error.2339 ja .L1304 #, .LVL1187: .loc 1 1822 0 call dput # .LVL1188: .loc 1 1823 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call release_open_intent # .loc 1 1824 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # jmp .L1286 # .LVL1189: .L1327: .LBE1971: .loc 1 1830 0 testl %eax, %eax # error.2339 jne .L1304 #, jmp .L1393 # .LVL1190: .L1313: movl $-17, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1191: jmp .L1307 # .LVL1192: .L1317: .loc 1 1834 0 movl $-40, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1193: .L1307: .LBB1972: .LBB1973: .loc 1 619 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # path.dentry, path.dentry call dput # .loc 1 620 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, D.28769 cmpl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, D.28769 je .L1304 #, .LBB1974: .LBB1975: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.28769 je .L1304 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # jmp .L1304 # .LVL1194: .L1298: .LBE1975: .LBE1974: .LBE1973: .LBE1972: .loc 1 1836 0 movl $-21, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1195: .L1304: .loc 1 1837 0 cmpl $-4096, 76(%ebp) #, .intent.open.file ja .L1333 #, .loc 1 1838 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call release_open_intent # .LVL1196: .L1333: .loc 1 1839 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call path_release # jmp .L1295 # .LVL1197: .L1322: .loc 1 1844 0 testl $131072, 16(%esp) #, flag jne .L1317 #, .LVL1198: .loc 1 1856 0 orl $16, 20(%ebp) #, .flags .LBB1976: .LBB1977: .loc 1 639 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, path.mnt movl 12(%esp), %edx #, dentry .LVL1199: call touch_atime # .LVL1200: .LBB1978: .LBB1979: .loc 6 94 0 movl 28(%ebp), %eax # .depth, .depth movl $0, 32(%ebp,%eax,4) #, .saved_names .LBE1979: .LBE1978: .loc 1 642 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, path.mnt cmpl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, path.mnt je .L1336 #, .LBB1980: .LBB1981: .loc 1 626 0 movl (%ebp), %eax # .dentry, .dentry call dput # .loc 1 627 0 movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, D.28835 cmpl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, D.28835 je .L1338 #, .LBB1982: .LBB1983: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # D.28835 je .L1338 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .L1338: .LBE1983: .LBE1982: .loc 1 629 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, path.mnt movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # path.mnt, .mnt .loc 1 630 0 movl 52(%esp), %eax # path.dentry, path.dentry movl %eax, (%ebp) # path.dentry, .dentry .LBE1981: .LBE1980: .LBB1984: .LBB1985: .loc 9 315 0 cmpl $0, 12(%esp) #, je .L1336 #, .loc 9 316 0 movl 12(%esp), %edi #, cmpl $0, (%edi) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1342 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1344: jmp .L1344 # .L1342: .LBB1986: .LBB1987: .loc 10 96 0 movl 12(%esp), %eax #, #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) # #NO_APP .L1336: .LBE1987: .LBE1986: .LBE1985: .LBE1984: .loc 1 646 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, mnt .LVL1201: .LBB1988: .LBB1989: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1345 #, .LBB1990: .LBB1991: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1345: .LBE1991: .LBE1990: .LBE1989: .LBE1988: .LBE1977: .loc 1 647 0 movl 12(%esp), %edx #, movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL1202: movl 260(%eax), %ecx # .i_op, .i_op movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl 12(%esp), %eax #, dentry .LVL1203: call *40(%ecx) # .follow_link .LVL1204: movl %eax, 44(%esp) #, cookie .LBB1992: .loc 1 649 0 movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LVL1205: cmpl $-4096, %eax #, ja .L1349 #, .LBB1993: .LBB1994: .LBB1995: .loc 6 99 0 movl 28(%ebp), %eax # .depth, .depth movl 32(%ebp,%eax,4), %eax # .saved_names, movl %eax, 40(%esp) #, s .LBE1995: .LBE1994: .loc 1 652 0 xorl %ebx, %ebx # error testl %eax, %eax # je .L1352 #, movl %eax, %ebx #, error .LBB1996: .LBB1997: .loc 1 586 0 cmpl $-4096, %eax #, error ja .L1353 #, .LVL1206: .loc 1 589 0 cmpb $47, (%eax) #,* error jne .L1355 #, .loc 1 590 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1207: call path_release # .LBB1998: .LBB1999: .LBB2000: .LBB2001: .LBB2002: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL1208: #NO_APP .LBE2002: .LBE2001: .LBE2000: .loc 1 565 0 movl 1088(%eax), %esi # .fs, fs .LVL1209: .loc 1 567 0 leal 4(%esi), %edi #, D.28887 movl %edi, %eax # D.28887, D.28887 .LVL1210: call _read_lock # .loc 1 568 0 cmpl $0, 44(%esi) #, .altroot je .L1357 #, testb $32, 20(%ebp) #, .flags jne .L1357 #, .loc 1 569 0 movl 56(%esi), %eax # .altrootmnt, mnt .LVL1211: .LBB2003: .LBB2004: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1360 #, .LBB2005: .LBB2006: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1360: .LBE2006: .LBE2005: .LBE2004: .LBE2003: .loc 1 569 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 570 0 movl 44(%esi), %eax # .altroot, dentry .LVL1212: .LBB2007: .LBB2008: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L1362 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1364 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1366: jmp .L1366 # .L1364: .LBB2009: .LBB2010: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L1362: .LBE2010: .LBE2009: .LBE2008: .LBE2007: .loc 1 570 0 movl %eax, (%ebp) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 571 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.28887, D.28887 .LVL1213: call _read_unlock # .LBE1999: .loc 1 572 0 movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl 40(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL1214: call __emul_lookup_dentry # .LVL1215: .LBB2011: xorl %ebx, %ebx # error testl %eax, %eax # D.28913 jne .L1369 #, .loc 1 574 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.28887, D.28887 call _read_lock # .L1357: .loc 1 576 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL1216: .LBB2012: .LBB2013: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1370 #, .LBB2014: .LBB2015: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1370: .LBE2015: .LBE2014: .LBE2013: .LBE2012: .loc 1 576 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebp) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 577 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL1217: .LBB2016: .LBB2017: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L1372 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1374 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1376: jmp .L1376 # .L1374: .LBB2018: .LBB2019: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L1372: .LBE2019: .LBE2018: .LBE2017: .LBE2016: .loc 1 577 0 movl %eax, (%ebp) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 578 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.28887, D.28887 .LVL1218: call _read_unlock # .LVL1219: .L1355: .LBE2011: .LBE1998: .LBE1997: .loc 1 595 0 movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl 40(%esp), %eax # s, name .LVL1220: call link_path_walk # .LVL1221: movl %eax, %ebx #, error .L1369: .LBB2020: .loc 1 597 0 cmpl $0, 28(%ebp) #, .depth jne .L1352 #, testl %ebx, %ebx # error jne .L1352 #, cmpl $0, 24(%ebp) #, .last_type jne .L1352 #, .LBE2020: .loc 1 604 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, %edx #, dest .LVL1222: .LBB2021: .loc 1 605 0 testl %eax, %eax # dest jne .L1379 #, .LVL1223: .loc 1 606 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1224: call path_release # .LVL1225: movl $-12, %ebx #, error jmp .L1352 # .LVL1226: .L1379: .LBB2022: .LBB2023: .loc 2 32 0 movl 16(%ebp), %esi # .last.name, .last.name .LVL1227: movl %eax, %edi # dest, #APP 1: lodsb stosb testb %al,%al jne 1b .LVL1228: #NO_APP .LBE2023: .LBE2022: .loc 1 610 0 movl %edx, 16(%ebp) # dest, .last.name jmp .L1352 # .LVL1229: .L1353: .loc 1 613 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1230: call path_release # .LVL1231: .L1352: .LBE2021: .LBE1996: .loc 1 654 0 movl 12(%esp), %edx #, .LVL1232: movl 36(%edx), %eax # .d_inode, .d_inode .LVL1233: movl 260(%eax), %eax # .i_op, .i_op movl 44(%eax), %esi # .put_link, D.28963 .LVL1234: testl %esi, %esi # D.28963 je .L1349 #, .loc 1 655 0 movl 44(%esp), %ecx # cookie, cookie movl %ebp, %edx # nd, nd movl 12(%esp), %eax #, dentry .LVL1235: call *%esi # D.28963 .LVL1236: .L1349: .LBE1993: .loc 1 657 0 movl 12(%esp), %eax #, dentry .LVL1237: call dput # .LVL1238: .loc 1 658 0 movl 48(%esp), %eax # path.mnt, mnt .LVL1239: .LBB2024: .LBB2025: .loc 7 78 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1382 #, .loc 7 79 0 movl $0, 48(%eax) #, .mnt_expiry_mark .loc 7 80 0 call mntput_no_expire # .LVL1240: .L1382: .LBE2025: .LBE2024: .LBE1992: .LBE1976: .loc 1 1861 0 testl %ebx, %ebx # error je .L1384 #, .loc 1 1866 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1241: call release_open_intent # movl %ebx, %esi # error, error.2339 .LVL1242: jmp .L1295 # .LVL1243: .L1384: .loc 1 1869 0 andl $-17, 20(%ebp) #, .flags .loc 1 1870 0 movl 24(%ebp), %eax # .last_type, temp.2365 .LVL1244: cmpl $4, %eax #, temp.2365 je .L1296 #, .loc 1 1873 0 testl %eax, %eax # temp.2365 jne .L1298 #, .loc 1 1875 0 movl 16(%ebp), %edx # .last.name, temp.2358 movl 12(%ebp), %eax # .last.len, .last.len cmpb $0, (%edx,%eax) #* .last.len je .L1388 #, .loc 1 1876 0 movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # jmp .L1298 # .L1388: .loc 1 1880 0 incl 32(%esp) # count cmpl $33, 32(%esp) #, count jne .L1390 #, .loc 1 1881 0 movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # movl $-40, %esi #, error.2339 .LVL1245: jmp .L1304 # .LVL1246: .L1390: .loc 1 1884 0 movl (%ebp), %esi # .dentry, dir .loc 1 1885 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .d_inode, tmp169 addl $144, %eax #, tmp169 call mutex_lock # .loc 1 1886 0 movl %ebp, %eax # nd, nd call lookup_hash # movl %eax, 52(%esp) # D.20117, path.dentry .loc 1 1887 0 movl 4(%ebp), %eax # .mnt, .mnt movl %eax, 48(%esp) # .mnt, path.mnt .loc 1 1888 0 movl 16(%ebp), %edx # .last.name, .last.name movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_free # jmp .L1301 # .LVL1247: .L1393: .loc 1 1889 0 xorl %esi, %esi # error.2339 .LVL1248: .L1295: .loc 1 1890 0 movl %esi, %eax # error.2339, addl $56, %esp #, popl %ebx # .LVL1249: popl %esi # .LVL1250: popl %edi # .LVL1251: popl %ebp # .LVL1252: ret .LFE998: .size open_namei, .-open_namei .globl vfs_follow_link .type vfs_follow_link, @function vfs_follow_link: .LFB1028: .loc 1 2748 0 .LVL1253: pushl %ebp # .LCFI219: pushl %edi # .LCFI220: pushl %esi # .LCFI221: pushl %ebx # .LCFI222: subl $4, %esp #, .LCFI223: movl %eax, %ebx # nd, nd movl %edx, %ebp # link, res .LVL1254: .LBB2055: .LBB2056: .loc 1 586 0 cmpl $-4096, %edx #, res ja .L1395 #, .LVL1255: .loc 1 589 0 cmpb $47, (%edx) #,* res jne .L1397 #, .loc 1 590 0 call path_release # .LVL1256: .LBB2057: .LBB2058: .LBB2059: .LBB2060: .LBB2061: .loc 13 11 0 #APP movl %gs:8,%eax #, ret__ .LVL1257: #NO_APP .LBE2061: .LBE2060: .LBE2059: .loc 1 565 0 movl 1088(%eax), %esi # .fs, fs .LVL1258: .loc 1 567 0 leal 4(%esi), %edi #, D.29154 movl %edi, %eax # D.29154, D.29154 .LVL1259: call _read_lock # .loc 1 568 0 cmpl $0, 44(%esi) #, .altroot je .L1399 #, testb $32, 20(%ebx) #, .flags jne .L1399 #, .loc 1 569 0 movl 56(%esi), %eax # .altrootmnt, mnt .LVL1260: .LBB2062: .LBB2063: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1402 #, .LBB2064: .LBB2065: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1402: .LBE2065: .LBE2064: .LBE2063: .LBE2062: .loc 1 569 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 570 0 movl 44(%esi), %eax # .altroot, dentry .LVL1261: .LBB2066: .LBB2067: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L1404 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1406 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1408: jmp .L1408 # .L1406: .LBB2068: .LBB2069: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L1404: .LBE2069: .LBE2068: .LBE2067: .LBE2066: .loc 1 570 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 571 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.29154, D.29154 .LVL1262: call _read_unlock # .LBE2058: .loc 1 572 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd movl %ebp, %eax # res, link .LVL1263: call __emul_lookup_dentry # .LVL1264: .LBB2070: testl %eax, %eax # D.29180 je .L1409 #, .LVL1265: xorl %ebp, %ebp # res jmp .L1411 # .L1409: .loc 1 574 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.29154, D.29154 call _read_lock # .LVL1266: .L1399: .loc 1 576 0 movl 48(%esi), %eax # .rootmnt, mnt .LVL1267: .LBB2071: .LBB2072: .loc 7 67 0 testl %eax, %eax # mnt je .L1412 #, .LBB2073: .LBB2074: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl 40(%eax) # #NO_APP .L1412: .LBE2074: .LBE2073: .LBE2072: .LBE2071: .loc 1 576 0 movl %eax, 4(%ebx) # mnt, .mnt .loc 1 577 0 movl 36(%esi), %eax # .root, dentry .LVL1268: .LBB2075: .LBB2076: .loc 9 315 0 testl %eax, %eax # dentry je .L1414 #, .loc 9 316 0 cmpl $0, (%eax) #, .d_count.counter jne .L1416 #, #APP 1: ud2 .pushsection __bug_table,"a" 2: .long 1b, .LC0 # .word 316, 0 # .org 2b+12 # .popsection #NO_APP .L1418: jmp .L1418 # .L1416: .LBB2077: .LBB2078: .loc 10 96 0 #APP .section .smp_locks,"a" .align 4 .long 661f .previous 661: lock; incl (%eax) #* dentry #NO_APP .L1414: .LBE2078: .LBE2077: .LBE2076: .LBE2075: .loc 1 577 0 movl %eax, (%ebx) # dentry, .dentry .loc 1 578 0 movl %edi, %eax # D.29154, D.29154 .LVL1269: call _read_unlock # .LVL1270: .L1397: .LBE2070: .LBE2057: .LBE2056: .loc 1 595 0 movl %ebx, %edx # nd, nd .LVL1271: movl %ebp, %eax # res, link .LVL1272: call link_path_walk # .LVL1273: movl %eax, %ebp #, res .LVL1274: .L1411: .LBB2079: .loc 1 597 0 cmpl $0, 28(%ebx) #, .depth jne .L1419 #, testl %ebp, %ebp # res jne .L1419 #, cmpl $0, 24(%ebx) #, .last_type jne .L1419 #, .LBE2079: .loc 1 604 0 movl $208, %edx #, movl names_cachep, %eax # names_cachep, names_cachep call kmem_cache_alloc # movl %eax, %edx #, dest .LVL1275: .LBB2080: .loc 1 605 0 testl %eax, %eax # dest jne .L1422 #, .LVL1276: .loc 1 606 0 movl %ebx, %eax # nd, nd .LVL1277: call path_release # .LVL1278: movl $-12, %ebp #, res jmp .L1419 # .LVL1279: .L1422: .LBB2081: .LBB2082: .loc 2 32 0 movl 16(%ebx), %esi # .last.name, .last.name .LVL1280: movl %eax, %edi # dest, #APP 1: lodsb stosb testb %al,%al jne 1b .LVL1281: #NO_APP .LBE2082: .LBE2081: .loc 1 610 0 movl %edx, 16(%ebx) # dest, .last.name jmp .L1419 # .LVL1282: .L1395: .loc 1 613 0 call path_release # .LVL1283: .L1419: .LBE2080: .LBE2055: .loc 1 2750 0 movl %ebp, %eax # res, .LVL1284: popl %ecx # popl %ebx # .LVL1285: popl %esi # .LVL1286: popl %edi # popl %ebp # .LVL1287: ret .LFE1028: .size vfs_follow_link, .-vfs_follow_link .globl page_symlink_inode_operations .data .align 32 .type page_symlink_inode_operations, @object .size page_symlink_inode_operations, 88 page_symlink_inode_operations: # readlink: .zero 36 .long generic_readlink # follow_link: .long page_follow_link_light # put_link: .long page_put_link .zero 40 .section __ksymtab,"a",@progbits .align 4 .type __ksymtab_generic_readlink, @object .size __ksymtab_generic_readlink, 8 __ksymtab_generic_readlink: # value: .long generic_readlink # name: .long __kstrtab_generic_readlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_dentry_unhash, @object .size __ksymtab_dentry_unhash, 8 __ksymtab_dentry_unhash: # value: .long dentry_unhash # name: .long __kstrtab_dentry_unhash .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_unlink, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_unlink, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_unlink: # value: .long vfs_unlink # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_unlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_symlink, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_symlink, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_symlink: # value: .long vfs_symlink # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_symlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_rmdir, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_rmdir, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_rmdir: # value: .long vfs_rmdir # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_rmdir .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_rename, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_rename, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_rename: # value: .long vfs_rename # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_rename .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_readlink, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_readlink, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_readlink: # value: .long vfs_readlink # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_readlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_generic_permission, @object .size __ksymtab_generic_permission, 8 __ksymtab_generic_permission: # value: .long generic_permission # name: .long __kstrtab_generic_permission .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_mknod, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_mknod, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_mknod: # value: .long vfs_mknod # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_mknod .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_mkdir, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_mkdir, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_mkdir: # value: .long vfs_mkdir # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_mkdir .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_link, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_link, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_link: # value: .long vfs_link # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_link .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_follow_link, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_follow_link, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_follow_link: # value: .long vfs_follow_link # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_follow_link .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_create, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_create, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_create: # value: .long vfs_create # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_create .align 4 .type __ksymtab_unlock_rename, @object .size __ksymtab_unlock_rename, 8 __ksymtab_unlock_rename: # value: .long unlock_rename # name: .long __kstrtab_unlock_rename .align 4 .type __ksymtab_file_permission, @object .size __ksymtab_file_permission, 8 __ksymtab_file_permission: # value: .long file_permission # name: .long __kstrtab_file_permission .align 4 .type __ksymtab_vfs_permission, @object .size __ksymtab_vfs_permission, 8 __ksymtab_vfs_permission: # value: .long vfs_permission # name: .long __kstrtab_vfs_permission .align 4 .type __ksymtab_permission, @object .size __ksymtab_permission, 8 __ksymtab_permission: # value: .long permission # name: .long __kstrtab_permission .align 4 .type __ksymtab_path_walk, @object .size __ksymtab_path_walk, 8 __ksymtab_path_walk: # value: .long path_walk # name: .long __kstrtab_path_walk .align 4 .type __ksymtab_path_release, @object .size __ksymtab_path_release, 8 __ksymtab_path_release: # value: .long path_release # name: .long __kstrtab_path_release .align 4 .type __ksymtab_path_lookup, @object .size __ksymtab_path_lookup, 8 __ksymtab_path_lookup: # value: .long path_lookup # name: .long __kstrtab_path_lookup .align 4 .type __ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations, @object .size __ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations, 8 __ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations: # value: .long page_symlink_inode_operations # name: .long __kstrtab_page_symlink_inode_operations .align 4 .type __ksymtab_page_symlink, @object .size __ksymtab_page_symlink, 8 __ksymtab_page_symlink: # value: .long page_symlink # name: .long __kstrtab_page_symlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab___page_symlink, @object .size __ksymtab___page_symlink, 8 __ksymtab___page_symlink: # value: .long __page_symlink # name: .long __kstrtab___page_symlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_page_readlink, @object .size __ksymtab_page_readlink, 8 __ksymtab_page_readlink: # value: .long page_readlink # name: .long __kstrtab_page_readlink .align 4 .type __ksymtab_page_put_link, @object .size __ksymtab_page_put_link, 8 __ksymtab_page_put_link: # value: .long page_put_link # name: .long __kstrtab_page_put_link .align 4 .type __ksymtab_page_follow_link_light, @object .size __ksymtab_page_follow_link_light, 8 __ksymtab_page_follow_link_light: # value: .long page_follow_link_light # name: .long __kstrtab_page_follow_link_light .align 4 .type __ksymtab_lookup_one_len, @object .size __ksymtab_lookup_one_len, 8 __ksymtab_lookup_one_len: # value: .long lookup_one_len # name: .long __kstrtab_lookup_one_len .align 4 .type __ksymtab_lock_rename, @object .size __ksymtab_lock_rename, 8 __ksymtab_lock_rename: # value: .long lock_rename # name: .long __kstrtab_lock_rename .align 4 .type __ksymtab_getname, @object .size __ksymtab_getname, 8 __ksymtab_getname: # value: .long getname # name: .long __kstrtab_getname .align 4 .type __ksymtab_get_write_access, @object .size __ksymtab_get_write_access, 8 __ksymtab_get_write_access: # value: .long get_write_access # name: .long __kstrtab_get_write_access .align 4 .type __ksymtab_follow_up, @object .size __ksymtab_follow_up, 8 __ksymtab_follow_up: # value: .long follow_up # name: .long __kstrtab_follow_up .align 4 .type __ksymtab_follow_down, @object .size __ksymtab_follow_down, 8 __ksymtab_follow_down: # value: .long follow_down # name: .long __kstrtab_follow_down .align 4 .type __ksymtab___user_walk_fd, @object .size __ksymtab___user_walk_fd, 8 __ksymtab___user_walk_fd: # value: .long __user_walk_fd # name: .long __kstrtab___user_walk_fd .align 4 .type __ksymtab___user_walk, @object .size __ksymtab___user_walk, 8 __ksymtab___user_walk: # value: .long __user_walk # name: .long __kstrtab___user_walk .section __ksymtab_gpl,"a",@progbits .align 4 .type __ksymtab_lookup_create, @object .size __ksymtab_lookup_create, 8 __ksymtab_lookup_create: # value: .long lookup_create # name: .long __kstrtab_lookup_create .local _buffer.19500 .comm _buffer.19500,4096,32 .section __ksymtab_strings,"a",@progbits .type __kstrtab_generic_readlink, @object .size __kstrtab_generic_readlink, 17 __kstrtab_generic_readlink: .string "generic_readlink" .type __kstrtab_dentry_unhash, @object .size __kstrtab_dentry_unhash, 14 __kstrtab_dentry_unhash: .string "dentry_unhash" .type __kstrtab_vfs_unlink, @object .size __kstrtab_vfs_unlink, 11 __kstrtab_vfs_unlink: .string "vfs_unlink" .type __kstrtab_vfs_symlink, @object .size __kstrtab_vfs_symlink, 12 __kstrtab_vfs_symlink: .string "vfs_symlink" .type __kstrtab_vfs_rmdir, @object .size __kstrtab_vfs_rmdir, 10 __kstrtab_vfs_rmdir: .string "vfs_rmdir" .type __kstrtab_vfs_rename, @object .size __kstrtab_vfs_rename, 11 __kstrtab_vfs_rename: .string "vfs_rename" .type __kstrtab_vfs_readlink, @object .size __kstrtab_vfs_readlink, 13 __kstrtab_vfs_readlink: .string "vfs_readlink" .type __kstrtab_generic_permission, @object .size __kstrtab_generic_permission, 19 __kstrtab_generic_permission: .string "generic_permission" .type 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0xe .uleb128 0x70 .byte 0x83 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x86 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x87 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x85 .uleb128 0x2 .align 4 .LEFDE94: .LSFDE96: .long .LEFDE96-.LASFDE96 .LASFDE96: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB1016 .long .LFE1016-.LFB1016 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI157-.LFB1016 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x10 .align 4 .LEFDE96: .LSFDE98: .long .LEFDE98-.LASFDE98 .LASFDE98: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB1011 .long .LFE1011-.LFB1011 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI158-.LFB1011 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI159-.LCFI158 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI160-.LCFI159 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x10 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI161-.LCFI160 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x14 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI162-.LCFI161 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x68 .byte 0x83 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x86 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x87 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x85 .uleb128 0x2 .align 4 .LEFDE98: .LSFDE100: .long .LEFDE100-.LASFDE100 .LASFDE100: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB1013 .long .LFE1013-.LFB1013 .align 4 .LEFDE100: .LSFDE102: .long .LEFDE102-.LASFDE102 .LASFDE102: .long 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0x83 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x86 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x87 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x85 .uleb128 0x2 .align 4 .LEFDE118: .LSFDE120: .long .LEFDE120-.LASFDE120 .LASFDE120: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB1019 .long .LFE1019-.LFB1019 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI190-.LFB1019 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x18 .align 4 .LEFDE120: .LSFDE122: .long .LEFDE122-.LASFDE122 .LASFDE122: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB988 .long .LFE988-.LFB988 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI191-.LFB988 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x8 .align 4 .LEFDE122: .LSFDE124: .long .LEFDE124-.LASFDE124 .LASFDE124: .long .Lframe0 .long .LFB980 .long .LFE980-.LFB980 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI192-.LFB980 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI193-.LCFI192 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI194-.LCFI193 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x10 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI195-.LCFI194 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x14 .byte 0x4 .long .LCFI196-.LCFI195 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x1c .byte 0x83 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x86 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x87 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x85 .uleb128 0x2 .align 4 .LEFDE124: .LSFDE126: .long 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24 "include/asm/posix_types.h" .file 25 "include/asm/types.h" .file 26 "include/linux/time.h" .file 27 "include/linux/spinlock_types.h" .file 28 "include/asm/spinlock_types.h" .file 29 "include/linux/lockdep.h" .file 30 "include/linux/stacktrace.h" .file 31 "include/linux/mutex.h" .file 32 "include/asm/thread_info.h" .file 33 "include/asm/ptrace.h" .file 34 "include/linux/sched.h" .file 35 "include/linux/cpumask.h" .file 36 "include/asm/processor.h" .file 37 "include/asm/page.h" .file 38 "include/linux/mm.h" .file 39 "include/linux/rbtree.h" .file 40 "include/linux/prio_tree.h" .file 41 "include/linux/mmzone.h" .file 42 "include/linux/mm_types.h" .file 43 "include/linux/radix-tree.h" .file 44 "include/linux/kmod.h" .file 45 "include/linux/fs_struct.h" .file 46 "include/asm/alternative.h" .file 47 "include/linux/module.h" .file 48 "include/linux/sysfs.h" .file 49 "include/linux/kobject.h" .file 50 "include/linux/kref.h" .file 51 "include/linux/rwsem.h" .file 52 "include/asm/rwsem.h" .file 53 "include/linux/wait.h" .file 54 "include/asm/uaccess.h" .file 55 "include/asm/module.h" .file 56 "include/asm-generic/bug.h" .file 57 "include/asm/local.h" .file 58 "include/linux/elf.h" .file 59 "include/linux/quota.h" .file 60 "include/linux/dqblk_xfs.h" .file 61 "include/asm/semaphore.h" .file 62 "include/linux/backing-dev.h" .file 63 "include/linux/dqblk_v1.h" .file 64 "include/linux/dqblk_v2.h" .file 65 "include/linux/aio.h" .file 66 "include/linux/workqueue.h" .file 67 "include/asm-generic/atomic.h" .file 68 "include/linux/timer.h" .file 69 "include/linux/aio_abi.h" .file 70 "include/linux/uio.h" .file 71 "include/linux/posix_types.h" .file 72 "include/linux/nfs_fs_i.h" .file 73 "include/asm/mmu.h" .file 74 "include/linux/kernel.h" .file 75 "include/linux/completion.h" .file 76 "include/linux/binfmts.h" .file 77 "include/asm/elf.h" .file 78 "include/linux/capability.h" .file 79 "include/asm-generic/cputime.h" .file 80 "include/linux/signal.h" .file 81 "include/linux/sem.h" .file 82 "include/asm/math_emu.h" .file 83 "include/asm/vm86.h" .file 84 "include/linux/nsproxy.h" .file 85 "include/linux/utsname.h" .file 86 "include/linux/ipc.h" .file 87 "include/asm/signal.h" .file 88 "include/linux/hrtimer.h" .file 89 "include/linux/ktime.h" .file 90 "include/linux/resource.h" .file 91 "include/asm-generic/signal.h" .file 92 "include/linux/seccomp.h" .file 93 "include/linux/plist.h" .file 94 "include/linux/task_io_accounting.h" .file 95 "include/linux/futex.h" .file 96 "include/linux/personality.h" .file 97 "include/linux/thread_info.h" .file 98 "include/linux/stat.h" .file 99 "include/linux/irq.h" .file 100 "include/linux/vs_tag.h" .file 101 "include/linux/security.h" .file 102 "include/linux/kdev_t.h" .file 103 "include/asm/pgtable-3level.h" .file 104 "include/asm-generic/percpu.h" .file 105 "include/asm/pda.h" .file 106 "include/linux/timex.h" .file 107 "include/asm/fixmap.h" .file 108 "include/asm/acpi.h" .file 109 "include/asm/io_apic.h" .file 110 "include/asm/smp.h" .file 111 "include/asm/desc.h" .file 112 "include/linux/vmstat.h" .file 113 "include/linux/interrupt.h" .file 114 "include/linux/irqreturn.h" .file 115 "include/linux/profile.h" .file 116 "include/linux/vserver/debug.h" .text .Letext0: .section .debug_loc,"",@progbits .Ldebug_loc0: .LLST0: .long .LFB1034-.Ltext0 .long .LCFI0-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 4 .long .LCFI0-.Ltext0 .long .LCFI1-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 8 .long .LCFI1-.Ltext0 .long .LCFI2-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 12 .long .LCFI2-.Ltext0 .long .LCFI3-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 16 .long .LCFI3-.Ltext0 .long .LCFI4-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 20 .long .LCFI4-.Ltext0 .long .LFE1034-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 48 .long 0x0 .long 0x0 .LLST1: .long .LVL0-.Ltext0 .long .LVL1-.Ltext0 .value 0x1 .byte 0x50 .long .LVL1-.Ltext0 .long .LFE1034-.Ltext0 .value 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -36 .long 0x0 .long 0x0 .LLST2: 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0x23 .uleb128 0x52 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x52a .long .LASF74 .byte 0x20 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x66 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF75 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x67 .long 0x52a .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x53a .long 0xe3 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x59c .long .LASF76 .byte 0xa0 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6a .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF77 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6b .long 0x38e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF78 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6c .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x54 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF79 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6d .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x58 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF80 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6e .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x5c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF81 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x6f .long 0x50f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x60 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF82 .byte 0x53 .byte 0x70 .long 0x50f .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x80 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x689 .long .LASF83 .byte 0x40 .byte 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0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF89 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x12 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF90 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x13 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF91 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x14 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF92 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x15 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF93 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x16 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF94 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x17 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF95 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x18 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF96 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x19 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF97 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1a .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x30 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF98 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1b .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x34 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF99 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1c .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x38 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF100 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1d .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x3c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF101 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1e .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x40 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF102 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x1f .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x44 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF103 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x20 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x48 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF104 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x21 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF105 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x22 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x50 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x807 .long .LASF106 .byte 0xc .byte 0x38 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF107 .byte 0x38 .byte 0xf .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF108 .byte 0x38 .byte 0x11 .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF109 .byte 0x38 .byte 0x12 .long 0xf5 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF78 .byte 0x38 .byte 0x14 .long 0xf5 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xa .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x817 .long 0xe3 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x827 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x83e .byte 0x4 .byte 0x23 .byte 0x58 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF110 .byte 0x23 .byte 0x58 .long 0x83e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x84e .long 0xe3 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF111 .byte 0x23 .byte 0x58 .long 0x827 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x87e .long .LASF112 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x24 .byte 0x1c .uleb128 0xb .string "a" .byte 0x24 .byte 0x1d .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xb .string "b" .byte 0x24 .byte 0x1d .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x88e .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xf .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x13 .long 0x923 .long .LASF113 .byte 0x70 .byte 0x24 .value 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0x15 .long .LASF181 .byte 0x22 .value 0x359 .long 0x3d3d .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF182 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35a .long 0xd0 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x90 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF183 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35b .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x94 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF184 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35b .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x98 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF185 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35c .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x9c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF186 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35e .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xa0 .uleb128 0x1c .long .LASF187 .byte 0x22 .value 0x35f .long 0x153 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1f .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xa4 .uleb128 0x14 .string "pid" .byte 0x22 .value 0x360 .long 0x2a9 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xa8 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF188 .byte 0x22 .value 0x361 .long 0x2a9 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xac .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF189 .byte 0x22 .value 0x36c .long 0x15a0 .byte 0x3 .byte 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0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1897 .long .LASF314 .byte 0xc .byte 0x1d .byte 0x7b .uleb128 0xb .string "key" .byte 0x1d .byte 0x7c .long 0x1897 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF315 .byte 0x1d .byte 0x7d .long 0x189d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF276 .byte 0x1d .byte 0x7e .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1764 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x178f .uleb128 0xa .long 0x192e .long .LASF316 .byte 0x28 .byte 0x1d .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF317 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xa2 .long 0x19e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF318 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xa3 .long 0x189d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF319 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xa4 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF320 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xa5 .long 0x192e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF321 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xb4 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF322 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xb5 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF323 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xb6 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF324 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xb7 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF325 .byte 0x1d .byte 0xb8 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1860 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x194b .byte 0x4 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF326 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x9 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF327 .byte 0x1c .byte 0xa .long 0x1934 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x196d .byte 0x4 .byte 0x1c .byte 0xe .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF328 .byte 0x1c .byte 0xf .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF329 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x10 .long 0x1956 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x19c7 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x1b .byte 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF330 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x15 .long 0x194b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF331 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x1a .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF332 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x1a .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF333 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x1b .long 0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF334 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x1e .long 0x1860 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF335 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x20 .long 0x1978 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x1a21 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x1b .byte 0x24 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF330 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x25 .long 0x196d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF331 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x2a .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF332 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x2a .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF333 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x2b .long 0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF334 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x2e .long 0x1860 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF336 .byte 0x1b .byte 0x30 .long 0x19d2 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xa .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF337 .byte 0xa .byte 0x11 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF338 .byte 0xa .byte 0x11 .long 0x1a2c .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF339 .byte 0x43 .byte 0x47 .long 0x1a43 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1a74 .long .LASF340 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x14 .byte 0x73 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF341 .byte 0x14 .byte 0x74 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF342 .byte 0x14 .byte 0x75 .long 0x1a59 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1aa8 .long .LASF343 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x1a .byte 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF344 .byte 0x1a .byte 0xd .long 0x31e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF345 .byte 0x1a .byte 0xe .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1b79 .long .LASF346 .byte 0x50 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x3b .uleb128 0xb .string "ino" .byte 0x62 .byte 0x3c .long 0x19e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xb .string "dev" .byte 0x62 .byte 0x3d .long 0x27d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF347 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x3e .long 0xea .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF348 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x3f .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xb .string "uid" .byte 0x62 .byte 0x40 .long 0x2c6 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xb .string "gid" .byte 0x62 .byte 0x41 .long 0x2d1 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xb .string "tag" .byte 0x62 .byte 0x42 .long 0x2f2 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF349 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x43 .long 0x27d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF350 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x44 .long 0x2fd .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF351 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x45 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF352 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x46 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x34 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF353 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x47 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x3c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF354 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x48 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x44 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF355 .byte 0x62 .byte 0x49 .long 0x177 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x48 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x1b89 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x1f .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x1b99 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x40 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1b .long 0x1bff .long .LASF356 .value 0x186 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF357 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x19 .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF358 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x1a .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x41 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF359 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x1b .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x82 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF312 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x1c .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc3 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF360 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x1d .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x104 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF361 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x1e .long 0x1b89 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x145 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1c44 .long .LASF362 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x69 .byte 0xd .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF363 .byte 0x69 .byte 0xe .long 0x1c44 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF364 .byte 0x69 .byte 0x10 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF365 .byte 0x69 .byte 0x11 .long 0x15a0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF366 .byte 0x69 .byte 0x12 .long 0x689 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1bff .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF367 .byte 0x4e .byte 0x3a .long 0x148 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1c8c .long .LASF368 .byte 0xc .byte 0x27 .byte 0x65 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF369 .byte 0x27 .byte 0x66 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF370 .byte 0x27 .byte 0x69 .long 0x1c8c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF371 .byte 0x27 .byte 0x6a .long 0x1c8c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1c55 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1cad .long .LASF372 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x27 .byte 0x6f .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF368 .byte 0x27 .byte 0x70 .long 0x1c8c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF373 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x1c .long 0x1cb8 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1cfd .long .LASF374 .byte 0x14 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF78 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x21 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF375 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x23 .long 0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF376 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x24 .long 0x1cfd .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF377 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x25 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF378 .byte 0x35 .byte 0x1d .long 0x1d08 .uleb128 0x2 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0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x40 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF391 .byte 0x49 .byte 0x17 .long 0x1de3 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF392 .byte 0x4f .byte 0x7 .long 0xe3 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x1e66 .long 0xe3 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1e81 .long .LASF393 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x32 .byte 0x17 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF394 .byte 0x32 .byte 0x18 .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1f28 .long .LASF395 .byte 0x40 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x4b .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF393 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x4c .long 0x1e66 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xb .string "ids" .byte 0x56 .byte 0x4d .long 0x1f28 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF396 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x4f .long 0x1f44 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF397 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x50 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF398 .byte 0x56 .byte 0x52 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 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0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF407 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x7b .long 0x1f99 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF408 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x7c .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF409 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x7d .long 0x1f9f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1f54 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x12b .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1fdc .long .LASF410 .byte 0x24 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x83 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF411 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x84 .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF328 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x85 .long 0x19c7 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF412 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x86 .long 0x1f99 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x1ff7 .long .LASF413 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x89 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF414 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x8a .long 0x1ff7 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x1fa5 .uleb128 0xf .long 0x2014 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0xb .string "sig" .byte 0x57 .byte 0x19 .long 0x1e56 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF415 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x1a .long 0x1ffd .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF416 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x11 .long 0x1e2 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF417 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x12 .long 0x2035 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x201f .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF418 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x14 .long 0x3e .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF419 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x15 .long 0x2051 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x203b .uleb128 0xa .long 0x209c .long .LASF420 .byte 0x14 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x7b .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF421 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x7c .long 0x202a .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF422 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x7d .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF423 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x7e .long 0x2046 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF424 .byte 0x57 .byte 0x7f .long 0x2014 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa 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0x2a25 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF551 .byte 0x13 .byte 0x16 .long 0x2a25 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x29e8 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x2a54 .long .LASF552 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x32 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF287 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x33 .long 0x2a54 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF376 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x34 .long 0x2a66 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x2a2b .uleb128 0x12 .long 0x2a66 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x2a54 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x2a5a .uleb128 0xa .long 0x2b3d .long .LASF553 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5d .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF554 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5f .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF555 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x60 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF556 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x61 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF490 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x64 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF557 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x65 .long 0x2a54 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF558 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x66 .long 0x2b3d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF559 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x67 .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF560 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x68 .long 0x2a54 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF561 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x69 .long 0x2b3d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF562 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x6a .long 0x2a54 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF563 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x6b .long 0x2b3d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF564 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x6c .long 0xd0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2c .uleb128 0xb .string "cpu" .byte 0x16 .byte 0x6d .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x30 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF565 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x6e .long 0x2a2b 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0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x2c8f .long .LASF578 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x5d .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF579 .byte 0x5d .byte 0x51 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF580 .byte 0x5d .byte 0x52 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x2cb8 .long .LASF581 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x5a .byte 0x2a .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF582 .byte 0x5a .byte 0x2b .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF583 .byte 0x5a .byte 0x2c .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x2d0b .long .LASF584 .byte 0x18 .byte 0x44 .byte 0xa .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF585 .byte 0x44 .byte 0xb .long 0x1672 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF586 .byte 0x44 .byte 0xc .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF587 .byte 0x44 .byte 0xe .long 0x2d17 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF588 .byte 0x44 .byte 0xf .long 0xe3 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0x15 .long .LASF639 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2ef .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF640 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f0 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF641 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f1 .long 0x288 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF642 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f2 .long 0x2fd .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF643 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f3 .long 0x65ea .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF644 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f4 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x58 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF645 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f4 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x5c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF646 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f5 .long 0x2dc .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x60 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF647 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f6 .long 0x6652 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x64 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF648 .byte 0x5 .value 0x2f8 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x90 .uleb128 0x15 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0x2d1 .uleb128 0x2a .long 0x3cbc .long .LASF173 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x22 .value 0x328 .uleb128 0x22 .long .LASF786 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x22 .long .LASF787 .sleb128 1 .uleb128 0x22 .long .LASF788 .sleb128 2 .uleb128 0x22 .long .LASF789 .sleb128 3 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2b .long 0xd0 .uleb128 0x1f .long .LASF790 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x3cc1 .uleb128 0x13 .long 0x3d3d .long .LASF791 .byte 0x1c .byte 0x22 .value 0x359 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF287 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x38 .long 0x3d3d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF286 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x39 .long 0x42e0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF792 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x3a .long 0x7c38 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF793 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x3b .long 0x7c4e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF794 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x3c .long 0x7c6e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF795 .byte 0x4c .byte 0x3d .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 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0x1e .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF811 .byte 0x3e .byte 0x1f .long 0x7424 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF812 .byte 0x3e .byte 0x20 .long 0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF813 .byte 0x3e .byte 0x21 .long 0x743b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF814 .byte 0x3e .byte 0x22 .long 0x1661 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x3ed1 .uleb128 0x1f .long .LASF263 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x3f47 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x2c2f .uleb128 0x1f .long .LASF815 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x3f59 .uleb128 0x1f .long .LASF816 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x3f65 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x3fa8 .long .LASF817 .byte 0xc .byte 0x30 .byte 0x15 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF276 .byte 0x30 .byte 0x16 .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF333 .byte 0x30 .byte 0x17 .long 0x42e0 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 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0x15 .long .LASF822 .byte 0x2f .value 0x10a .long 0x431b .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xb4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF823 .byte 0x2f .value 0x10d .long 0x49b5 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xb8 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF824 .byte 0x2f .value 0x10e .long 0x153 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xbc .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF825 .byte 0x2f .value 0x10f .long 0x49c0 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc0 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF826 .byte 0x2f .value 0x112 .long 0x49b5 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF827 .byte 0x2f .value 0x113 .long 0x153 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc8 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF828 .byte 0x2f .value 0x114 .long 0x49c0 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xcc .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF829 .byte 0x2f .value 0x117 .long 0x49b5 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xd0 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF830 .byte 0x2f .value 0x118 .long 0x153 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xd4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF831 .byte 0x2f .value 0x119 .long 0x49c0 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xd8 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0x100 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF842 .byte 0x2f .value 0x12f .long 0x1661 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x104 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF843 .byte 0x2f .value 0x132 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x108 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF844 .byte 0x2f .value 0x132 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF845 .byte 0x2f .value 0x135 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x110 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF846 .byte 0x2f .value 0x135 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x114 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF847 .byte 0x2f .value 0x138 .long 0x1661 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x118 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF848 .byte 0x2f .value 0x13b .long 0x479d .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x11c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF849 .byte 0x2f .value 0x13e .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x11c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF850 .byte 0x2f .value 0x140 .long 0x153 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x120 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF851 .byte 0x2f .value 0x144 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 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0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF881 .byte 0x5 .value 0x170 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF882 .byte 0x5 .value 0x171 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF883 .byte 0x5 .value 0x172 .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF884 .byte 0x5 .value 0x179 .long 0x31da .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x34 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x441a .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x44d3 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x13 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x4535 .long .LASF868 .byte 0x88 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x3b .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF885 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x7c .long 0x465c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF869 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x7d .long 0x4572 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF435 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x7e .long 0x1672 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF886 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x7f .long 0x19c7 .byte 0x2 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0xc .long .LASF276 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x76 .long 0x45f7 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF893 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x78 .long 0x462c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x45dc .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4535 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x431b .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x45c7 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x45f7 .byte 0x1 .long 0x40 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4535 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x431b .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x45e2 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x4626 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4535 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x431b .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4626 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x62 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x62 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x45fd .uleb128 0xa .long 0x465c .long .LASF894 .byte 0xbc .byte 0x31 .byte 0x7c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF868 .byte 0x31 .byte 0xad .long 0x44d3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF895 .byte 0x31 .byte 0xae .long 0x1d67 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0xd .long .LASF901 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x13 .long 0x148 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF902 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x14 .long 0x132 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF903 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x17 .long 0x148 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x4770 .long .LASF904 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9a .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF905 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9b .long 0x4704 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF906 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9c .long 0x46ee .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF907 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9d .long 0x4704 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF908 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9e .long 0x119 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF909 .byte 0x3a .byte 0x9f .long 0x119 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xd .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF910 .byte 0x3a .byte 0xa0 .long 0x46f9 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xe .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF911 .byte 0x3a .byte 0xa1 .long 0x470f .uleb128 0xf .long 0x4792 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x39 .byte 0x7 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF337 .byte 0x39 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0x49cb .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x7c2 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x4a15 .long 0x48f2 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xf .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4770 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4963 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x4a58 .long .LASF935 .byte 0xc .byte 0x9 .byte 0x21 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF936 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x22 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xb .string "len" .byte 0x9 .byte 0x23 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF276 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x24 .long 0x4a58 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4a5e .uleb128 0x6 .long 0x119 .uleb128 0x25 .long 0x4a82 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x64 .uleb128 0x26 .long .LASF937 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x65 .long 0x1672 .uleb128 0x26 .long .LASF938 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x66 .long 0x2a2b .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1b .long 0x4d33 .long .LASF939 .value 0x234 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x56 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF940 .byte 0x5 .value 0x22c .long 0x16be .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 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0x15 .long .LASF951 .byte 0x5 .value 0x237 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x3c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF952 .byte 0x5 .value 0x238 .long 0x2fd .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x40 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF953 .byte 0x5 .value 0x23a .long 0x1a74 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x48 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF954 .byte 0x5 .value 0x23c .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF955 .byte 0x5 .value 0x23d .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x54 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF956 .byte 0x5 .value 0x23e .long 0x1a7f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x5c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF957 .byte 0x5 .value 0x23f .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x64 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF958 .byte 0x5 .value 0x240 .long 0x334 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x68 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF959 .byte 0x5 .value 0x241 .long 0xf5 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x70 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF960 .byte 0x5 .value 0x242 .long 0xea .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x72 .uleb128 0x15 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0x5 .value 0x266 .long 0x153 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x228 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF980 .byte 0x5 .value 0x268 .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x22c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF981 .byte 0x5 .value 0x26c .long 0x1661 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x230 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4a82 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x4d9a .long .LASF982 .byte 0x18 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x6b .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF983 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x82 .long 0x5088 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF448 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x83 .long 0x50a9 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF984 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x84 .long 0x50c9 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF985 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x85 .long 0x50df .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF986 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x86 .long 0x50f1 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF987 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x87 .long 0x5108 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 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.LASF998 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3af .long 0x6b31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF999 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b0 .long 0x6b9f .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1000 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b1 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x30 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1001 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b2 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x34 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1002 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b3 .long 0x232b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x38 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1003 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b4 .long 0x1d67 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x3c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1004 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b5 .long 0x2928 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x70 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1005 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b6 .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xb0 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1006 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b7 .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xb4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1007 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b8 .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xb8 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1008 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3b9 .long 0x1a43 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xbc .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1009 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3bd .long 0x6bab .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc0 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1010 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3bf .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xc4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1011 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c0 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xcc .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1012 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c1 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xd4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1013 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c2 .long 0x16a1 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xdc .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1014 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c3 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xe0 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1015 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c5 .long 0x6109 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xe8 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1016 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c6 .long 0x1672 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xec .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1017 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c7 .long 0x5ba4 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0xf4 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1018 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3c9 .long 0x31 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x204 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1019 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3ca .long 0x1d5c .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x208 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1020 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3cc .long 0x1b79 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x22c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1021 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3ce .long 0x1661 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24c .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1022 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3d4 .long 0x2928 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x250 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1023 .byte 0x5 .value 0x3d8 .long 0x188 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x290 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4da0 .uleb128 0x1f .long .LASF1024 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4fd4 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0x4ff0 .long 0x119 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x23 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x5005 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x232b .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x5005 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x500b .uleb128 0xa .long 0x5088 .long .LASF1025 .byte 0x50 .byte 0x9 .byte 0xc .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF443 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x12 .long 0x232b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xb .string "mnt" .byte 0x6 .byte 0x13 .long 0x2456 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1026 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x14 .long 0x4a21 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF78 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x15 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1027 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x16 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1028 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x17 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1029 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x18 .long 0x5159 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1030 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x1d .long 0x5145 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x44 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4ff0 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x50a3 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x232b .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x50a3 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x4a21 .uleb128 0x2 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0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1046 .byte 0x28 .byte 0x1e .long 0xf5 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xb .string "raw" .byte 0x28 .byte 0x1f .long 0xf5 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x6 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF1047 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x2c .long 0x246 .uleb128 0xd .long .LASF1048 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x2d .long 0x16c .uleb128 0xa .long 0x533d .long .LASF1049 .byte 0x44 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x69 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1050 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6a .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1051 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6b .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1052 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6c .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1053 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6d .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1054 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6e .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1055 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x6f .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1056 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x70 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x30 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1057 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x71 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x38 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1058 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x72 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x40 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x5382 .long .LASF1059 .byte 0x18 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x7e .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1060 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x7f .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1061 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x80 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1062 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x81 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1063 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x82 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x54c3 .long .LASF1064 .byte 0x70 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x32 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1065 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x33 .long 0xfc .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF445 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x34 .long 0xfc .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1066 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x35 .long 0x132 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x2 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1067 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x36 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1068 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x37 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1069 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x38 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1070 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x39 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1071 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x3a .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1072 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x3b .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1073 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x3c .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x30 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1074 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x3d .long 0x13d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x38 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1075 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x3f .long 0x13d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x3c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1076 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x40 .long 0x132 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x40 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1077 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x41 .long 0x132 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x42 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1078 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x42 .long 0x13d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x44 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1079 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x43 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x48 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1080 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x44 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x50 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1081 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x45 .long 0x16c .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x58 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1082 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x46 .long 0x13d .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x60 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1083 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x47 .long 0x132 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x64 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1084 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x48 .long 0x120 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x66 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1085 .byte 0x3c .byte 0x49 .long 0x817 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 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0x17 .long 0x153 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa .long 0x5668 .long .LASF1108 .byte 0x24 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x97 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1050 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x98 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1051 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x99 .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1052 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9a .long 0x52a7 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1053 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9b .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1054 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9c .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x14 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1055 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9d .long 0x148 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x18 .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1056 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9e .long 0x31e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x1c .uleb128 0xc .long .LASF1057 .byte 0x3b .byte 0x9f .long 0x31e .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x20 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x25 .long 0x5687 .byte 0xc .byte 0x3b .byte 0xad .uleb128 0x26 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0x3b .value 0x110 .long 0x5b98 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x24 .uleb128 0x15 .long .LASF1165 .byte 0x3b .value 0x111 .long 0x5b98 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x28 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x5adb .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4fce .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x62 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x5abc .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x5afb .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4fce .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x5afb .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x533d .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x5ae1 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x5b26 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4fce .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x529c .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x5b26 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x52b2 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x5b07 .uleb128 0x8 .long 0x5b47 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x4fce .uleb128 0x9 .long 0x5b47 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x5505 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 .long 0x5b32 .uleb128 0x8 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0x31 .long .LFB1022 .long .LFE1022 .long .LLST142 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF1482 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa01 .long 0x4d33 .long .LLST143 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF1483 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa01 .long 0x232b .long .LLST144 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF1484 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa02 .long 0x4d33 .long .LLST145 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1485 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa02 .long 0x232b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1365 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa04 .long 0x31 .long .LLST146 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1595 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa05 .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -40 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1499 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa06 .long 0x40 .long .LLST147 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa070 .long 0x84a8 .long .LBB1139 .long .LBE1139 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa10 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x84d2 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x84c6 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x84ba .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa08a .long 0x8515 .long .LBB1141 .long .LBE1141 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa19 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8522 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa0a4 .long 0x8515 .long .LBB1143 .long .LBE1143 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa1a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8522 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa0be .long 0x8716 .long .LBB1145 .long .LBE1145 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa1c .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8727 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa0fb .long 0x9efc .long .LBB1146 .long .LBE1146 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa1f .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f32 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f26 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f1a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f0e .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x178 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x9f3e .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x9f4a .long .LLST148 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa164 .long 0x9f5b .long .LBB1150 .long .LBE1150 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa21 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f91 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f85 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f79 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x9f6d .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x198 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x9f9d .long .LLST149 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x9fa9 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1152 .long .LBE1152 .byte 0x1 .value 0x9ef .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8335 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1154 .long .LBE1154 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x5b .long 0xa223 .long .LBB1157 .long .LBE1157 .uleb128 0x32 .long .LASF1510 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa23 .long 0x40 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8733 .long .LBB1158 .long .LBE1158 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa24 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8782 .long .LLST150 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8777 .long .LLST151 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x876c .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8761 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8756 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x874b .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8740 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1159 .long .LBE1159 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x878d .long .LLST152 .uleb128 0x63 .long 0xa1e8 .long 0x8362 .long .LBB1160 .long .LBE1160 .byte 0xf .byte 0x31 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x837a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x836f .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x63 .long 0xa206 .long 0x8362 .long .LBB1162 .long .LBE1162 .byte 0xf .byte 0x33 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x837a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x836f .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x8362 .long .LBB1164 .long .LBE1164 .byte 0xf .byte 0x34 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x837a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x836f .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x879c .long .LBB1166 .long .LBE1166 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa27 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x87aa .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x45 .long 0xa2ae .byte 0x1 .long .LASF1596 .byte 0x1 .value 0x891 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .long .LFB1010 .long .LFE1010 .long .LLST153 .uleb128 0x47 .string "dir" .byte 0x1 .value 0x88f .long 0x4d33 .long .LLST154 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF443 .byte 0x1 .value 0x88f .long 0x232b .long .LLST155 .uleb128 0x47 .string "nd" .byte 0x1 .value 0x890 .long 0x5005 .long .LLST156 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1365 .byte 0x1 .value 0x892 .long 0x31 .long .LLST157 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8515 .long .LBB1168 .long .LBE1168 .byte 0x1 .value 0x89a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8522 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x45 .long 0xa322 .byte 0x1 .long .LASF1597 .byte 0x1 .value 0x840 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .long .LFB1007 .long .LFE1007 .long .LLST158 .uleb128 0x47 .string "dir" .byte 0x1 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0x49 .long .LASF443 .byte 0x1 .value 0x636 .long 0x232b .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -24 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF939 .byte 0x1 .value 0x637 .long 0x4d33 .long .LLST187 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1365 .byte 0x1 .value 0x638 .long 0x31 .long .LLST188 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa60c .long 0x80db .long .LBB1192 .long .LBE1192 .byte 0x1 .value 0x648 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x80e9 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa634 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1194 .long .LBE1194 .byte 0x1 .value 0x66a .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1196 .long .LBE1196 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST189 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa653 .long 0x87b7 .long .LBB1197 .long .LBE1197 .byte 0x1 .value 0x670 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x87d5 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x87c9 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa66d .long 0x87e2 .long .LBB1199 .long .LBE1199 .byte 0x1 .value 0x67c .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x87f4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xa687 .long 0x8515 .long .LBB1201 .long .LBE1201 .byte 0x1 .value 0x67e .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8522 .byte 0x0 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0x1 .value 0x557 .long 0x232b .long .LLST200 .uleb128 0x47 .string "len" .byte 0x1 .value 0x557 .long 0x31 .long .LLST201 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF936 .byte 0x1 .value 0x559 .long 0xe3 .long .LLST202 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1612 .byte 0x1 .value 0x55a .long 0x4a21 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -28 .uleb128 0x4b .string "c" .byte 0x1 .value 0x55b .long 0x153 .long .LLST203 .uleb128 0x42 .long .LASF1613 .byte 0x1 .value 0x56c .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x88ce .long .LBB1228 .long .LBE1228 .byte 0x1 .value 0x567 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x88e8 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x88df .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x45 .long 0xa93f .byte 0x1 .long .LASF1614 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2b8 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .long .LFB967 .long .LFE967 .long .LLST204 .uleb128 0x47 .string "mnt" .byte 0x1 .value 0x2b7 .long 0x7e16 .long .LLST205 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF443 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2b7 .long 0x7e10 .long .LLST206 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF189 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2b9 .long 0x2456 .long .LLST207 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1615 .byte 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0x3db .long .L680 .uleb128 0x4c .long .LASF1623 .byte 0x1 .value 0x421 .long .L719 .uleb128 0x42 .long .LASF1624 .byte 0x1 .value 0x426 .uleb128 0x4c .long .LASF1625 .byte 0x1 .value 0x408 .long .L788 .uleb128 0x42 .long .LASF1626 .byte 0x1 .value 0x41f .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1f8 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF936 .byte 0x1 .value 0x383 .long 0xe3 .long .LLST222 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1612 .byte 0x1 .value 0x384 .long 0x4a21 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -40 .uleb128 0x4b .string "c" .byte 0x1 .value 0x385 .long 0x153 .long .LLST223 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xabfc .long 0xa9dc .long .LBB1497 .long .LBE1497 .byte 0x1 .value 0x388 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0xa9fa .uleb128 0x4e .long 0xa9ee .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x210 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0xaa05 .long .LLST224 .uleb128 0x6a .long 0xaa11 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xabd6 .long 0x81d5 .long .LBB1499 .long .LBE1499 .byte 0x1 .value 0x1dc .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x81e6 .uleb128 0x63 .long 0xabb6 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1501 .long .LBE1501 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0x88df .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xac7c .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1521 .long .LBE1521 .byte 0x1 .value 0x300 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1523 .long .LBE1523 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST229 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xacb0 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1525 .long .LBE1525 .byte 0x1 .value 0x310 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST230 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1527 .long .LBE1527 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xace3 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1529 .long .LBE1529 .byte 0x1 .value 0x31c .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST231 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1531 .long .LBE1531 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xad17 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1533 .long .LBE1533 .byte 0x1 .value 0x31d .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST232 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1535 .long .LBE1535 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 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.long 0xaffe .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x2c8 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8a64 .long .LLST240 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xaf9a .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1574 .long .LBE1574 .byte 0x1 .value 0x235 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1576 .long .LBE1576 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST241 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xafcd .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1577 .long .LBE1577 .byte 0x1 .value 0x239 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST242 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1579 .long .LBE1579 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1581 .long .LBE1581 .byte 0x1 .value 0x23a .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST243 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1583 .long .LBE1583 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb031 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1586 .long .LBE1586 .byte 0x1 .value 0x240 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST244 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1588 .long .LBE1588 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1590 .long .LBE1590 .byte 0x1 .value 0x241 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST245 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1592 .long .LBE1592 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8a95 .long .LBB1596 .long .LBE1596 .byte 0x1 .value 0x261 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8ab1 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8aa6 .long .LLST246 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1597 .long .LBE1597 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8abc .long .LLST247 .uleb128 0x51 .long 0x8ac6 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 36 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8ad0 .long .LLST248 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1598 .long .LBE1598 .byte 0x1 .value 0x292 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8250 .long .LLST249 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1600 .long .LBE1600 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2ae .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1602 .long .LBE1602 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb11e .long 0x8a14 .long .LBB1603 .long .LBE1603 .byte 0x1 .value 0x3d4 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a2e .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a22 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1605 .long .LBE1605 .byte 0x1 .value 0x274 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x65 .long 0xb157 .long 0x8911 .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x2e0 .byte 0x1 .value 0x3e8 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x891f .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x300 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x892a .long .LLST251 .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x320 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x893a .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8946 .long .LLST252 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb17f .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1612 .long .LBE1612 .byte 0x1 .value 0x300 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1614 .long .LBE1614 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST253 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb1b3 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1616 .long .LBE1616 .byte 0x1 .value 0x310 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST254 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1618 .long .LBE1618 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb1e6 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1620 .long .LBE1620 .byte 0x1 .value 0x31c .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST255 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1622 .long .LBE1622 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb21a .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1624 .long .LBE1624 .byte 0x1 .value 0x31d .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST256 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1626 .long .LBE1626 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb238 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1628 .long .LBE1628 .byte 0x1 .value 0x320 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8250 .long .LLST257 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x65 .long 0xb5e5 .long 0x8973 .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x340 .byte 0x1 .value 0x3f9 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8991 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8985 .uleb128 0x5e .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x358 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x899c .uleb128 0x6b .long 0x89a8 .long .L825 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb28d .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1632 .long .LBE1632 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2a1 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1634 .long .LBE1634 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST258 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb2b5 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1635 .long .LBE1635 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2aa .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1637 .long .LBE1637 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST259 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb2dd .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1638 .long .LBE1638 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2ab .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1640 .long .LBE1640 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST260 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb5bf .long 0x8847 .long .LBB1641 .long .LBE1641 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2ad .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8865 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8859 .uleb128 0x5d .long 0xb3cf .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x370 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x8870 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x887c .long .LLST261 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x8888 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb336 .long 0x8adb .long .LBB1643 .long .LBE1643 .byte 0x1 .value 0x280 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8af2 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8ae8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb36b .long 0x8a14 .long .LBB1645 .long .LBE1645 .byte 0x1 .value 0x283 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a2e .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a22 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1647 .long .LBE1647 .byte 0x1 .value 0x274 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb39f .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1649 .long .LBE1649 .byte 0x1 .value 0x284 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST262 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1651 .long .LBE1651 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1653 .long .LBE1653 .byte 0x1 .value 0x286 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST263 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1655 .long .LBE1655 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x5b .long 0xb5a4 .long .LBB1658 .long .LBE1658 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8895 .long .LLST264 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb3ff .long 0x8afe .long .LBB1659 .long .LBE1659 .byte 0x1 .value 0x28a .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8b0f .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8b1a .long .LBB1661 .long .LBE1661 .byte 0x1 .value 0x28d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8b37 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8b2c .uleb128 0x5d .long 0xb55f .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x388 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x8b43 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x8b4f .uleb128 0x6b .long 0x8b5b .long .L848 .uleb128 0x6b .long 0x8b63 .long .L864 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8a3b .long .LBB1663 .long .LBE1663 .byte 0x1 .value 0x24f .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a59 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8a4d .long .LLST265 .uleb128 0x5d .long 0xb4fa .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x3a8 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8a64 .long .LLST266 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb496 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1665 .long .LBE1665 .byte 0x1 .value 0x235 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1667 .long .LBE1667 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST267 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb4c9 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1668 .long .LBE1668 .byte 0x1 .value 0x239 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.long .LBE1687 .byte 0x1 .value 0x261 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8ab1 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8aa6 .long .LLST272 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1688 .long .LBE1688 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8abc .long .LLST273 .uleb128 0x51 .long 0x8ac6 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 44 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8ad0 .long .LLST274 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1689 .long .LBE1689 .byte 0x1 .value 0x292 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8250 .long .LLST275 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1691 .long .LBE1691 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2ae .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1693 .long .LBE1693 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST276 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb61a .long 0x88a7 .long .LBB1696 .long .LBE1696 .byte 0x1 .value 0x2b2 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x88c1 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x88b5 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1698 .long .LBE1698 .byte 0x1 .value 0x26d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb64f .long 0x8a14 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0x4d .long 0xb70f .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1712 .long .LBE1712 .byte 0x1 .value 0x437 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8335 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1714 .long .LBE1714 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb73e .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1716 .long .LBE1716 .byte 0x1 .value 0x438 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x83e8 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1718 .long .LBE1718 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb772 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1720 .long .LBE1720 .byte 0x1 .value 0x43d .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST281 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1722 .long .LBE1722 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xb7a5 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1724 .long .LBE1724 .byte 0x1 .value 0x43e .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST282 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1726 .long .LBE1726 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1728 .long .LBE1728 .byte 0x1 .value 0x444 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x67 .long 0xb81d .byte 0x1 .long .LASF1629 .byte 0x1 .value 0x44a .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .long .LFB975 .long .LFE975 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 4 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF276 .byte 0x1 .value 0x449 .long 0x40 .long .LLST284 .uleb128 0x47 .string "nd" .byte 0x1 .value 0x449 .long 0x5005 .long .LLST285 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8181 .long .LBB1730 .long .LBE1730 .byte 0x1 .value 0x44b .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1732 .long .LBE1732 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST286 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x55 .long 0xb94f .long .LASF1630 .byte 0x1 .value 0x454 .byte 0x1 .long 0x31 .long .LFB976 .long .LFE976 .long .LLST287 .uleb128 0x46 .long .LASF276 .byte 0x1 .value 0x453 .long 0x40 .long .LLST288 .uleb128 0x47 .string "nd" .byte 0x1 .value 0x453 .long 0x5005 .long .LLST289 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB1733 .long .LBE1733 .uleb128 0x32 .long .LASF1483 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0x1 .long 0xd0 .long .LFB1025 .long .LFE1025 .long .LLST320 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1586 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa90 .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1638 .byte 0x1 .value 0xa90 .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 4 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x45 .long 0xbf32 .byte 0x1 .long .LASF1649 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90b .byte 0x1 .long 0xd0 .long .LFB1015 .long .LFE1015 .long .LLST321 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1586 .byte 0x1 .value 0x909 .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1637 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90a .long 0x31 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 4 .uleb128 0x48 .long .LASF1638 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90a .long 0x40 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 8 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF1365 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90c .long 0x31 .long .LLST322 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1463 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90d .long 0x62 .byte 0x3 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -104 .uleb128 0x4b .string "to" .byte 0x1 .value 0x90e .long 0x62 .long .LLST323 .uleb128 0x4a .long .LASF443 .byte 0x1 .value 0x90f 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0x8888 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xcf24 .long 0x8adb .long .LBB1978 .long .LBE1978 .byte 0x1 .value 0x280 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8af2 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8ae8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xcf59 .long 0x8a14 .long .LBB1980 .long .LBE1980 .byte 0x1 .value 0x283 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a2e .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a22 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8243 .long .LBB1982 .long .LBE1982 .byte 0x1 .value 0x274 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8250 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xcf89 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB1984 .long .LBE1984 .byte 0x1 .value 0x284 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8335 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1986 .long .LBE1986 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB1988 .long .LBE1988 .byte 0x1 .value 0x286 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST425 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB1990 .long .LBE1990 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x5b .long 0xd18d .long .LBB1993 .long .LBE1993 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.long .LBB2003 .long .LBE2003 .byte 0x1 .value 0x239 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST429 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2005 .long .LBE2005 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB2007 .long .LBE2007 .byte 0x1 .value 0x23a .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST430 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2009 .long .LBE2009 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xd116 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB2012 .long .LBE2012 .byte 0x1 .value 0x240 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST431 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2014 .long .LBE2014 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB2016 .long .LBE2016 .byte 0x1 .value 0x241 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST432 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2018 .long .LBE2018 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 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.long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x488 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8b43 .long .LLST440 .uleb128 0x34 .long 0x8b4f .uleb128 0x6b .long 0x8b5b .long .L1395 .uleb128 0x6b .long 0x8b63 .long .L1411 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8a3b .long .LBB2057 .long .LBE2057 .byte 0x1 .value 0x24f .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a59 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8a4d .uleb128 0x5d .long 0xd2e1 .long .Ldebug_ranges0+0x4a8 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8a64 .long .LLST441 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xd27d .long 0x8181 .long .LBB2059 .long .LBE2059 .byte 0x1 .value 0x235 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB2061 .long .LBE2061 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8193 .long .LLST442 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xd2b0 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB2062 .long .LBE2062 .byte 0x1 .value 0x239 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST443 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2064 .long .LBE2064 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB2066 .long .LBE2066 .byte 0x1 .value 0x23a .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST444 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2068 .long .LBE2068 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4d .long 0xd314 .long 0x83d7 .long .LBB2071 .long .LBE2071 .byte 0x1 .value 0x240 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x83e8 .long .LLST445 .uleb128 0x52 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2073 .long .LBE2073 .byte 0x7 .byte 0x44 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8323 .long .LBB2075 .long .LBE2075 .byte 0x1 .value 0x241 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8335 .long .LLST446 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x7f9f .long .LBB2077 .long .LBE2077 .byte 0x9 .value 0x13d .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x7fac .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x53 .long 0x8a95 .long .LBB2081 .long .LBE2081 .byte 0x1 .value 0x261 .uleb128 0x4e .long 0x8ab1 .uleb128 0x56 .long 0x8aa6 .long .LLST447 .uleb128 0x4f .long .LBB2082 .long .LBE2082 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8abc .long .LLST448 .uleb128 0x51 .long 0x8ac6 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x74 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x50 .long 0x8ad0 .long .LLST449 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd39c .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x6c .long 0x1d0 .value 0xfff .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd3ac .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xd .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1702 .byte 0x1 .value 0x793 .long 0xd3be .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_lookup_create .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd39c .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1703 .byte 0x1 .value 0x793 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_lookup_create .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd3e5 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xb .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1704 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbba .long 0xd3f7 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab___user_walk .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd3d5 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1705 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbba .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab___user_walk .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd41e .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xe .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1706 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbbb .long 0xd430 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long 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0x49 .long .LASF1724 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc4 .long 0xd631 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_page_readlink .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd60f .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1725 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc4 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_page_readlink .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd658 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xe .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1726 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc5 .long 0xd66a .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab___page_symlink .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd648 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1727 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc5 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab___page_symlink .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd691 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1728 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc6 .long 0xd6a3 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_page_symlink .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd681 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1729 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc6 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_page_symlink .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd6ca .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x1d .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1730 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc7 .long 0xd6dc .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_page_symlink_inode_operations .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd6ba .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1731 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc7 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd703 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xb .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1732 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc8 .long 0xd715 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_path_lookup .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd6f3 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1733 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc8 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_path_lookup .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd73c .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1734 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc9 .long 0xd74e .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_path_release .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd72c .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1735 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbc9 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_path_release .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd775 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1736 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbca .long 0xd787 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_path_walk .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd765 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1737 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbca .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_path_walk .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd7ae .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xa .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1738 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbcb .long 0xd7c0 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_permission .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd79e .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1739 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbcb .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_permission .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd7e7 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xe .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1740 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbcc .long 0xd7f9 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_permission .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd7d7 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1741 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbcc .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long 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0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_create .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd8cb .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xf .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1748 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd0 .long 0xd8dd .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_follow_link .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd8bb .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1749 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd0 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_follow_link .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd904 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1750 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd1 .long 0xd916 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_link .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd8f4 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1751 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd1 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_link .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd93d .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1752 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd2 .long 0xd94f .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_mkdir .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd92d .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1753 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd2 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_mkdir .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd976 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x9 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1754 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd3 .long 0xd988 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_mknod .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd966 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1755 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd3 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_mknod .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd9af .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1756 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd4 .long 0xd9c1 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_generic_permission .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd99f .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1757 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd4 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_generic_permission .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xd9e8 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xc .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1758 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd5 .long 0xd9fa .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_readlink .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xd9d8 .uleb128 0x49 .long 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0x49 .long .LASF1765 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd8 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_symlink .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdacc .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xa .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1766 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd9 .long 0xdade .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_vfs_unlink .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xdabc .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1767 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbd9 .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_vfs_unlink .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdb05 .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xd .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1768 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbda .long 0xdb17 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_dentry_unhash .uleb128 0x6 .long 0xdaf5 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1769 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbda .long 0x49bb .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __ksymtab_dentry_unhash .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdb3e .long 0x4b .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x49 .long .LASF1770 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbdb .long 0xdb50 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long __kstrtab_generic_readlink .uleb128 0x6 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0x6b .byte 0x17 .long 0xe3 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1781 .byte 0x6c .byte 0x5d .long 0x31 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1782 .byte 0x6c .byte 0x5f .long 0x31 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1783 .byte 0x6c .byte 0x60 .long 0x31 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1784 .byte 0x6c .byte 0x61 .long 0x31 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1785 .byte 0x6d .byte 0x7a .long 0x31 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1786 .byte 0x6e .byte 0x3e .long 0x84e .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x70 .long .LASF1787 .byte 0x29 .value 0x187 .long 0x2916 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x70 .long .LASF1788 .byte 0x29 .value 0x228 .long 0x2779 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdc6d .long 0x29ee .uleb128 0x6e .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1789 .byte 0x13 .byte 0x18 .long 0xdc62 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1790 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x71 .long 0x2a6c .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1791 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x72 .long 0x2a6c .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x70 .long .LASF1792 .byte 0x22 .value 0x476 .long 0x2bf9 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1793 .byte 0x55 .byte 0x2c .long 0x4668 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1794 .byte 0x6f .byte 0x18 .long 0x46b7 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdcc7 .long 0x859 .uleb128 0x6e .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1795 .byte 0x6f .byte 0x20 .long 0xdcbc .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1796 .byte 0x9 .byte 0xb3 .long 0x19c7 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x70 .long .LASF1797 .byte 0x5 .value 0x5e3 .long 0x2a25 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x71 .long .LASF1798 .byte 0x1 .value 0xbb4 .long 0x6161 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x3 .long page_symlink_inode_operations .uleb128 0x10 .long 0xdd12 .long 0x383 .uleb128 0x11 .long 0x1d0 .byte 0xf .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1799 .byte 0x26 .byte 0xc4 .long 0xdd02 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x6d .long .LASF1800 .byte 0x70 .byte 0x34 .long 0x75db .byte 0x1 .byte 0x1 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"s_dirty" .LASF815: .string "futex_pi_state" .LASF1807: .string "fs/namei.c" .LASF1337: .string "dirty_inode" .LASF729: .string "vm_rb" .LASF267: .string "syscr" .LASF198: .string "rt_priority" .LASF268: .string "syscw" .LASF1165: .string "set_xquota" .LASF789: .string "SLEEP_INTERRUPTED" .LASF782: .string "ngroups" .LASF1137: .string "free_file_info" .LASF1384: .string "irq_desc" .LASF1145: .string "alloc_inode" .LASF1789: .string "malloc_sizes" .LASF8: .string "umode_t" .LASF182: .string "exit_state" .LASF1539: .string "found" .LASF701: .string "end_data" .LASF153: .string "addr_limit" .LASF250: .string "self_exec_id" .LASF999: .string "s_export_op" .LASF596: .string "resolution" .LASF972: .string "i_cindex" .LASF402: .string "shm_ctlall" .LASF1383: .string "irq_flow_handler_t" .LASF1168: .string "dqonoff_mutex" .LASF1120: .string "dq_hash" .LASF200: .string "stime" .LASF1558: .string "path_release_on_umount" .LASF880: .string "ia_size" .LASF1413: .string "proc_iops" .LASF327: .string "raw_spinlock_t" .LASF276: .string "name" .LASF1689: .string "oldmnt" .LASF269: .string "ioac" .LASF1053: .string "dqb_ihardlimit" .LASF1503: .string "security_inode_create" .LASF1442: .string "get_info_t" .LASF410: .string "sem_undo_list" .LASF1073: .string "d_icount" .LASF425: .string "k_sigaction" .LASF690: .string "total_vm" .LASF1328: .string "fs_flags" .LASF1346: .string "unlockfs" .LASF377: .string "task_list" .LASF1004: .string "s_lock" .LASF50: .string "loff_t" .LASF1273: .string "fl_owner" .LASF496: .string "pages_min" .LASF1573: .string "result" .LASF47: .string "xid_t" .LASF461: .string "vfsmount" .LASF441: .string "pwdmnt" .LASF1202: .string "block_device" .LASF1604: .string "vfs_permission" .LASF1756: .string "__kstrtab_generic_permission" .LASF959: .string "i_bytes" .LASF497: .string "pages_low" .LASF1721: .string "__ksymtab_page_follow_link_light" .LASF285: .string "af_map" .LASF612: .string "iov_len" .LASF858: .string "symtab" .LASF77: .string "regs" .LASF151: .string "exec_domain" .LASF356: .string "new_utsname" .LASF874: .string "iattr" .LASF161: .string "load_weight" .LASF491: .string "per_cpu_pageset" .LASF891: .string "kset_uevent_ops" .LASF1107: .string "dqi_free_entry" .LASF1454: .string "read_seqcount_begin" .LASF132: .string "thread_struct" .LASF1268: .string "splice_write" .LASF1520: .string "__do_follow_link" .LASF1490: .string "mntget" .LASF980: .string "i_writecount" .LASF1371: .string "mapping" .LASF372: .string "rb_root" .LASF51: .string "size_t" .LASF1264: .string "sendpage" .LASF216: .string "group_info" .LASF676: .string "unmap_area" .LASF444: .string "d_count" .LASF886: .string "list_lock" .LASF142: .string "v86mask" .LASF489: .string "high" .LASF423: .string "sa_restorer" .LASF1298: .string "ahead_start" .LASF687: .string "_anon_rss" .LASF1098: .string "qs_btimelimit" .LASF1353: .string "quota_read" .LASF1128: .string "dq_id" .LASF1657: .string "do_rmdir" .LASF1696: .string "rmode" .LASF531: .string "node_id" .LASF669: .string "internal_pages" .LASF1093: .string "qs_flags" .LASF1739: .string "__ksymtab_permission" .LASF1097: .string "qs_incoredqs" .LASF420: .string "sigaction" .LASF759: .string "group_stop_count" .LASF1775: .string "mmu_cr4_features" .LASF298: .string "skip" .LASF186: .string "personality" .LASF1100: .string "qs_rtbtimelimit" .LASF1486: .string "dget" .LASF1293: .string "fown_struct" .LASF1784: .string "acpi_pci_disabled" .LASF1653: .string "do_unlinkat" .LASF514: .string "_pad2_" .LASF471: .string "mnt_expiry_mark" .LASF1234: .string "rmdir" .LASF1482: .string "old_dir" .LASF271: .string "pi_state_list" .LASF1423: .string "linux_binprm" .LASF1526: .string "do_follow_link" .LASF1630: .string "__emul_lookup_dentry" .LASF1275: .string "fl_wait" .LASF1732: .string "__kstrtab_path_lookup" .LASF1710: .string "__kstrtab_follow_up" .LASF1181: .string "releasepage" .LASF1027: .string "last_type" .LASF661: .string "ring_info" .LASF38: .string "dev_t" .LASF513: .string "prev_priority" .LASF383: .string "wait_lock" .LASF716: .string "core_waiters" .LASF1299: .string "ahead_size" .LASF550: .string "cs_cachep" .LASF404: .string "shm_tot" .LASF386: .string "sleepers" .LASF396: .string "sem_ctls" .LASF315: .string "class_cache" .LASF1713: .string "__ksymtab_get_write_access" .LASF163: .string "static_prio" .LASF442: .string "altrootmnt" .LASF1350: .string "umount_begin" .LASF1760: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_rename" .LASF1387: .string "handler_data" .LASF368: .string "rb_node" .LASF1530: .string "dest" .LASF921: .string "module_kobject" .LASF1318: .string "nlm_lockowner" .LASF1587: .string "vfs_mkdir" .LASF1564: .string "generic_readlink" .LASF262: .string "backing_dev_info" .LASF1668: .string "out_release" .LASF1663: .string "sys_mknodat" .LASF1260: .string "fsync" .LASF435: .string "list" .LASF770: .string "cnvcsw" .LASF1694: .string "open_namei" .LASF781: .string "last_queued" .LASF1420: .string "filler_t" .LASF1793: .string "init_uts_ns" .LASF785: .string "pid_type" .LASF926: .string "MODULE_STATE_GOING" .LASF737: .string "vm_truncate_count" .LASF89: .string "___esi" .LASF100: .string "___esp" .LASF1758: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_readlink" .LASF495: .string "free_pages" .LASF1549: .string "__page_symlink" .LASF68: .string "eflags" .LASF584: .string "timer_list" .LASF1297: .string "prev_page" .LASF932: .string "exception_table_entry" .LASF1434: .string "exec" .LASF831: .string "unused_crcs" .LASF1211: .string "bd_holder_list" .LASF1254: .string "aio_write" .LASF178: .string "sched_info" .LASF613: .string "kiocb" .LASF810: .string "capabilities" .LASF845: .string "init_text_size" .LASF1393: .string "pending_mask" .LASF1055: .string "dqb_curinodes" .LASF1118: .string "qf_next" .LASF968: .string "i_mapping" .LASF146: .string "io_bitmap_ptr" .LASF1150: .string "acquire_dquot" .LASF152: .string "preempt_count" .LASF350: .string "size" .LASF953: .string "i_size_seqcount" .LASF1313: .string "fl_notify" .LASF1466: .string "mark_inode_dirty" .LASF768: .string "cutime" .LASF106: .string "bug_entry" .LASF1265: .string "check_flags" .LASF907: .string "st_size" .LASF291: .string "first" .LASF352: .string "mtime" .LASF1496: .string "DQUOT_INIT" .LASF121: .string "i387_soft_struct" .LASF279: .string "pers_high" .LASF1695: .string "rflag" .LASF1435: .string "embedded_fd_set" .LASF180: .string "active_mm" .LASF1505: .string "security_inode_unlink" .LASF1322: .string "nfs4_fl" .LASF1458: .string "PROC_I" .LASF277: .string "handler" .LASF176: .string "time_slice" .LASF207: .string "it_virt_expires" .LASF883: .string "ia_ctime" .LASF1453: .string "hlist_del_rcu" .LASF1516: .string "break_lease" .LASF925: .string "MODULE_STATE_COMING" .LASF1683: .string "out_rel_old" .LASF677: .string "task_size" .LASF993: .string "s_dirt" .LASF140: .string "vm86_info" .LASF912: .string "local_t" .LASF563: .string "donetail" .LASF1698: .string "do_last" .LASF1481: .string "security_inode_rename" .LASF1095: .string "qs_uquota" .LASF1768: .string "__kstrtab_dentry_unhash" .LASF1706: .string "__kstrtab___user_walk_fd" .LASF1048: .string "qsize_t" .LASF1686: .string "out_fput_both" .LASF393: .string "kref" .LASF1189: .string "page_tree" .LASF1278: .string "fl_type" .LASF1355: .string "export_operations" .LASF1347: .string "statfs" .LASF1283: .string "fl_break_time" .LASF990: .string "s_dev" .LASF853: .string "num_bugs" .LASF1400: .string "mask_ack" .LASF1542: .string "major" .LASF790: .string "prio_array" .LASF1421: .string "handler_t" .LASF689: .string "hiwater_vm" .LASF609: .string "res2" .LASF870: .string "poll" .LASF1719: .string "__ksymtab_lookup_one_len" .LASF750: .string "__session" .LASF1649: .string "sys_symlinkat" .LASF147: .string "iopl" .LASF1381: .string "event" .LASF53: .string "time_t" .LASF340: .string "seqcount" .LASF763: .string "it_prof_incr" .LASF857: .string "exit" .LASF752: .string "live" .LASF385: .string "semaphore" .LASF1127: .string "dq_sb" .LASF683: .string "mmap_sem" .LASF1088: .string "qfs_nblks" .LASF1612: .string "this" .LASF1203: .string "bd_dev" .LASF821: .string "srcversion" .LASF924: .string "MODULE_STATE_LIVE" .LASF1783: .string "acpi_ht" .LASF851: .string "bug_list" .LASF1401: .string "unmask" .LASF1040: .string "raw_prio_tree_node" .LASF1652: .string "sys_symlink" .LASF1300: .string "mmap_hit" .LASF819: .string "param_attrs" .LASF1398: .string "disable" .LASF422: .string "sa_flags" .LASF503: .string "active_list" .LASF1584: .string "vfs_link" .LASF1403: .string "retrigger" .LASF1141: .string "dquot_operations" .LASF761: .string "real_timer" .LASF649: .string "private_data" .LASF501: .string "_pad1_" .LASF1773: .string "console_printk" .LASF492: .string "stat_threshold" .LASF1639: .string "trap" .LASF963: .string "i_alloc_sem" .LASF1255: .string "readdir" .LASF897: .string "mnt_namespace" .LASF1667: .string "old_nd" .LASF811: .string "congested_fn" .LASF525: .string "nr_zones" .LASF635: .string "ki_cur_seg" .LASF719: .string "ioctx_list_lock" .LASF1375: .string "close" .LASF1506: .string "security_inode_rmdir" .LASF1023: .string "s_time_gran" .LASF685: .string "mmlist" .LASF1772: .string "__supported_pte_mask" .LASF549: .string "cs_size" .LASF242: .string "security" .LASF388: .string "user_cs" .LASF1377: .string "nopfn" .LASF1119: .string "dquot" .LASF407: .string "id_next" .LASF1641: .string "newnd" .LASF343: .string "timespec" .LASF1804: .string "proc_net" .LASF119: .string "xmm_space" .LASF1443: .string "i387_union" .LASF1021: .string "s_fs_info" .LASF1460: .string "constant_test_bit" .LASF1376: .string "nopage" .LASF836: .string "num_gpl_future_syms" .LASF1800: .string "per_cpu__vm_event_states" .LASF1068: .string "d_blk_hardlimit" .LASF1701: .string "vfs_follow_link" .LASF568: .string "PIDTYPE_SID" .LASF505: .string "nr_scan_active" .LASF1411: .string "namelen" .LASF597: .string "get_time" .LASF640: .string "f_flags" .LASF123: .string "changed" .LASF480: .string "mnt_pinned" .LASF1436: .string "fdtable" .LASF71: .string "__dsh" .LASF1562: .string "buflen" .LASF1221: .string "hd_struct" .LASF1176: .string "readpages" .LASF1571: .string "__follow_mount" .LASF730: .string "shared" .LASF1360: .string "get_dentry" .LASF955: .string "i_mtime" .LASF1752: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_mkdir" .LASF1624: .string "return_err" .LASF1563: .string "page_readlink" .LASF1354: .string "quota_write" .LASF1548: .string "mapping_gfp_mask" .LASF1608: .string "release_open_intent" .LASF305: .string "hash_entry" .LASF24: .string "__kernel_fd_set" .LASF675: .string "get_unmapped_exec_area" .LASF1052: .string "dqb_curspace" .LASF1134: .string "check_quota_file" .LASF312: .string "version" .LASF159: .string "usage" .LASF601: .string "lock_key" .LASF542: .string "_mapcount" .LASF218: .string "cap_inheritable" .LASF328: .string "lock" .LASF1204: .string "bd_inode" .LASF681: .string "mm_count" .LASF331: .string "magic" .LASF215: .string "fsgid" .LASF590: .string "tvec_t_base_s" .LASF1190: .string "tree_lock" .LASF1046: .string "index_bits" .LASF251: .string "alloc_lock" .LASF537: .string "zones" .LASF1745: .string "__ksymtab_unlock_rename" .LASF397: .string "used_sems" .LASF389: .string "exec_limit" .LASF1467: .string "read_mapping_page" .LASF1635: .string "do_rename" .LASF1805: .string "vx_debug_misc" .LASF1637: .string "newdfd" .LASF1309: .string "fl_copy_lock" .LASF1060: .string "dqi_bgrace" .LASF1477: .string "PTR_ERR" .LASF1018: .string "s_frozen" .LASF806: .string "ipc_ns" .LASF1091: .string "fs_quota_stat" .LASF1305: .string "fl_owner_t" .LASF665: .string "ring_pages" .LASF1083: .string "d_rtbwarns" .LASF942: .string "i_sb_list" .LASF391: .string "mm_context_t" .LASF1459: .string "__mptr" .LASF219: .string "cap_permitted" .LASF1286: .string "fl_u" .LASF9: .string "__s8" .LASF1655: .string "slashes" .LASF1213: .string "bd_block_size" .LASF856: .string "waiter" .LASF919: .string "test" .LASF1114: .string "quota_format_type" .LASF450: .string "d_name" .LASF502: .string "lru_lock" .LASF1240: .string "truncate" .LASF195: .string "vfork_done" .LASF342: .string "seqcount_t" .LASF638: .string "f_op" .LASF1135: .string "read_file_info" .LASF1308: .string "fl_remove" .LASF595: .string "active" .LASF1688: .string "emul" .LASF698: .string "start_code" .LASF1709: .string "__ksymtab_follow_down" .LASF558: .string "nxttail" .LASF974: .string "i_dnotify_mask" .LASF1489: .string "__d_drop" .LASF922: .string "module_ref" .LASF406: .string "proc_next" .LASF1672: .string "open_flags" .LASF203: .string "start_time" .LASF735: .string "vm_file" .LASF1334: .string "super_operations" .LASF1764: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_symlink" .LASF807: .string "pid_ns" .LASF227: .string "sysvsem" .LASF1291: .string "dn_filp" .LASF196: .string "set_child_tid" .LASF877: .string "ia_uid" .LASF746: .string "ac_stime" .LASF11: .string "__u8" .LASF950: .string "i_rdev" .LASF1339: .string "put_inode" .LASF1099: .string "qs_itimelimit" .LASF720: .string "ioctx_list" .LASF1008: .string "s_active" .LASF764: .string "it_virt_incr" .LASF1808: .string "/home/dhozac/kernel" .LASF504: .string "inactive_list" .LASF1613: .string "access" .LASF598: .string "get_softirq_time" .LASF126: .string "alimit" .LASF1660: .string "sys_mkdirat" .LASF1405: .string "set_wake" .LASF1077: .string "d_bwarns" .LASF1138: .string "read_dqblk" .LASF1117: .string "qf_owner" .LASF984: .string "d_compare" .LASF778: .string "run_delay" .LASF74: .string "revectored_struct" .LASF1063: .string "dqi_valid" .LASF906: .string "st_value" .LASF935: .string "qstr" .LASF188: .string "tgid" .LASF647: .string "f_ra" .LASF1208: .string "bd_inodes" .LASF1598: .string "cached_lookup" .LASF519: .string "zone_start_pfn" .LASF970: .string "i_dquot" .LASF421: .string "sa_handler" .LASF241: .string "notifier_mask" .LASF1714: .string "__kstrtab_getname" .LASF988: .string "super_block" .LASF469: .string "mnt_count" .LASF1266: .string "dir_notify" .LASF997: .string "dq_op" .LASF1217: .string "bd_disk" .LASF934: .string "fixup" .LASF1774: .string "__per_cpu_offset" .LASF1465: .string "wait_on_page_locked" .LASF110: .string "bits" .LASF1139: .string "commit_dqblk" .LASF1331: .string "fs_supers" .LASF80: .string "cpu_type" .LASF130: .string "soft" .LASF1112: .string "dqi_format" .LASF1191: .string "i_mmap_writable" .LASF1212: .string "bd_contains" .LASF286: .string "module" .LASF1206: .string "bd_mutex" .LASF1111: .string "mem_dqinfo" .LASF507: .string "nr_active" .LASF1662: .string "sys_mkdir" .LASF805: .string "uts_ns" .LASF428: .string "processes" .LASF1280: .string "fl_end" .LASF829: .string "unused_syms" .LASF1735: .string "__ksymtab_path_release" .LASF478: .string "mnt_master" .LASF656: .string "user_id" .LASF1508: .string "fsnotify_oldname_init" .LASF1051: .string "dqb_bsoftlimit" .LASF773: .string "cmaj_flt" .LASF1006: .string "s_syncing" .LASF1310: .string "fl_release_private" .LASF1535: .string "fail" .LASF1568: .string "get_write_access" .LASF165: .string "run_list" .LASF376: .string "func" .LASF1679: .string "dir_nd" .LASF1195: .string "truncate_count" .LASF115: .string "status" .LASF205: .string "maj_flt" .LASF783: .string "small_block" .LASF333: .string "owner" .LASF313: .string "name_version" .LASF741: .string "pacct_struct" .LASF659: .string "active_reqs" .LASF1274: .string "fl_pid" .LASF1781: .string "acpi_noirq" .LASF1116: .string "qf_ops" .LASF917: .string "attr" .LASF1415: .string "subdir" .LASF1404: .string "set_type" .LASF1364: .string "written" .LASF1462: .string "__constant_memcpy" .LASF432: .string "mq_bytes" .LASF1599: .string "__lookup_hash" .LASF1090: .string "fs_qfilestat_t" .LASF79: .string "screen_bitmap" .LASF1461: .string "addr" .LASF844: .string "core_size" .LASF1357: .string "encode_fh" .LASF1252: .string "write" .LASF1680: .string "new_mnt" .LASF1276: .string "fl_file" .LASF351: .string "atime" .LASF170: .string "timestamp" .LASF1553: .string "ppage" .LASF308: .string "usage_mask" .LASF1492: .string "dx_permission" .LASF914: .string "kernel_symbol" .LASF1742: .string "__kstrtab_file_permission" .LASF1050: .string "dqb_bhardlimit" .LASF1149: .string "write_dquot" .LASF1498: .string "security_inode_symlink" .LASF373: .string "wait_queue_t" .LASF911: .string "Elf32_Sym" .LASF1170: .string "address_space_operations" .LASF892: .string "filter" .LASF1241: .string "permission" .LASF1803: .string "vfsmount_lock" .LASF223: .string "oomkilladj" .LASF174: .string "policy" .LASF1744: .string "__kstrtab_unlock_rename" .LASF1414: .string "proc_fops" .LASF578: .string "plist_head" .LASF415: .string "sigset_t" .LASF304: .string "lock_class" .LASF1175: .string "set_page_dirty" .LASF234: .string "real_blocked" .LASF30: .string "__kernel_ssize_t" .LASF185: .string "pdeath_signal" .LASF1200: .string "private_list" .LASF301: .string "__one_byte" .LASF1761: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_rename" .LASF1534: .string "loop" .LASF1618: .string "__link_path_walk" .LASF462: .string "mnt_hash" .LASF1237: .string "readlink" .LASF1802: .string "prof_on" .LASF81: .string "int_revectored" .LASF460: .string "d_iname" .LASF259: .string "lockdep_recursion" .LASF587: .string "function" .LASF27: .string "__kernel_off_t" .LASF1484: .string "new_dir" .LASF1227: .string "inode_operations" .LASF1142: .string "initialize" .LASF567: .string "PIDTYPE_PGID" .LASF1263: .string "sendfile" .LASF155: .string "previous_esp" .LASF1798: .string "page_symlink_inode_operations" .LASF418: .string "__restorefn_t" .LASF294: .string "stack_trace" .LASF619: .string "ki_ctx" .LASF852: .string "bug_table" .LASF1335: .string "destroy_inode" .LASF1692: .string "path_lookup_create" .LASF536: .string "zlcache_ptr" .LASF1036: .string "height" .LASF1301: .string "mmap_miss" .LASF1659: .string "sys_rmdir" .LASF449: .string "d_parent" .LASF1491: .string "security_inode_permission" .LASF369: .string "rb_parent_color" .LASF360: .string "machine" .LASF1552: .string "page_getlink" .LASF98: .string "___cs" .LASF860: .string "strtab" .LASF1581: .string "check_capabilities" .LASF707: .string "env_end" .LASF545: .string "mutex" .LASF413: .string "sysv_sem" .LASF380: .string "wait_queue_head_t" .LASF1104: .string "v2_mem_dqinfo" .LASF1525: .string "follow_dotdot" .LASF1152: .string "mark_dirty" .LASF426: .string "user_struct" .LASF148: .string "io_bitmap_max" .LASF1488: .string "inode_dir_notify" .LASF49: .string "tag_t" .LASF1751: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_link" .LASF1718: .string "__kstrtab_lookup_one_len" .LASF93: .string "___ds" .LASF1615: .string "mountpoint" .LASF1750: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_link" .LASF1741: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_permission" .LASF916: .string "module_attribute" .LASF1524: .string "end_name_hash" .LASF624: .string "ki_user_data" .LASF583: .string "rlim_max" .LASF463: .string "mnt_parent" .LASF287: .string "next" .LASF1292: .string "dn_owner" .LASF1627: .string "link_path_walk" .LASF637: .string "f_path" .LASF94: .string "___es" .LASF1388: .string "chip_data" .LASF1196: .string "nrpages" .LASF1144: .string "alloc_space" .LASF1143: .string "drop" .LASF144: .string "saved_fs" .LASF1417: .string "write_proc" .LASF1601: .string "lookup_create" .LASF486: .string "nr_free" .LASF666: .string "ring_lock" .LASF1536: .string "fput_light" .LASF172: .string "sched_time" .LASF120: .string "padding" .LASF913: .string "mod_arch_specific" .LASF1329: .string "get_sb" .LASF44: .string "_Bool" .LASF1449: .string "proc_nxi_read" .LASF255: .string "blocked_on" .LASF95: .string "___fs" .LASF954: .string "i_atime" .LASF1439: .string "open_fds" .LASF494: .string "zone" .LASF485: .string "free_list" .LASF145: .string "saved_gs" .LASF189: .string "parent" .LASF1425: .string "e_uid" .LASF978: .string "dirtied_when" .LASF1432: .string "interp_data" .LASF1510: .string "new_name" .LASF949: .string "i_tag" .LASF903: .string "Elf32_Word" .LASF1342: .string "put_super" .LASF865: .string "attrs" .LASF1545: .string "kaddr" .LASF1058: .string "dqb_valid" .LASF801: .string "close_on_exec_init" .LASF600: .string "softirq_time" .LASF129: .string "fxsave" .LASF445: .string "d_flags" .LASF1437: .string "max_fds" .LASF472: .string "mnt_devname" .LASF192: .string "group_leader" .LASF253: .string "pi_waiters" .LASF918: .string "setup" .LASF1797: .string "names_cachep" .LASF1690: .string "olddentry" .LASF473: .string "mnt_list" .LASF1361: .string "find_exported_dentry" .LASF814: .string "unplug_io_data" .LASF523: .string "node_zones" .LASF1146: .string "free_space" .LASF1567: .string "deny_write_access" .LASF849: .string "unsafe" .LASF1185: .string "launder_page" .LASF1590: .string "may_delete" .LASF67: .string "__csh" .LASF1109: .string "v1_i" .LASF748: .string "ac_majflt" .LASF1392: .string "affinity" .LASF517: .string "wait_table_bits" .LASF1786: .string "cpu_callout_map" .LASF446: .string "d_lock" .LASF1069: .string "d_blk_softlimit" .LASF1445: .string "proc_get_link" .LASF506: .string "nr_scan_inactive" .LASF873: .string "store" .LASF964: .string "i_op" .LASF562: .string "donelist" .LASF1661: .string "out_err" .LASF837: .string "gpl_future_crcs" .LASF260: .string "journal_info" .LASF204: .string "min_flt" .LASF1565: .string "lock_rename" .LASF828: .string "gpl_crcs" .LASF825: .string "crcs" .LASF1161: .string "set_dqblk" .LASF1399: .string "mask" .LASF281: .string "signal_invmap" .LASF1410: .string "low_ino" .LASF39: .string "mode_t" .LASF1475: .string "__dx_check" .LASF114: .string "st_space" .LASF708: .string "saved_auxv" .LASF1527: .string "path_to_nameidata" .LASF76: .string "vm86_struct" .LASF1285: .string "fl_lmops" .LASF1151: .string "release_dquot" .LASF295: .string "nr_entries" .LASF1017: .string "s_dquot" .LASF995: .string "s_type" .LASF1554: .string "sync_fail" .LASF1125: .string "dq_count" .LASF355: .string "blocks" .LASF168: .string "btrace_seq" .LASF1577: .string "hidden" .LASF57: .string "pgd_t" .LASF1061: .string "dqi_igrace" .LASF893: .string "uevent" .LASF498: .string "pages_high" .LASF991: .string "s_blocksize" .LASF867: .string "k_name" .LASF543: .string "index" .LASF1374: .string "vm_operations_struct" .LASF1356: .string "decode_fh" .LASF700: .string "start_data" .LASF830: .string "num_unused_syms" .LASF1762: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_rmdir" .LASF1007: .string "s_need_sync_fs" .LASF1725: .string "__ksymtab_page_readlink" .LASF187: .string "did_exec" .LASF758: .string "notify_count" .LASF1651: .string "out_unlock" .LASF1730: .string "__kstrtab_page_symlink_inode_operations" .LASF150: .string "task" .LASF336: .string "rwlock_t" .LASF233: .string "blocked" .LASF1512: .string "target" .LASF591: .string "tv64" .LASF311: .string "locks_before" .LASF966: .string "i_sb" .LASF626: .string "ki_pos" .LASF1629: .string "path_walk" .LASF725: .string "vm_end" .LASF1365: .string "error" .LASF230: .string "nsproxy" .LASF69: .string "__ssh" .LASF1611: .string "lookup_one_len" .LASF1219: .string "bd_inode_backing_dev_info" .LASF1433: .string "loader" .LASF971: .string "i_devices" .LASF249: .string "parent_exec_id" .LASF363: .string "_pda" .LASF1507: .string "d_unhashed" .LASF1519: .string "security_inode_follow_link" .LASF939: .string "inode" .LASF816: .string "pipe_inode_info" .LASF1167: .string "dqio_mutex" .LASF1746: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_create" .LASF1235: .string "mknod" .LASF1228: .string "create" .LASF1216: .string "bd_invalidated" .LASF1622: .string "last_with_slashes" .LASF607: .string "timer" .LASF620: .string "ki_cancel" .LASF1607: .string "flag" .LASF1076: .string "d_iwarns" .LASF1749: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_follow_link" .LASF408: .string "semid" .LASF1759: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_readlink" .LASF1780: .string "__FIXADDR_TOP" .LASF1518: .string "put_write_access" .LASF381: .string "rw_semaphore" .LASF1648: .string "sys_rename" .LASF749: .string "session" .LASF1250: .string "file_operations" .LASF1636: .string "olddfd" .LASF1332: .string "s_lock_key" .LASF1366: .string "read_descriptor_t" .LASF1728: .string "__kstrtab_page_symlink" .LASF571: .string "pid_chain" .LASF1791: .string "per_cpu__rcu_bh_data" .LASF797: .string "files_struct" .LASF231: .string "signal" .LASF799: .string "file_lock" .LASF302: .string "lock_class_key" .LASF424: .string "sa_mask" .LASF1064: .string "fs_disk_quota" .LASF540: .string "page" .LASF467: .string "mnt_mounts" .LASF1402: .string "set_affinity" .LASF712: .string "faultstamp" .LASF632: .string "ki_inline_vec" .LASF1532: .string "nd_get_link" .LASF1229: .string "lookup" .LASF1180: .string "invalidatepage" .LASF1523: .string "prevhash" .LASF365: .string "pcurrent" .LASF1014: .string "s_files" .LASF937: .string "d_child" .LASF46: .string "gid_t" .LASF319: .string "acquire_ip" .LASF481: .string "mnt_tag" .LASF7: .string "short unsigned int" .LASF394: .string "refcount" .LASF546: .string "mutex_waiter" .LASF361: .string "domainname" .LASF696: .string "def_flags" .LASF488: .string "per_cpu_pages" .LASF841: .string "module_init" .LASF1225: .string "i_cdev" .LASF775: .string "pacct" .LASF325: .string "hardirqs_off" .LASF742: .string "ac_flag" .LASF309: .string "usage_traces" .LASF1003: .string "s_umount" .LASF757: .string "group_exit_task" .LASF1220: .string "bd_private" .LASF898: .string "pid_namespace" .LASF1199: .string "private_lock" .LASF957: .string "i_blkbits" .LASF838: .string "num_exentries" .LASF1631: .string "old_mnt" .LASF1249: .string "sync_flags" .LASF777: .string "cpu_time" .LASF1126: .string "dq_wait_unused" .LASF1188: .string "host" .LASF1303: .string "fu_list" .LASF235: .string "saved_sigmask" .LASF1245: .string "getxattr" .LASF430: .string "inotify_watches" .LASF762: .string "it_real_incr" .LASF650: .string "f_ep_links" .LASF1385: .string "handle_irq" .LASF895: .string "rwsem" .LASF1589: .string "vfs_create" .LASF1002: .string "s_root" .LASF1348: .string "remount_fs" .LASF1620: .string "return_reval" .LASF574: .string "seccomp_t" .LASF1089: .string "qfs_nextents" .LASF1665: .string "__user_walk_fd" .LASF1755: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_mknod" .LASF594: .string "hrtimer_base" .LASF589: .string "base" .LASF1010: .string "s_inodes" .LASF509: .string "pages_scanned" .LASF900: .string "address" .LASF1370: .string "seq_file" .LASF1638: .string "newname" .LASF887: .string "kobj" .LASF1731: .string "__ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations" .LASF905: .string "st_name" .LASF1687: .string "set_fs_altroot" .LASF1633: .string "out_fail" .LASF747: .string "ac_minflt" .LASF1682: .string "new_file" .LASF154: .string "sysenter_return" .LASF387: .string "wait" .LASF1078: .string "d_padding2" .LASF1084: .string "d_padding3" .LASF1085: .string "d_padding4" .LASF693: .string "exec_vm" .LASF459: .string "d_mounted" .LASF798: .string "fdtab" .LASF714: .string "last_interval" .LASF1674: .string "__user_path_lookup_open" .LASF1182: .string "direct_IO" .LASF846: .string "core_text_size" .LASF201: .string "nvcsw" .LASF1106: .string "dqi_free_blk" .LASF1419: .string "irq_handler_t" .LASF482: .string "completion" .LASF654: .string "users" .LASF1603: .string "file_permission" .LASF358: .string "nodename" .LASF722: .string "vm_area_struct" .LASF1685: .string "out_fput_old" .LASF322: .string "trylock" .LASF522: .string "pglist_data" .LASF1493: .string "may_create" .LASF329: .string "raw_rwlock_t" .LASF738: .string "sighand_struct" .LASF662: .string "aio_ring_info" .LASF1037: .string "gfp_mask" .LASF929: .string "module_sect_attrs" .LASF314: .string "lockdep_map" .LASF59: .string "pgprot_t" .LASF872: .string "show" .LASF22: .string "long long unsigned int" .LASF1009: .string "s_xattr" .LASF395: .string "ipc_namespace" .LASF627: .string "ki_bio_count" .LASF1160: .string "get_dqblk" .LASF1314: .string "fl_break" .LASF795: .string "min_coredump" .LASF439: .string "altroot" .LASF1159: .string "set_info" .LASF149: .string "thread_info" .LASF436: .string "fs_struct" .LASF12: .string "unsigned char" .LASF349: .string "rdev" .LASF812: .string "congested_data" .LASF896: .string "uts_namespace" .LASF909: .string "st_other" .LASF1779: .string "time_status" .LASF1218: .string "bd_list" .LASF484: .string "free_area" .LASF1304: .string "fu_rcuhead" .LASF667: .string "nr_pages" .LASF1367: .string "read_actor_t" .LASF367: .string "kernel_cap_t" .LASF1325: .string "fa_next" .LASF608: .string "io_event" .LASF570: .string "PIDTYPE_REALPID" .LASF644: .string "f_uid" .LASF850: .string "taints" .LASF326: .string "slock" .LASF458: .string "d_cookie" .LASF938: .string "d_rcu" .LASF1198: .string "a_ops" .LASF786: .string "SLEEP_NORMAL" .LASF1379: .string "page_mkwrite" .LASF1020: .string "s_id" .LASF32: .string "__kernel_clockid_t" .LASF244: .string "vx_info" .LASF318: .string "class" .LASF1012: .string "s_io" .LASF792: .string "load_binary" .LASF1079: .string "d_rtb_hardlimit" .LASF1236: .string "rename" .LASF210: .string "euid" .LASF593: .string "hrtimer" .LASF1267: .string "flock" .LASF1296: .string "cache_hit" .LASF512: .string "vm_stat" .LASF940: .string "i_hash" .LASF1362: .string "xattr_handler" .LASF1522: .string "partial_name_hash" .LASF832: .string "unused_gpl_syms" .LASF582: .string "rlim_cur" .LASF1418: .string "deleted" .LASF1616: .string "follow_down" .LASF908: .string "st_info" .LASF1566: .string "dentry_unhash" .LASF532: .string "kswapd_wait" .LASF1338: .string "write_inode" .LASF417: .string "__sighandler_t" .LASF28: .string "__kernel_pid_t" .LASF1743: .string "__ksymtab_file_permission" .LASF1031: .string "open_intent" .LASF84: .string "info" .LASF48: .string "nid_t" .LASF135: .string "sysenter_cs" .LASF1765: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_symlink" .LASF1670: .string "__user_walk" .LASF1193: .string "i_mmap_nonlinear" .LASF1560: .string "vfs_readlink" .LASF622: .string "ki_dtor" .LASF237: .string "sas_ss_sp" .LASF1333: .string "s_umount_key" .LASF1022: .string "s_vfs_rename_mutex" .LASF1087: .string "qfs_ino" .LASF401: .string "shm_ctlmax" .LASF289: .string "prev" .LASF232: .string "sighand" .LASF772: .string "cmin_flt" .LASF1546: .string "retry" .LASF470: .string "mnt_flags" .LASF1494: .string "child" .LASF1124: .string "dq_lock" .LASF577: .string "list_op_pending" .LASF1192: .string "i_mmap" .LASF1133: .string "quota_format_ops" .LASF581: .string "rlimit" .LASF99: .string "___eflags" .LASF1108: .string "mem_dqblk" .LASF745: .string "ac_utime" .LASF576: .string "futex_offset" .LASF1315: .string "fl_mylease" .LASF1469: .string "IS_ERR" .LASF272: .string "pi_state_cache" .LASF899: .string "Xgt_desc_struct" .LASF390: .string "vdso" .LASF483: .string "done" .LASF1397: .string "enable" .LASF348: .string "nlink" .LASF564: .string "blimit" .LASF1320: .string "nfs4_lock_state" .LASF338: .string "atomic_t" .LASF1034: .string "path" .LASF344: .string "tv_sec" .LASF724: .string "vm_start" .LASF732: .string "anon_vma" .LASF976: .string "inotify_mutex" .LASF1210: .string "bd_holders" .LASF247: .string "utrace" .LASF840: .string "init" .LASF521: .string "present_pages" .LASF1776: .string "current_stack_pointer" .LASF1771: .string "__ksymtab_generic_readlink" .LASF920: .string "free" .LASF756: .string "group_exit_code" .LASF575: .string "robust_list_head" .LASF780: .string "last_arrival" .LASF1239: .string "put_link" .LASF802: .string "open_fds_init" .LASF686: .string "_file_rss" .LASF996: .string "s_op" .LASF847: .string "unwind_info" .LASF1279: .string "fl_start" .LASF1666: .string "sys_linkat" .LASF1450: .string "proc_inode" .LASF878: .string "ia_gid" .LASF1173: .string "sync_page" .LASF171: .string "last_ran" .LASF414: .string "undo_list" .LASF915: .string "value" .LASF1594: .string "vfs_rename" .LASF479: .string "mnt_ns" .LASF211: .string "suid" .LASF804: .string "nslock" .LASF1001: .string "s_magic" .LASF657: .string "ctx_lock" .LASF228: .string "thread" .LASF1514: .string "cookie" .LASF791: .string "linux_binfmt" .LASF796: .string "hasvdso" .LASF1559: .string "path_release" .LASF967: .string "i_flock" .LASF817: .string "attribute" .LASF734: .string "vm_pgoff" .LASF617: .string "ki_key" .LASF674: .string "get_unmapped_area" .LASF930: .string "nsections" .LASF248: .string "utrace_flags" .LASF1497: .string "fsnotify_create" .LASF1368: .string "poll_table_struct" .LASF35: .string "__kernel_loff_t" .LASF1767: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_unlink" .LASF753: .string "wait_chldexit" .LASF572: .string "pid_link" .LASF684: .string "page_table_lock" .LASF820: .string "modinfo_attrs" .LASF1166: .string "quota_info" .LASF1156: .string "quota_off" .LASF337: .string "counter" .LASF1164: .string "get_xquota" .LASF736: .string "vm_private_data" .LASF1529: .string "strcpy" .LASF992: .string "s_blocksize_bits" .LASF239: .string "notifier" .LASF288: .string "list_head" .LASF274: .string "ptracees" .LASF1391: .string "irqs_unhandled" .LASF293: .string "pprev" .LASF646: .string "f_xid" .LASF1606: .string "acc_mode" .LASF973: .string "i_generation" .LASF643: .string "f_owner" .LASF884: .string "ia_file" .LASF222: .string "fpu_counter" .LASF1282: .string "fl_fasync" .LASF353: .string "ctime" .LASF256: .string "curr_chain_key" .LASF1569: .string "follow_mount" .LASF1070: .string "d_ino_hardlimit" .LASF779: .string "pcnt" .LASF599: .string "curr_timer" .LASF124: .string "lookahead" .LASF45: .string "uid_t" .LASF648: .string "f_version" .LASF118: .string "mxcsr_mask" .LASF1148: .string "transfer" .LASF1294: .string "signum" .LASF443: .string "dentry" .LASF890: .string "default_attrs" .LASF621: .string "ki_retry" .LASF1030: .string "intent" .LASF636: .string "ki_list" .LASF1307: .string "fl_insert" .LASF1416: .string "read_proc" .LASF466: .string "mnt_sb" .LASF658: .string "reqs_active" .LASF705: .string "arg_end" .LASF1257: .string "unlocked_ioctl" .LASF766: .string "tty_old_pgrp" .LASF1295: .string "file_ra_state" .LASF431: .string "inotify_devs" .LASF946: .string "i_nlink" .LASF438: .string "root" .LASF1555: .string "async_fail" .LASF1676: .string "path_lookup" .LASF739: .string "action" .LASF824: .string "num_syms" .LASF527: .string "bdata" .LASF164: .string "normal_prio" .LASF1271: .string "fl_link" .LASF634: .string "ki_nr_segs" .LASF1382: .string "irqreturn_t" .LASF245: .string "nx_info" .LASF869: .string "ktype" .LASF1256: .string "ioctl" .LASF1610: .string "getname" .LASF579: .string "prio_list" .LASF879: .string "ia_tag" .LASF1101: .string "qs_bwarnlimit" .LASF555: .string "passed_quiesc" .LASF183: .string "exit_code" .LASF1763: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_rmdir" .LASF468: .string "mnt_child" .LASF1407: .string "irqaction" .LASF1223: .string "i_pipe" .LASF771: .string "cnivcsw" .LASF1678: .string "pathlen" .LASF592: .string "ktime_t" .LASF2: .string "arg1" .LASF1734: .string "__kstrtab_path_release" .LASF3: .string "arg2" .LASF104: .string "___vm86_fs" .LASF209: .string "cpu_timers" .LASF697: .string "nr_ptes" .LASF885: .string "subsys" .LASF1614: .string "follow_up" .LASF55: .string "blkcnt_t" .LASF1513: .string "source" .LASF236: .string "pending" .LASF1787: .string "mem_map" .LASF933: .string "insn" .LASF37: .string "fd_set" .LASF96: .string "___orig_eax" .LASF31: .string "__kernel_time_t" .LASF54: .string "sector_t" .LASF1430: .string "interp" .LASF477: .string "mnt_slave" .LASF1281: .string "fl_xid" .LASF362: .string "i386_pda" .LASF398: .string "msg_ctlmax" .LASF1287: .string "dnotify_struct" .LASF1451: .string "vfs_inode" .LASF1121: .string "dq_inuse" .LASF321: .string "irq_context" .LASF702: .string "start_brk" .LASF1588: .string "vfs_mknod" .LASF1664: .string "sys_mknod" .LASF403: .string "shm_ctlmni" .LASF1123: .string "dq_dirty" .LASF928: .string "mattr" .LASF544: .string "bootmem_data" .LASF1062: .string "dqi_flags" .LASF1341: .string "delete_inode" .LASF1102: .string "qs_iwarnlimit" .LASF560: .string "curlist" .LASF1105: .string "dqi_blocks" .LASF1258: .string "compat_ioctl" .LASF1724: .string "__kstrtab_page_readlink" .LASF588: .string "data" .LASF1723: .string "__ksymtab_page_put_link" .LASF652: .string "f_mapping" .LASF671: .string "mmap" .LASF1396: .string "shutdown" .LASF969: .string "i_data" .LASF784: .string "nblocks" .LASF945: .string "i_count" .LASF160: .string "lock_depth" .LASF573: .string "node" .LASF1029: .string "saved_names" .LASF136: .string "debugreg" .LASF1224: .string "i_bdev" .LASF1343: .string "write_super" .LASF1792: .string "cad_pid" .LASF1232: .string "symlink" .LASF787: .string "SLEEP_NONINTERACTIVE" .LASF1650: .string "out_putname" .LASF453: .string "d_alias" .LASF1586: .string "oldname" .LASF566: .string "PIDTYPE_PID" .LASF1684: .string "out_rel_both" .LASF1499: .string "old_name" .LASF956: .string "i_ctime" .LASF1277: .string "fl_flags" .LASF1456: .string "atomic_dec" .LASF1183: .string "get_xip_page" .LASF1184: .string "migratepage" .LASF1369: .string "kstatfs" .LASF1311: .string "lock_manager_operations" .LASF960: .string "i_mode" .LASF427: .string "__count" .LASF585: .string "entry" .LASF72: .string "__fsh" .LASF1025: .string "nameidata" .LASF672: .string "mm_rb" .LASF29: .string "__kernel_size_t" .LASF275: .string "splice_pipe" .LASF876: .string "ia_mode" .LASF1593: .string "vfs_rename_other" .LASF14: .string "short int" .LASF36: .string "__kernel_dev_t" .LASF1358: .string "get_name" .LASF1809: .string "current_thread_info" .LASF547: .string "kmem_cache" .LASF1796: .string "dcache_lock" .LASF1770: .string "__kstrtab_generic_readlink" .LASF668: .string "tail" .LASF138: .string "error_code" .LASF108: .string "file" .LASF882: .string "ia_mtime" .LASF1424: .string "sh_bang" .LASF1426: .string "e_gid" .LASF1673: .string "filp" .LASF948: .string "i_gid" .LASF1272: .string "fl_block" .LASF565: .string "barrier" .LASF179: .string "tasks" .LASF339: .string "atomic_long_t" .LASF871: .string "sysfs_ops" .LASF769: .string "cstime" .LASF357: .string "sysname" .LASF1778: .string "_proxy_pda" .LASF405: .string "sem_undo" .LASF754: .string "curr_target" .LASF166: .string "array" .LASF278: .string "pers_low" .LASF263: .string "io_context" .LASF664: .string "mmap_size" .LASF61: .string "vm86_regs" .LASF476: .string "mnt_slave_list" .LASF1769: .string "__ksymtab_dentry_unhash" .LASF1707: .string "__ksymtab___user_walk_fd" .LASF364: .string "cpu_number" .LASF1082: .string "d_rtbtimer" .LASF194: .string "thread_group" .LASF66: .string "orig_eax" .LASF1595: .string "is_dir" .LASF1153: .string "write_info" .LASF718: .string "core_done" .LASF1671: .string "__path_lookup_intent_open" .LASF994: .string "s_maxbytes" .LASF56: .string "gfp_t" .LASF1094: .string "qs_pad" .LASF1654: .string "pathname" .LASF526: .string "node_mem_map" .LASF1115: .string "qf_fmt_id" .LASF324: .string "check" .LASF670: .string "mm_struct" .LASF226: .string "total_link_count" .LASF868: .string "kset" .LASF141: .string "v86flags" .LASF173: .string "sleep_type" .LASF85: .string "___orig_eip" .LASF1013: .string "s_anon" .LASF859: .string "num_symtab" .LASF1540: .string "i_size_read" .LASF1289: .string "dn_mask" .LASF5: .string "long int" .LASF834: .string "unused_gpl_crcs" .LASF713: .string "token_priority" .LASF429: .string "sigpending" .LASF827: .string "num_gpl_syms" .LASF1044: .string "start" .LASF704: .string "arg_start" .LASF1395: .string "startup" .LASF633: .string "ki_iovec" .LASF1215: .string "bd_part_count" .LASF776: .string "tty_struct" .LASF1656: .string "sys_unlink" .LASF1628: .string "save" .LASF1316: .string "fl_change" .LASF888: .string "uevent_ops" .LASF548: .string "cache_sizes" .LASF1075: .string "d_btimer" .LASF1187: .string "address_space" .LASF861: .string "sect_attrs" .LASF1174: .string "writepages" .LASF1103: .string "v1_mem_dqinfo" .LASF103: .string "___vm86_ds" .LASF258: .string "held_locks" .LASF1700: .string "do_link" .LASF1242: .string "setattr" .LASF651: .string "f_ep_lock" .LASF158: .string "state" .LASF1669: .string "sys_link" .LASF1681: .string "old_file" .LASF1422: .string "map_segment" .LASF641: .string "f_mode" .LASF1754: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_mknod" .LASF1501: .string "fsnotify_mkdir" .LASF102: .string "___vm86_es" .LASF1570: .string "mounted" .LASF1729: .string "__ksymtab_page_symlink" .LASF217: .string "cap_effective" .LASF1226: .string "cdev" .LASF625: .string "ki_wait" .LASF1251: .string "llseek" .LASF1495: .string "security_inode_link" .LASF83: .string "pt_regs" .LASF23: .string "fds_bits" .LASF1640: .string "oldnd" .LASF1619: .string "lookup_flags" .LASF229: .string "files" .LASF1136: .string "write_file_info" .LASF1480: .string "do_revalidate" .LASF490: .string "batch" .LASF1016: .string "s_instances" .LASF528: .string "node_start_pfn" .LASF122: .string "ftop" .LASF1205: .string "bd_openers" .LASF1288: .string "dn_next" .LASF691: .string "locked_vm" .LASF1186: .string "writeback_control" .LASF958: .string "i_blocks" .LASF1766: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_unlink" .LASF1162: .string "get_xstate" .LASF91: .string "___ebp" .LASF1067: .string "d_id" .LASF901: .string "Elf32_Addr" .LASF923: .string "module_state" .LASF1349: .string "clear_inode" .LASF1172: .string "readpage" .LASF399: .string "msg_ctlmnb" .LASF1438: .string "close_on_exec" .LASF400: .string "msg_ctlmni" .LASF1551: .string "page_put_link" .LASF105: .string "___vm86_gs" .LASF70: .string "__esh" .LASF133: .string "tls_array" .LASF1035: .string "radix_tree_root" .LASF246: .string "seccomp" .LASF623: .string "ki_obj" .LASF1727: .string "__ksymtab___page_symlink" .LASF1441: .string "write_proc_t" .LASF1531: .string "nd_set_link" .LASF1500: .string "security_inode_mkdir" .LASF1580: .string "check_acl" .LASF975: .string "i_dnotify" .LASF1243: .string "getattr" .LASF282: .string "err_map" .LASF1345: .string "write_super_lockfs" .LASF261: .string "reclaim_state" .LASF1041: .string "left" .LASF699: .string "end_code" .LASF983: .string "d_revalidate" .LASF1247: .string "removexattr" .LASF1479: .string "__res" .LASF475: .string "mnt_share" .LASF1576: .string "need_revalidate" .LASF1538: .string "kmalloc" .LASF611: .string "iov_base" .LASF710: .string "context" .LASF1457: .string "atomic_inc" .LASF524: .string "node_zonelists" .LASF1431: .string "interp_flags" .LASF433: .string "locked_shm" .LASF284: .string "sockopt_map" .LASF1473: .string "__vs_check" .LASF1544: .string "symname" .LASF688: .string "hiwater_rss" .LASF1147: .string "free_inode" .LASF1574: .string "do_lookup" .LASF1409: .string "proc_dir_entry" .LASF1317: .string "nfs_lock_info" .LASF1550: .string "page_symlink" .LASF345: .string "tv_nsec" .LASF457: .string "d_fsdata" .LASF1065: .string "d_version" .LASF842: .string "module_core" .LASF1470: .string "ERR_PTR" .LASF678: .string "cached_hole_size" .LASF508: .string "nr_inactive" .LASF586: .string "expires" .LASF1244: .string "setxattr" .LASF270: .string "robust_list" .LASF1408: .string "dev_id" .LASF464: .string "mnt_mountpoint" .LASF190: .string "children" .LASF254: .string "pi_blocked_on" .LASF1197: .string "writeback_index" .LASF451: .string "d_lru" .LASF1178: .string "commit_write" .LASF117: .string "mxcsr" .LASF731: .string "anon_vma_node" .LASF518: .string "zone_pgdat" .LASF910: .string "st_shndx" .LASF630: .string "ki_buf" .LASF202: .string "nivcsw" .LASF1515: .string "fsnotify_oldname_free" .LASF162: .string "prio" .LASF1039: .string "radix_tree_node" .LASF264: .string "io_wait" .LASF941: .string "i_list" .LASF1597: .string "vfs_rmdir" .LASF1096: .string "qs_gquota" .LASF552: .string "rcu_head" .LASF1302: .string "offset" .LASF606: .string "work" .LASF1428: .string "envc" .LASF1521: .string "dput_path" .LASF603: .string "work_func_t" .LASF1246: .string "listxattr" .LASF125: .string "no_update" .LASF416: .string "__signalfn_t" .LASF1623: .string "out_dput" .LASF26: .string "__kernel_nlink_t" .LASF711: .string "mm_vx_info" .LASF986: .string "d_release" .LASF1600: .string "lookup_hash" .LASF1269: .string "splice_read" .LASF455: .string "d_op" .LASF614: .string "ki_run_list" .LASF554: .string "quiescbatch" .LASF257: .string "lockdep_depth" .LASF240: .string "notifier_data" .LASF1231: .string "unlink" .LASF936: .string "hash" .LASF1528: .string "walk_init_root" .LASF43: .string "clockid_t" .LASF1579: .string "generic_permission" .LASF1726: .string "__kstrtab___page_symlink" .LASF800: .string "next_fd" .LASF392: .string "cputime_t" .LASF1801: .string "swapper_space" .LASF1005: .string "s_count" .LASF823: .string "syms" .LASF297: .string "entries" .LASF977: .string "i_state" .LASF538: .string "ipc_ids" .LASF931: .string "module_param_attrs" .LASF370: .string "rb_right" .LASF1038: .string "rnode" .LASF10: .string "signed char" .LASF965: .string "i_fop" .LASF1708: .string "__kstrtab_follow_down" .LASF809: .string "ra_pages" .LASF835: .string "gpl_future_syms" .LASF1693: .string "open_namei_create" .LASF826: .string "gpl_syms" .LASF266: .string "wchar" .LASF193: .string "pids" .LASF1502: .string "security_inode_mknod" .LASF382: .string "count" .LASF1056: .string "dqb_btime" .LASF539: .string "zonelist_cache" .LASF848: .string "arch" .LASF474: .string "mnt_expire" .LASF1541: .string "new_decode_dev" .LASF1330: .string "kill_sb" .LASF1487: .string "d_mountpoint" .LASF1720: .string "__kstrtab_page_follow_link_light" .LASF1284: .string "fl_ops" .LASF280: .string "signal_map" .LASF139: .string "i387" .LASF1592: .string "vfs_rename_dir" .LASF1154: .string "quotactl_ops" .LASF1617: .string "exec_permission_lite" .LASF341: .string "sequence" .LASF1699: .string "exit_dput" .LASF452: .string "d_subdirs" .LASF981: .string "i_private" .LASF653: .string "kioctx" .LASF1704: .string "__kstrtab___user_walk" .LASF760: .string "posix_timers" .LASF642: .string "f_pos" .LASF292: .string "hlist_node" .LASF1019: .string "s_wait_unfrozen" .LASF238: .string "sas_ss_size" .LASF456: .string "d_sb" .LASF1575: .string "need_lookup" .LASF13: .string "__s16" .LASF224: .string "comm" .LASF765: .string "pgrp" .LASF197: .string "clear_child_tid" .LASF680: .string "mm_users" .LASF927: .string "module_sect_attr" .LASF1547: .string "fail_map" .LASF1389: .string "wake_depth" .LASF1642: .string "exit1" .LASF1643: .string "exit2" .LASF1644: .string "exit3" .LASF1645: .string "exit4" .LASF1646: .string "exit5" .LASF1129: .string "dq_off" .LASF82: .string "int21_revectored" .LASF1712: .string "__kstrtab_get_write_access" .LASF1463: .string "from" .LASF1517: .string "locks_verify_locked" .LASF881: .string "ia_atime" .LASF1705: .string "__ksymtab___user_walk" .LASF1785: .string "skip_ioapic_setup" .LASF1207: .string "bd_mount_sem" .LASF645: .string "f_gid" .LASF1738: .string "__kstrtab_permission" .LASF1372: .string "head" .LASF660: .string "max_reqs" .LASF1757: .string "__ksymtab_generic_permission" .LASF1054: .string "dqb_isoftlimit" .LASF1386: .string "chip" .LASF1130: .string "dq_flags" .LASF695: .string "reserved_vm" .LASF316: .string "held_lock" .LASF42: .string "pid_t" .LASF1351: .string "show_options" .LASF73: .string "__gsh" .LASF213: .string "egid" .LASF721: .string "mm_counter_t" .LASF273: .string "fs_excl" .LASF33: .string "__kernel_uid32_t" .LASF854: .string "gpgsig_ok" .LASF515: .string "wait_table" .LASF1596: .string "vfs_unlink" .LASF243: .string "audit_context" .LASF1363: .string "filldir_t" .LASF1556: .string "page_follow_link_light" .LASF1711: .string "__ksymtab_follow_up" .LASF516: .string "wait_table_hash_nr_entries" .LASF1326: .string "fa_file" .LASF1582: .string "retval" .LASF317: .string "prev_chain_key" .LASF1474: .string "dx_barrier" .LASF1248: .string "truncate_range" .LASF1032: .string "create_mode" .LASF1483: .string "old_dentry" .LASF1113: .string "dqi_dirty_list" .LASF16: .string "__s32" .LASF1452: .string "__hlist_del" .LASF1591: .string "victim" .LASF379: .string "__wait_queue_head" .LASF1626: .string "return_base" .LASF1042: .string "right" .LASF902: .string "Elf32_Half" .LASF1790: .string "per_cpu__rcu_data" .LASF510: .string "all_unreclaimable" .LASF1321: .string "nfs_fl" .LASF1344: .string "sync_fs" .LASF4: .string "arg3" .LASF296: .string "max_entries" .LASF1080: .string "d_rtb_softlimit" .LASF1675: .string "path_lookup_open" .LASF628: .string "ki_opcode" .LASF1015: .string "s_bdev" .LASF1028: .string "depth" .LASF1324: .string "fa_fd" .LASF855: .string "modules_which_use_me" .LASF1380: .string "vm_event_state" .LASF818: .string "mkobj" .LASF904: .string "elf32_sym" .LASF1157: .string "quota_sync" .LASF952: .string "i_size" .LASF283: .string "socktype_map" .LASF1602: .string "enoent" .LASF559: .string "qlen" .LASF1777: .string "xtime" .LASF335: .string "spinlock_t" .LASF580: .string "node_list" .LASF553: .string "rcu_data" .LASF184: .string "exit_signal" .LASF1716: .string "__kstrtab_lock_rename" .LASF1378: .string "populate" .LASF1072: .string "d_bcount" .LASF411: .string "refcnt" .LASF604: .string "work_struct" .LASF434: .string "uidhash_list" .LASF1059: .string "if_dqinfo" .LASF889: .string "kobj_type" .LASF1390: .string "irq_count" .LASF78: .string "flags" .LASF1733: .string "__ksymtab_path_lookup" .LASF208: .string "it_sched_expires" .LASF181: .string "binfmt" .LASF1131: .string "dq_type" .LASF1455: .string "read_seqcount_retry" .LASF221: .string "user" .LASF767: .string "leader" .LASF793: .string "load_shlib" .LASF40: .string "nlink_t" .LASF1697: .string "restart" .LASF212: .string "fsuid" .LASF962: .string "i_mutex" .LASF1057: .string "dqb_itime" .LASF1081: .string "d_rtbcount" .LASF1049: .string "if_dqblk" .LASF374: .string "__wait_queue" .LASF551: .string "cs_dmacachep" .LASF134: .string "esp0" .LASF1634: .string "fput_fail" .LASF0: .string "char" .LASF1794: .string "per_cpu__cpu_gdt_descr" .LASF1122: .string "dq_free" .LASF862: .string "percpu" .LASF1722: .string "__kstrtab_page_put_link" .LASF371: .string "rb_left" .LASF1132: .string "dq_dqb" .LASF726: .string "vm_next" .LASF1394: .string "irq_chip" .LASF1086: .string "fs_qfilestat" .LASF332: .string "owner_cpu" .LASF1440: .string "read_proc_t" .LASF320: .string "instance" .LASF1537: .string "fput_needed" .LASF1092: .string "qs_version" .LASF1233: .string "mkdir" .LASF214: .string "sgid" .LASF1740: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_permission" .LASF673: .string "mmap_cache" .LASF843: .string "init_size" .LASF1471: .string "get_current" .LASF989: .string "s_list" .LASF1074: .string "d_itimer" .LASF25: .string "__kernel_mode_t" .LASF157: .string "task_struct" .LASF1677: .string "cow_break_link" .LASF639: .string "f_count" .LASF62: .string "__null_ds" .LASF1533: .string "__vfs_follow_link" .LASF1024: .string "dcookie_struct" .LASF616: .string "ki_users" .LASF1262: .string "fasync" .LASF1561: .string "buffer" .LASF1703: .string "__ksymtab_lookup_create" .LASF1179: .string "bmap" .LASF1647: .string "sys_renameat" .LASF447: .string "d_inode" .LASF1799: .string "protection_map" .LASF19: .string "__s64" .LASF1238: .string "follow_link" .LASF535: .string "zonelist" .LASF1468: .string "filler" .LASF169: .string "sleep_avg" .LASF733: .string "vm_ops" .LASF116: .string "i387_fxsave_struct" .LASF1253: .string "aio_read" .LASF63: .string "__null_es" .LASF175: .string "cpus_allowed" .LASF156: .string "supervisor_stack" .LASF1446: .string "proc_read" .LASF774: .string "rlim" .LASF987: .string "d_iput" .LASF839: .string "extable" .LASF1702: .string "__kstrtab_lookup_create" .LASF618: .string "ki_filp" .LASF755: .string "shared_pending" .LASF529: .string "node_present_pages" .LASF454: .string "d_time" .LASF985: .string "d_delete" .LASF107: .string "bug_addr" .LASF511: .string "reclaim_in_progress" .LASF64: .string "__null_fs" .LASF199: .string "utime" .LASF1605: .string "may_open" .LASF1110: .string "v2_i" .LASF1319: .string "nfs4_lock_info" .LASF822: .string "drivers_dir" .LASF561: .string "curtail" .LASF1033: .string "open" .LASF1045: .string "prio_tree_root" .LASF1171: .string "writepage" .LASF715: .string "dumpable" .LASF310: .string "locks_after" .LASF440: .string "rootmnt" .LASF65: .string "__null_gs" .LASF354: .string "blksize" .LASF1715: .string "__ksymtab_getname" .LASF1000: .string "s_flags" .LASF1209: .string "bd_holder" .LASF1259: .string "flush" .LASF347: .string "mode" .LASF961: .string "i_lock" .LASF465: .string "mnt_root" .LASF500: .string "pageset" .LASF864: .string "attribute_group" .LASF1621: .string "last_component" .LASF979: .string "i_flags" .LASF1572: .string "real_lookup" .LASF1476: .string "mntput" .LASF1782: .string "acpi_disabled" .LASF112: .string "desc_struct" .LASF1071: .string "d_ino_softlimit" .LASF943: .string "i_dentry" .LASF1270: .string "fl_next" .LASF1222: .string "gendisk" .LASF384: .string "wait_list" .LASF1155: .string "quota_on" .LASF412: .string "proc_list" .LASF1261: .string "aio_fsync" .LASF1359: .string "get_parent" .LASF557: .string "nxtlist" .LASF1753: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_mkdir" .LASF703: .string "start_stack" .LASF982: .string "dentry_operations" .LASF569: .string "PIDTYPE_MAX" .LASF788: .string "SLEEP_INTERACTIVE" .LASF1464: .string "__memcpy" .LASF813: .string "unplug_io_fn" .LASF330: .string "raw_lock" .LASF419: .string "__sigrestore_t" .LASF1583: .string "submask" .LASF1177: .string "prepare_write" .LASF303: .string "subkeys" .LASF706: .string "env_start" .LASF1169: .string "dqptr_sem" .LASF1140: .string "release_dqblk" .LASF113: .string "i387_fsave_struct" .LASF1736: .string "__kstrtab_path_walk" .LASF1352: .string "show_stats" .LASF1788: .string "contig_page_data" .LASF1585: .string "vfs_symlink" .LASF378: .string "wait_queue_func_t" .LASF751: .string "signal_struct" .LASF944: .string "i_ino" .LASF225: .string "link_count" .LASF334: .string "dep_map" .LASF629: .string "ki_nbytes" .LASF1323: .string "fasync_struct" .LASF1444: .string "proc_op" .LASF655: .string "dead" .LASF299: .string "all_contexts" .LASF448: .string "d_hash" .LASF1406: .string "typename" .LASF1163: .string "set_xstate" .LASF744: .string "ac_mem" .LASF1043: .string "prio_tree_node" .LASF306: .string "lock_entry" .LASF694: .string "stack_vm" .LASF541: .string "_count" .LASF15: .string "__u16" .LASF167: .string "ioprio" .LASF602: .string "task_io_accounting" .LASF220: .string "keep_capabilities" .LASF947: .string "i_uid" .LASF728: .string "vm_flags" .LASF1747: .string "__ksymtab_vfs_create" .LASF534: .string "kswapd_max_order" .LASF1: .string "arg0" .LASF58: .string "pgprot" .LASF1158: .string "get_info" .LASF177: .string "first_time_slice" .LASF92: .string "___eax" .LASF1312: .string "fl_compare_owner" .LASF533: .string "kswapd" .LASF794: .string "core_dump" .LASF1478: .string "strlen" .LASF131: .string "mm_segment_t" .LASF1066: .string "d_fieldmask" .LASF52: .string "ssize_t" .LASF1427: .string "argc" .LASF863: .string "args" .LASF75: .string "__map" .LASF17: .string "__u32" .LASF86: .string "___ebx" .LASF111: .string "cpumask_t" .LASF610: .string "iovec" .LASF487: .string "zone_padding" .LASF530: .string "node_spanned_pages" .LASF1214: .string "bd_part" .LASF1543: .string "minor" .LASF833: .string "num_unused_gpl_syms" .LASF1737: .string "__ksymtab_path_walk" .LASF808: .string "rt_mutex_waiter" .LASF1578: .string "_buffer" .LASF1658: .string "sys_unlinkat" .LASF631: .string "ki_left" .LASF87: .string "___ecx" .LASF1327: .string "file_system_type" .LASF1047: .string "qid_t" .LASF101: .string "___ss" .LASF1340: .string "drop_inode" .LASF1504: .string "check_sticky" .LASF437: .string "umask" .LASF137: .string "trap_no" .LASF1748: .string "__kstrtab_vfs_follow_link" .LASF1625: .string "lookup_parent" .LASF1194: .string "i_mmap_lock" .LASF605: .string "delayed_work" .LASF143: .string "saved_esp0" .LASF90: .string "___edi" .LASF740: .string "siglock" .LASF88: .string "___edx" .LASF743: .string "ac_exitcode" .LASF18: .string "unsigned int" .LASF290: .string "hlist_head" .LASF723: .string "vm_mm" .LASF1509: .string "fsnotify_move" .LASF127: .string "entry_eip" .LASF41: .string "off_t" .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52)" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits